EU Selling various items, including First Mate Hat

Selling various items, including First Mate Hat

I'm selling the following on Kul Tiras, Horde side:

[item]Teebu's blazing Longsword[/item]

[item]Ribsplitter[/item] of the Bear/Eagle/Monkey

[item]Banshee Rod[/item] of the Sun

[item]Underworld Band[/item]


[item]Legguards of the Vault[/item]

[item]Chan's Imperial Robes[/item]

[item]First Mate Hat[/item]

[item]Haunted Memento[/item]

[item]Staff of Jordan[/item]

[item]Adventurer's Pith Helmet[/item]

[item]Ruby Shades[/item]

[item]Tree Bark Jacket[/item]

[item]Dazzling Longsword[/item]


[item]Archon Chestpiece[/item]

[item]Keller's Girdle[/item]

[item]Warden Staff[/item]

[item]Feet of the Lynx[/item]

[item]Firemane Leggings[/item]

[item]Hydralick Armor[/item]

[item]Thorbia's Gauntlets[/item]


[item]Twisted Chanter's Staff[/item]

[item]Wing of the Whelpling[/item]

[item]Resplendent Guardian[/item]

[item]Shield of Thorsen[/item]

[item]Expert Goldminer's Helmet[/item]

And a ton of various other blue/epic items. Approximately 200 blues/epics which I try to keep on the AH and about 40-50 greens I keep in the bank. I guess most of it is fairly useless, but an item or two might have interest to some?
What nineteen gear do you have?
Aside from the ones already mentioned, I have these items for lvl 19 toons atm. It's not exactly twink items, but it's what I got.

[item]Forest Leather Bracers[/item]

[item]Shimmering Trousers[/item] of the Eagle/Healing

[item]Grunt's Legguards[/item] of the Monkey

[item]Bandit Pants[/item] of the Bear

[item]Greenweave Bracers[/item] of Fiery Wrath

[item]Greenweave Sash[/item] of Healing

[item]Shimmering Bracers[/item] of Shadow Wrath

[item]Scouting Gloves[/item] of the Falcon

[item]Sanguine Sandals[/item]

[item]Mighty Chain Pants[/item]

[item]Prospector Axe[/item]

[item]Lil Timmy's Peashooter[/item]

[item]Rakzur Club[/item]

[item]Searing Blade[/item]

[item]Skeletal Club[/item]

[item]Staff of the Friar[/item]

[item]Runescale Girdle[/item]

[item]Stormbringer Belt[/item]

[item]Sentry Cloak[/item]

[item]Night Watch Shortsword[/item]

[item]Bronze Band of Force[/item]

[item]Recipe: Potion of Curing[/item]
Hehe, you can sponsor my pension plan and buy this stuff :D

Besides, no one wants to twink on Kul Turas anyhow. Twinking is totally dead here :(
Not going to transfer to sell any of these items, although I might transfer my twinks to a server where they can see some action one of these days. If and when I do, I reckon I'll bring all this stuff with me.
Btw, I will be migrating at least one of my twinks along most of the gear I have for sale. Any advice on where there is a living, breathing 19 or 29 community on EU servers?
Any server in Blackout for 19s, afaik 29s are dead now though there used to be games in Cruelty. Considering the array of gear you have I'd recommend going Draenor as there's 19s on both sides - a lot on Horde afaik and also the 49 bracket are here with 39s trying to make a comeback as well on Draenor.

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