Twinking less dead.

WSG has been hotfixed. It will now start with out 10 on both sides. I've never been more happy to have 10 allys beating on our 7 horde then today.
canihascookie said:
What a sad, sad day for WSG

Explain? :confused:

He means that less active BGs can have WSGs now, without 10 on each side, which was killing some battlegroups.
The WSG never needed 10 v 10 in the first place.

But, I read the OP wrong so lol :3
Come to ruin!

All da koo kids r der

canihascookie said:
The WSG never needed 10 v 10 in the first place.

It did since the patch that rolled out recently.

Cptheals said:
Come to ruin!

All da koo kids r der

I refuse to pay blizzard more money than I have to.

I also expect blizzard to merge non-exp battle-groups at some point.

Why would I expect that? Because the hot-fix today shows they at least care a little about the que times that were being faced. And it worked. Instead of zero games in 4-5 hours (waiting since i got home from work) once the fix was live it was more like 2 3 games an hour. Sure we started 2 guys short a few times but every round the group was filled shortly into the game.

Besides. Turalyon is mah home.
Blizzard - Merging battle group is to much work, QQ, we'd rather let the non-exp battlegroups slowly die out and not care about twinking, that way we get more money in our greedy ass mother trucking pockets.

Me - Can't wait to see what blizztard is going to do next.
then you didn't read cataclysm well !

cross-battlegroup comes in it !

they also said it themselves that the faction change and the PVP able to withstand allies and horde on the same server was also the first step in making cross-battlegroup a possibility for the future. its much of a future yet, like far away, but blizzard did say they were trying to see into it and make it.

funny how much of the twinks here doesn'T see anything else then their nose and then run their mouth to say this or that change is totally bad ! i put myself in blizzard shoes and i totally understand why they have to make so much changes. simply because players like to take what they did only to make it their own by using it in a totally not designed way !

10v10 are usefull and i really wish they wouldn'T go back on this fix they done. unlike everyone who thinks otherwise it did solve the problem like it should. of course those who brag about it are probably the one who always end up on the side that is full. but if i play a whole night and ends up in only 1 winning BG out of 10 because its the only BG we were full. then clearly twinks is not something i'll toy with long.

who in their right mind would like to play a game with only 4 helping hands against 10 opponents as twinked as them ? is it even fair, is it even near a competition ? i call that a massacre ! i preffer to wait a few more minutes but play 10v10 in a PUG then play all night long with 5 people on the whole team !

of course... /afk'ers because we're not enough really does not help the cause !
The issue with needing 10v10 from the get go is that the first few people to que have to wait ages to see a bg start and it's more likely for someone to give up. By allowing it to start early more people who que get to see instant results and in most cases a group that starts empty gets filled up fairly quickly. I see why you would be frustrated at being outnumbered in every bg because not enough twinks are queing (Probably gave up and transfered to Ruin like good little boys/girls) but there is a middle ground. Have it only start a bg with a even number of players. 1v1 sure why not? 2v2 yup,etc,etc then only let people in when there is also a extra member on the opposing side to keep it balanced. Other then that we could also work on set times or days that work for a majority and play then but I don't think this is even required yet on SS seeing as games were comin up like crazy during peak hours and 2v2 fights have been popping all night. Blizzard could also provide a method of seeing who else was queing and how many more players are needed for the bg to start which would far surpass watching the clock tick by with a ETA of Unavailable.

For those who don't want to read that ^^^: Storm Strike twinks and twinks in general are not dead. games are still happening regularly during peak hours and will only happen more often if you choose to stay instead of run.

As for me I'll be queing for 2v2 and wsg tomorrow starting at noon until whenever everyone falls asleep so quit complaining and just que.
ArthurianKnight said:
i preffer to wait a few more minutes but play 10v10 in a PUG then play all night long with 5 people on the whole team !

The issue was that on many battle-groups the wait was not a few minutes longer but instead games never started at all because no-one could wait from queing (as say the first player to que) until the 20th player joined. Trust me I que'd up for wsg the moment I got back from work today (about noon) and I got zero games for 4+ hours but the moment the hotfix went live wsg battles began popping like crazy. If blizzard wanted us dead as is so often claimed they would've done so along time ago. Why not when exp was introduced into bgs? Do you really think they would go to all the effort of creating non-exp bgs just to watch us die out because of lack of games? How would getting rid of twinks help Blizzard right now? I think the fact of the matter is that while blizzard has caused some chaos within the twink community they are indeed only trying to help. Greedy? Sure they're a company, if they are smart (and they are) they'll realize that by keeping twinking alive they only increase their profits. They fixed the 10v10 requirement quickly enough to show that they are trying to keep games going and for now that is enough for me to stay with my battle-group and try to work with instead of against blizzards changes (They gave us a fucking XP toggle and our own bgs which any real twink has wanted since forever but somehow blizzard is trying to kill us off...)
i do understand the 10v10 problem, its unfortunate, but how about doing some advertising ?

the problem doesn'T come from blizzard trying to kill us, on the contrary... it comes from us and the lack of adveritsing the twinks to the general publics. people might think that advertising on forums and websites is enough, but seriously, not much of us look into websites and more seriously, we don't know twinks and their websites without effort in searching it specifically. so the problem is in-game, how many people on th emillions playing each day actually know what a twink is and how fun it is ? advertising would so solve the problem in all BGs !

also i like the idea of a BG starting and letting in with even numbers only !

start the BG when there is 5 on each side, then each time one gets in a side, you let another one get in on the enemy side. its brilliant and that would solve most of the fairness problems !

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