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  1. How many cancellations would it take...

    Sorry if this sounds like another QQ thread. I understand that things change and we need to adjust, but just as a hypothetical exercise, I was wondering how many cancellations it would take from people saying "yeah I am canceling my account because I am tired of the lack of attention/nerfs to...
  2. Salute, Nat Pagle's.

    Well I hope it wasn't me, I tried to filter my swearing with my clever use of the shift key lol.
  3. Salute, Nat Pagle's.

    I don't know man, the best part about gearing a twink to me, is to OUTGEAR the hell out of everyone else. I want to be THAT guy running around with 3K health at 19s or 4200 HP at 29s. So everyone is like F that, I'm not even going near THAT guy. I want to be THAT guy making the opposite...
  4. Salute, Nat Pagle's.

    Guess I can stop wasting my Sundays from 2-4 pm. lol I am sorry to all of you that put in hours and hours to get these items just to have Blizz take them away with out what seems to be a legitimate reason. Balancing the 10-19 bracket for non twinks is just not an overriding concern, and...
  5. My New 3.1 Ready Twink!

    I think cruelty and deflection are > imp rend and probably shield spec too.
  6. BOA Shoulder question

    Thank you Ray. I think the only discrepancy is that the leather ones are always leather, and as a mage can't wear leather, hence they cannot equip them. However, the mail ones technically are "leather" items pre-level 40 (they actually say "leather") as far as I can tell from my Atlas Loot...
  7. BOA Shoulder question

    I see, so even though the mail ones (herod, elements, etc) are leather if a hunter or shaman gets them pre level 40, they cannot be equiped by a druid/rogue, because they can never wear mail? Can anyone who actually has a set of these confirm or deny whether a mail set of BOA shoulders, which...
  8. New Fishing...Thought For Twinks?

    Is there anything more important than the cool factor? ;) Its one of the main reasons I twink really. :D World of Fashioncraft ftw!
  9. BOA Shoulder question

    Yeah on my current account I have the BOA Dreadmist Mantle, BOA Headmaster's charge, BOA Inherited insignia of the alliance, and BOA Discerning Eye of the Beast, that I pretty much send back and forth between my twinks as needed. I currently use em on all on toons who can, specifically my 16...
  10. BOA Shoulder question

    ty ty got it =D
  11. BOA Shoulder question

    Sorry NT, but I don't understand your response. I have seen 19s with Valor shoulders and when I inspect them, they say plate. Obviously you aren't trained for plate at 19, so does that mean that a class that can never wear plate can equip them or not? I guess that's what I'm trying to figure...
  12. BOA Shoulder question

    I know that there's plate and mail ones, that you can use before you can wear plate or mail. So my question is, what exactly are the restrictions on them? Can a mage use plate shoulders? Or only a class like warrior/pala who can ultimately use em? Thanks for any help. Maj
  13. Thinking about a 29 twink healer

    Disc is basically the healing spec for 29 priest. Like droid mentions, 18/2/0 is the most popular with the 2 points for the 70% pushback talent in Holy. If you spec Imp PW:S, get the glyph that heals a % of what your shield absorbs and spam shields on people 1st, followed by renews, and flash...
  14. Need help with my Priest

    Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and farmed the Gold-flecked Gloves, they do seem pretty nice. The reason I was considering Gloves of Old is because I do feel like I go OOM too easy as I'm only sitting at about 77 Spirit ATM, although I did get the Stalvan quest ring which gives +7 Stam and...
  15. Need help with my Priest

    Ok guys, I picked up Gloves of the Old and a Beguiler robe today on the AH, are those better than Nightsky gloves/truefaith gloves and robes of arugal respectively? I am hesitant about giving up Arugals robe cause its 12 SP and looks awesome. Any suggestions, please?
  16. Thinking about a 29 twink healer

    Sorry, US.
  17. Deadman's Hand

    Question, if the twink is grouped with a high level buddy, runs into the instance gets agro and dies (but doesn't release), and then the high level buddy goes and pulls the boss back to the twink's body, and kills the boss, can you ML to the twink? Just wondering for purposes of minimizing any...
  18. Thinking about a 29 twink healer

    I've seen a decent one in 29s called Osse, if you want to try to armory him.
  19. Thinking about a 29 twink healer

    Regarding priests, don't underestimate the utility of dispel magic. It can remove roots/fear. It gets rid of dots, removes your opponents buffs. In fact, if the people around me are healed and buffed, I make it a point to get rid of opponents buffs. I have been on the receiving end of that...
  20. Need help with my Priest

    Ok, just recently discovered twinking again, and this site, so now I am hooked! I used to play my priest as a semi twink, so I decided to drop all those useless emblems of heroism and stonekeeper shards on some gear for him. He's only 2% into 28 so I figure I still have some room to do some of...