Need help with my Priest


Ok, just recently discovered twinking again, and this site, so now I am hooked! I used to play my priest as a semi twink, so I decided to drop all those useless emblems of heroism and stonekeeper shards on some gear for him. He's only 2% into 28 so I figure I still have some room to do some of the quests/farming that I may need.

Here are a few questions I have. I am thinking of transferring a high level toon to a 2nd account for purposes of just running my twink(s) through instances via dual boxing alt tabbing. So I have access to an 80 prot warrior (my main), a 70 mage, and a 70 paladin. I am thinking of xfering the paladin, because he can consecrate as needed for aggro (rank 1) and he can rez the twinks if they die. Is this the best choice?

Secondly, I plan to have the versatility to spec back and forth from shadow to heals as the urge arises. So I have a few general questions regarding the gear & enchants. Currently I am using the headmaster's charge with +30 SP, and the +1 spirit/5SR wand. I don't intend to change that around too much.

Now for hat, I am currently using an 8 Stam/8 Int green, and I just purchased a +14 SP 29 hat as well. I know there is a BOE blue that gives +18 SP, but until it comes along, I which of those greens should I use. Also, regarding head enchants, can you enchant it once it is bound to the twink? Or does it need to be put on by a higher level toon like the gladiator shoulder enchant?

Similar questions with legs, I know whether they get nerfed or not is still up in the air, but currently sitting on some BOE +9 Int/+9Stam legs with a 25 SP, 15 stam (havent found a golden spellthread yet on the AH).

The next questions regard rings. What are the best options? I hope to get Deadman's if it drops, but it may be better to farm for the charged gears given that I only have just under 2 levels of XP left. Any suggestions (currently using Seal of Wrynn and the WSG 28 ring).

For Gloves, I am a bit lost. I have the green +7 Stam, +6 Int gloves, but are those the best to enchant? Currently using the +3 Int, 8 SP gloves.

As for belt and boots, I intend to use the AB ones.

For bracers I am using the Glowing magical bracers with +9 Stam, but I may farm the Arathi highlands ones off troll chick quest.

Any other comments or suggestions? All are welcome.

Thanks much!

EDIT: Finally what professions are best for a priest?
Rings : Best choice would be Deadmans Hand & Lorekeepers Ring(WSG), With back ups being Charged Gear of ....... or Seal of Wyrnn.

Professions, I would say Eng and herbalism.

Bracers, glowing magical bracerers are fine, or you can get the BC enchantable ones from Arathi Highlands. (Alliance only I believe)

For hats, I have two on my priest, a 9 int 9 sta with 150 mana, then a 21 spell power with 8 spell power libram.

Priests really don't need to spec back and forth, If your shadow you will be doing 70% dps 30% heals, If your Disc you will be doing 50% heals 50% damage (if specced) or if your full healing disc or holy...80% heals 20% dmg. Either way priests are hybrids in the 29s.
Ok guys, I picked up Gloves of the Old and a Beguiler robe today on the AH, are those better than Nightsky gloves/truefaith gloves and robes of arugal respectively? I am hesitant about giving up Arugals robe cause its 12 SP and looks awesome. Any suggestions, please?
regarding the gloves,

consider /

also, if you can get your hands on hot shot pilot gloves, you can get those. very very rare, though.

nightsky or 7/7 of the eagle are standard for stats.

gloves of old aren't that great unless you want a spirit set. they are not good for if you just want one set of gear.

Maj said:
Here are a few questions I have. I am thinking of transferring a high level toon to a 2nd account for purposes of just running my twink(s) through instances via dual boxing alt tabbing. So I have access to an 80 prot warrior (my main), a 70 mage, and a 70 paladin. I am thinking of xfering the paladin, because he can consecrate as needed for aggro (rank 1) and he can rez the twinks if they die. Is this the best choice?

not necessarily, a mage can do great AoE and an 80 prot warrior is...level 80. paladin isn't bad though

tough to say which would be 'best' but i'm sure that any of those three would be fine. it's not that big of a deal since it won't take much more/less time to run a low level instance on any of them.

Secondly, I plan to have the versatility to spec back and forth from shadow to heals as the urge arises. So I have a few general questions regarding the gear & enchants. Currently I am using the headmaster's charge with +30 SP, and the +1 spirit/5SR wand. I don't intend to change that around too much.
get the starfaller (sp?) and the 1 stam/1 int/1 sp wand if you want. the gravescepter (your current one) is good though.

i'm not sure if starfaller the best DPS wand, but i think it is for 29s.

regarding head enchants, can you enchant it once it is bound to the twink? Or does it need to be put on by a higher level toon like the gladiator shoulder enchant?
you need a high level toon to do a quest, then get the high level to apply the quest item to your helm. mind you, you'll need a libram to begin a helm enchant at all. see Drayner's Libram Guide.

Similar questions with legs, I know whether they get nerfed or not is still up in the air, but currently sitting on some BOE +9 Int/+9Stam legs with a 25 SP, 15 stam (havent found a golden spellthread yet on the AH).
personally i'd wait until 3.1. the loss in stats from silver to golden spellthread isn't that huge.

also, try looking up the golden spellthread on WoWhead and gather the mats if 3.1 does not bring changes. it can be cheaper if you get the mats and then have a tailor make the item for you.

As for belt and boots, I intend to use the AB ones.

Finally what professions are best for a priest?

herbalism and then either engineering, mining, or jewelcrafting.
Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and farmed the Gold-flecked Gloves, they do seem pretty nice. The reason I was considering Gloves of Old is because I do feel like I go OOM too easy as I'm only sitting at about 77 Spirit ATM, although I did get the Stalvan quest ring which gives +7 Stam and 3 Mana/5, bringing my Mana/5 to 75 while not casting and 26 while casting. I figured if I get the gloves and carry those and Cinavid robes, I can have a set to put on when I get out of combat to try to regen faster. Not sure how much a difference it will really make though.

I think I will just end up with Herbalism and Alchemy so I can make my own pots, but I may drop alchemy for Engineering at some point for the Spellpower goggles and bombs.
goldflecked+arugal chest is a very good combo.

there are BC wrists for both factions. get them.

paladin is a good choice.

get engi and catseye+spellpower+gnomish

farm the gigaflux.

if legkits are gone will be a viable choice.

if not going for BoA shoulders get berylline and death speakers.

stalvan ring + wsg ring is a very good choice.

there is a lot of optional gear to get. sp/stats/regen...

if you want to farm/enchant only one gearset, make it a balanced one. max benefit in all slots. slots without enchant can be filled up with almost every viable item -> a little variability.
Maj said:
Here are a few questions I have. I am thinking of transferring a high level toon to a 2nd account for purposes of just running my twink(s) through instances via dual boxing alt tabbing. So I have access to an 80 prot warrior (my main), a 70 mage, and a 70 paladin. I am thinking of xfering the paladin, because he can consecrate as needed for aggro (rank 1) and he can rez the twinks if they die. Is this the best choice?

Like Druid said - all of your toons can be considered optimal for running twinks. I'd go with the paladin, though. When you run yourself through shit like I do (very ADD like...) it's quite handy to have a rezzer. Get up to do laundry and a pat kills your twink? Rez him! Alt-tab to look up twink gear, chants, boss drops, gay animal porn, the latest twink info and kinda lose track of your twink, and by the time you alt-tab back he's dead? Rez!!

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