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  1. EU Selling various items, including First Mate Hat

    What nineteen gear do you have?
  2. LOL at EU 19

    This is just another thread about more QQ hunters are overpowered. You sort of had it coming for you when you rolled a mage...
  3. So... who is NOT in Ruin

    Ruin is definetly the place to be. 2+ WSG games running all night every night with a good balance of players on both sides. If you have the available resources I would highly recommend transfering over to Ruin Battlegroup.
  4. What toon should I use my Shadowfang on?

    Personally, I would reroll a Mage and slap a beastslayer enchant on it for mah melee dps set.
  5. Best of the Best

    This thread was fail from the start. Edit: Woops, welcome to ruin guildie!
  6. Fondest moments in 19s

    Tha good ole days! I ain't talking about proffesions, but the good old Vanilla WoW right after cross ques were introduced.
  7. Battlegroup: Stormstrike?

    I do admire your courage to promote a completely dead battlegroup, but you honestly need to stop lol.
  8. /join twink19 channel

    Vent is probably the best option for twinks wanting to communicate. There are plenty of twink vent channels that are open to the public.
  9. Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

    Lol, it took me 25 minutes to come up with that equation! It better be right.:)
  10. Deathwing?

    Kool story bra!
  11. Why cant our WSG be like this?

    Yah, I don't have a single level 29 twink. Hopefully my unique avatar and signautre will stop the confusion. Lots of people have been asking if I am also Cptheal. Getting kidna annoying lol.
  12. Perfect Resist Sets (19)

    I'm gonna say that I couldn't agree more!:)
  13. Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

    Not to mention that if the mages and priests are getting rid of all your dots, then they will be going oom VERY VERY fast which is beneficial to your offense. FC w/ no heals= Dead FC
  14. Perfect Resist Sets (19)

    You are completely correct with that statement, but for me the most fun in twinking is taking the time to gather up all of your gear. Once I complete sets, even if they will rarely be used, it gives me a since of pride and I enjoy playing that twink more and more.
  15. Why cant our WSG be like this?

    I have actually tried the leveling all the way to 80 with just BG's and having BoA gear and to tell you the truth it really isn't that much fun. W/O having fully decked out gear I notice that the gameplay of one player in a non-xp BG can't change the outcome of the game. Non-xp games were...
  16. PTR movement discussion.

    Don't be stupid, Be a smarty! Come and join the ruin party!
  17. Perfect Resist Sets (19)

    Well...Orcgasm I can understand where Asheq is coming from. I too am a complete gear freak and need tons of different gear which includes certain amount of resist gear sets. I don't go overboard, but they are useful in certain situations.
  18. Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

    Having a well played lock in premade can be the difference between a win or loss. Besides their mass amount of damage they can throw out, they are also able to CC the healer's and mess up the FC's routes with a well-timed fear.
  19. Twinking less dead.

    Come to ruin! All da koo kids r der
  20. Choose Thews new Race! Heeeeeelp! :)

    What class are you? That would help a bunch in deciding what race you should choose.