Perfect Resist Sets (19)


Hey TF first post here, is there a link to some perfect resistance sets besides the most obvious this like 2 rings, going to Ruin sometime this week, trying to get anything I could possibly ever need, I have all the res rings, [ITEM]Firebane Cloak[/ITEM] + fire res and a nature res enchanted cloak. Am I forgetting anything?
I can understand some resists, such as shadow or +5 all to cloak + the scepter, but why would you need full resist sets?

Most spell damage is laughable at this level, and the most common CC is shadow based. The most resist you would need as a caster to have protection against CC at this level would be +5 all resistances to your cloak, and the Gravestone Scepter (+5 Shadow Resistance).

That gives 5 resistance against roots, which won't even be needed if you are a ranged dps class, and 10 against shadow, which is the most effective in the 19 bracket.
Well...Orcgasm I can understand where Asheq is coming from. I too am a complete gear freak and need tons of different gear which includes certain amount of resist gear sets. I don't go overboard, but they are useful in certain situations.
Cptheals said:
Well...Orcgasm I can understand where Asheq is coming from. I too am a complete gear freak and need tons of different gear which includes certain amount of resist gear sets. I don't go overboard, but they are useful in certain situations.

I mean, I do understand what he means about having the sets, but its like having a +fire set for a warlock, cool to use sometimes but it will never be a first choice set.
You are completely correct with that statement, but for me the most fun in twinking is taking the time to gather up all of your gear. Once I complete sets, even if they will rarely be used, it gives me a since of pride and I enjoy playing that twink more and more.
Cptheals said:
You are completely correct with that statement, but for me the most fun in twinking is taking the time to gather up all of your gear. Once I complete sets, even if they will rarely be used, it gives me a since of pride and I enjoy playing that twink more and more.

I did collect a mail spirit set for my warrior >.>

I too enjoy making random sets, but I just wanted to let him know that if he doesn't have EVERY resist piece he can get, it would be ok.
Orcgasm said:
I did collect a mail spirit set for my warrior >.>

I too enjoy making random sets, but I just wanted to let him know that if he doesn't have EVERY resist piece he can get, it would be ok.

I'm gonna say that I couldn't agree more!:)
Orcgasm said:
I did collect a mail spirit set for my warrior >.>

I too enjoy making random sets, but I just wanted to let him know that if he doesn't have EVERY resist piece he can get, it would be ok.

Spirit on a Troll Warrior can be a mean thing to use once you get back to your own base with the flag... except vs Premades who can position people at all the right places to keep you from taking advantage of the Out of Combat regen.
Conrose said:
Spirit on a Troll Warrior can be a mean thing to use once you get back to your own base with the flag... except vs Premades who can position people at all the right places to keep you from taking advantage of the Out of Combat regen.

When I first made it, that is what I had in mind. I had forgotten about the troll regen bonus, and thought it would work for any warrior. When I found out I was like... "Oh.."
Orcgasm said:
When I first made it, that is what I had in mind. I had forgotten about the troll regen bonus, and thought it would work for any warrior. When I found out I was like... "Oh.."

Yeah, the Troll in combat bonus is still a minimal thing, you'll still want to work to get out of combat through LoS... but it's still something that can be worth something in a few situations.

I'd also suggest running with a Druid... the high OoC regen can effectively allow Roots to act as a heal as well.
Too bad they removed the 20 resist librams as well, I've never seen anyone use it. But it would be fun to experiment with. Never got to experiment with it myself, the vault runs was so annoying
might i suggest the fact that resist also helps diminish the chances of getting hit by a spell ?

that means that you little 10 resist wont completely stop fears from hapenning, but having 30+ will !

it also diminish the damage you receive. thus if you receive a shadow bolt of 100 and you have like 30+ resist you are sustaining like 15-20% less damage which is awesome in the long run !

there are many games out there, dps and healing isn't the only way to play a twink.

survival is the key to being able to make an impact.

people might laugh at my resillience priest, but in the end i get 15% less damage. which keeps me alive a lot longer !

in all seriousness, i love seeing people gearing up in not just one way, it makes me think they at least put a thought into it and aren't just big shot looking for kills only !
ArthurianKnight said:
you have like 30+ resist you are sustaining like 15-20% less damage which is awesome in the long run

where did you find this information did you determine this empirically? Only reason I ask is because I don't think it is common knowledge.
ArthurianKnight said:
it also diminish the damage you receive. thus if you receive a shadow bolt of 100 and you have like 30+ resist you are sustaining like 15-20% less damage which is awesome in the long run !

yea you'll get 15-20% less damage maybe, and then you get stuck in combat with another class with your resist set on and gl
Zircon bands +6 resist for rings, +15 nature, +15 fire, +10 shadow, +5 all resistance enchants to cloak, firebane cloak for +5 fire, gravestone scepter for +5 shadow resist, arctic buckler for +5 frost resist, +8 frost resist to shield should be available if I remember correctly.

With combinations of all this the max resists I could get were -

Fire - 32. (firebane +5, +15 fire to cloak, 2x +6 zircon bands)

Shadow - 27. (+10 shadow to cloak, 2x +6 zircon bands, gravestone scepter)

Nature - 27. (+15 nature to cloak, 2x +6 zircon bands)

Frost - 30. (+5 all resist to cloak, 2x +6 zircon bands, arctic buckler +5, +8 to shield)

I could be missing something but afaik this is about right.
when i use full shadow resist set on rogue (+32) it sure makes a difference with fears. pretty nice against priests and locks. not a set i use a lot though (logged of rogue in SR gear for now if anyone is interested).

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