PTR movement discussion.

If you read the main post again you will realize that it is meant to collect information of players who intend to transfer and that any comments questions etc about the PTR transfer idea are to go here.
Dót-Turalyon, just shows how much dedication you have to twinking.

We don't have the luxery of being spread in Europe, due to the size difference.

"Wanna twink? Move Blackout Battlegroup". That simple.

Just get your ass to ruin and stop crying? atleast you have an insane active Battlegroup, BE F***** HAPPY WITH THAT. Jesus.
lindenkron said:
Dót-Turalyon, just shows how much dedication you have to twinking.

We don't have the luxery of being spread in Europe, due to the size difference.

"Wanna twink? Move Blackout Battlegroup". That simple.

Just get your ass to ruin and stop crying? atleast you have an insane active Battlegroup, BE F***** HAPPY WITH THAT. Jesus.

"Wanna twink? Move Ruin Battlegroup". That simple

im feeling the hurt right now on my bg, and im sure every non-ruin twink is too

so dont flame for me not being on ruin

everyone should see that its the place to go if you want reasonable queues
bottom line is you have to move if you want to continue.

yeah i got lucky my six 19 bracket players were on a RUIN BG server, however i got shafted on my two 29 twinks, two 39 twinks, and 69 twink. if i want to play these brackets i have to move which i have so far not done.

these latest changes by blizzard are money makers, forcing players to pay $$ to continue their style of play if they aren't on the right battlegroup with there twinks.

you can piss in their pot or piss on their hands holding the pot.....your option
lindenkron said:
Dót-Turalyon, just shows how much dedication you have to twinking.

Atleast you have an insane active Battlegroup.

I could care less what you think my level of dedication to twinking is. Stormstrike does not have any activity save for the rare wsg game or two during prime time. I've played in most if not all games that have popped on ss in the last few days and usually have to wait several hours for the game to start. I could've just decided fuck it and gone to Ruin. I've considered it and was pretty close to doing it. But lately the attitude from players from ruin has turned me right off. Mainly the notion that anyone that doesn't transfer isn't dedicated because transfering costs money but "it's for the good of the community" if you don't want to or can't then "Quit" or "Too bad so sad". But what part of the community does this benefit the most? The majority of twinks i've met do not browse daily and often not at all. Many don't even read their battle-groups forum much less post on it. Leaving the ruin transferees and original ruin twinks as the sole benefactors and everyone else as fucked. Now leaving it at that I couldn't raise too much complaint. I mean I could just transfer too. But not all of my friends could or would come. Everywhere people found that the reasonable amount of games they were getting dropped to ~= 1 a day. So I figured I would try to improve the situation.

I qued (and still do) as early as possible and for as long as possible.

I posted on the SS forums rallying twinks to continue to que as games were still coming in at a fair rate during peak. The response? "Fuck you blah blah ruin" I mean sure I would understand telling me to go to ruin for the zillionth time but why freak out? I hear your ques are doing fine so if I don't come it's no loss to you.

Telling me to go to ruin is pointless and if you want others to come you might want to remind people to use a bit of intelligence when promoting the "great" community developing over there.
Dót-Turalyon said:
I could care less what you think my level of dedication to twinking is. Stormstrike does not have any activity save for the rare wsg game or two during prime time. I've played in most if not all games that have popped on ss in the last few days and usually have to wait several hours for the game to start. I could've just decided fuck it and gone to Ruin. I've considered it and was pretty close to doing it. But lately the attitude from players from ruin has turned me right off. Mainly the notion that anyone that doesn't transfer isn't dedicated because transfering costs money but "it's for the good of the community" if you don't want to or can't then "Quit" or "Too bad so sad". But what part of the community does this benefit the most? The majority of twinks i've met do not browse daily and often not at all. Many don't even read their battle-groups forum much less post on it. Leaving the ruin transferees and original ruin twinks as the sole benefactors and everyone else as fucked. Now leaving it at that I couldn't raise too much complaint. I mean I could just transfer too. But not all of my friends could or would come. Everywhere people found that the reasonable amount of games they were getting dropped to ~= 1 a day. So I figured I would try to improve the situation.

I qued (and still do) as early as possible and for as long as possible.

I posted on the SS forums rallying twinks to continue to que as games were still coming in at a fair rate during peak. The response? "Fuck you blah blah ruin" I mean sure I would understand telling me to go to ruin for the zillionth time but why freak out? I hear your ques are doing fine so if I don't come it's no loss to you.

Telling me to go to ruin is pointless and if you want others to come you might want to remind people to use a bit of intelligence when promoting the "great" community developing over there.

you didn't even read my posts on SS forums did you? YOU DONT HAVE TO PAY BLIZZ ALL YOUR FRIENDS CAN COME WITH YOU, MAKE DKS REROLL.

and im not saying "lol ruin fuck you" i'm saying "sorry ss isnt active anymore come play 19s with us again"
Oh right right... I could reroll a twink i've spent ages on. Re-earn explorer and Higher Learning. Re-farm shit-loads of gear (TCS*3 TBJ*3 Blessed SotS * 3 and so on and so forth). Or on second thought maybe not... I'm sure some people could redo their twink rather quickly but there or also those who are min/maxing to much higher degrees for whom the thought if "just rerolling" a twink is... laughable.

Edit: I didn't mention names when I called people out for freaking. If you go through those same SS posts you will find posts that would make it seem that me not coming over is a personal offense of some sort. From the sounds of it Ruin is doing well. If that is the case then I suggest you recommend people show less insecurity around ideas not involving paying blizzard to consolidate us. (Which they should and will likely do anyways. I'm sure your transfer fees will help foot the bill =) )
achievements are necessary to play wsg? and yes i mean refarm that gear, you can start playing before you're perfect. not even gonna ask why you need 3 of all those on a lock.
Agreed. That is an option. Not the option I will take but an option. I have even agreed that ruin is a good way to get games for one person now. But that one persons games is anothers endless que. We are a community whos numbers have always been low and the ruin consolidation is lowering them further and faster than ever. Perhaps before telling someone who is not transfering to quit you should consider that there will likely be a day when even with all twinks able to que together there will not be enough to sustain anything besides premades and we need to maintain our numbers above all else.

I am not transfering to ruin until I have no choice. Blizzard has said they are looking into the que times for non-exp players and I actually believe them (OMG!) so in the mean while I encourage people to continue to que for wsg (I am in it right now) and even tried to get some to go to the ptr for some good fun and games. Why not leave it at that?
ruin is a good way for you and your friends to get games if you reroll, and no one in stormstrike is gonna miss out cause nothing is popping anyway. the best thing for the 19 twink community was to consolidate into one battlegroup, we were all spread out and now we arent. don't think of it as killing the community the community came together and picked ruin to be the destination so that while we wait for blizz to fix this mess we can still play. but do what ever you like. good luck.
Im not sure why this guy is so against going to Ruin. Don't say you aren't, because it's pretty obvious. If you can't get a transfer, that's fine, but you will eventually be left alone depending on where you are.
Don't be stupid, Be a smarty!

Come and join the ruin party!
funny, i'll continue with my own solution which right now seems to work quite well.

i advertise twinking in the trade channel of big cities.

you know getting the next generation of twinks in.

its quite simple and yet nobody ever does.

we're losing people on a daily basis, yet nobody wants to replace the people who left. so in the end we'll end up seeing the end of twinks and on the contrary to what you probably all think, its not blizzards fault but our own for deserting the game instead of the old staying and finding new solutions.

instead of bragging that my battlegroup is gone, i decided to train new comers and find people to play with. this is an MMO after all, with live humans on the other end of th elines. they are bound to listen to you and you'd all be surprise how many people dont even know what a twink is. most of them when you tell them actually love to do one and some says "whoa i already have a few BoA" and i tell them, its a start !

its been working good for now, getting new people into the no-xp BGs.

might also be why, because i am not alone on rivendare doing that, this might be why rivendare has almost instant queues during prime times !

heres another hint... you want PVP hop on PVP servers instead of the casual, better economy for twinks on PVE !

PVP servers seems to have less problem with BGs then you think.

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