Thinking about a 29 twink healer

Ok.. So I'm addicted to twinking now. First it was my warrior, then my rogue, a hunter in the works. Some in game friends are interested in running together now so I was thinking about a healer.

I'm familiar with the mechanics and spells of all the possible healing 29s classes. But what I was looking for is your thoughts and opinions on various classes, specs and playstyles. My observations thus far:

1. Druid - Seems to be in hybrid gear for the most part. Going cat for dps, bear when getting focused, shifting to caster form to heal. With HT being such a long cast time, it seems that the druids I face are mainly using rejuv and regrowth. Haven't found a twink druid that I admire yet.

2. Priest - The good ones I've observed are shadow. Dpsing for the most part with dots and mind flay, healing when necessary. Haven't really paid attention to the healing spells that they use primarily.

3. Paladin - Liking HoF and bubble - they are often quite a challenge to kill when skillfully played. Looks to be FoL spammers.

4. Shaman - Ghost wolf and totems make them quite strong defensively. Healing wise looks to be LHW mainly. Good kiting ability too.

Help me decide. Thanks in advance. :D
Shaman - least o shit buttons, with water shield + LHW spamming they take forever to go oom. Totems, shocks, etc.

Paladins - FoL spamming, again they take forever to kill. Blessings, auras, and various buffs.

Druid/Priest - both are pretty hybrid here. You could say the priest is the more offensive hybrid, being 60-70% dps 30-40% heals, of course this varies with play style, spec, team, etc.

While healing druids on the other hand are generally more just pure healing while assisting dps with roots, faerie fire, etc.
Priests ftw

IMO Priests are the best healers in both 19 and 29 BGs...

in 29 you have:

-Power Word: Shield - Instant bubble on anyone to absorb some dmg while u heal or just for the hell of it

-Heal - Which is a powerful heal with a 2.5 sec cast (when holy speced)

-Flash Heal - A quicker heal for minor amounts of hp... I hardly used it

-Holy Nova - Instanct AoE heal which also dmgs nearby opponents... can be spammed but usually not to useful cuz it takes too much mana

As a twink priest I would have healing first in mind but occasionally I would drop some dmg... usually just my wand though (Dancing Flame - Horde only I think - 37.1 dps)

To each his own but thats my experience... Ill be happy to answer any questions about twinking a priest 29 :)
priests make amazing twinks at 29. just like you said, shadow is really awesome, but disc is good too. for a good shadow armory check out Mystikk on Sargeras.


thats her link

i know a good shaman, but hes sold his old account and the guy who bought it never logs on him. its yourkeeper if he ever gets on him, atm you cant view his gear.

EDIT: found a nice shaman healer

What about druids - are they worth anything and are they good healers ? Can anyone give find a link for a good retro druid and a holy priest :) Thanks in advance
Regarding priests, don't underestimate the utility of dispel magic. It can remove roots/fear. It gets rid of dots, removes your opponents buffs. In fact, if the people around me are healed and buffed, I make it a point to get rid of opponents buffs. I have been on the receiving end of that and it is super annoying. I keep everyone buffed with fort at all times (I use the 50% off fort glyph), and I during combat I try to keep shields and renews on people.

There's a few smart players that make it a point to target me, but if they don't I punish the other side by keeping everyone healed. I really don't find myself DPSing too much unless we have a ton of healers.

I know that both druids and shamans are nice too because they can both run the flag in animal form, and both have good armor. Totems are great not just because of their utility but because they can confuse opponents if you plop a ton down and have 3-4 guys running around them. It gives the perception that there's a lot more opponents than there really are.

Druids seem to be very good if geared because they can Bear up if they're being focused (I have seen bears with 4200+HP in 20-29), ranged dps if needed, heal, run the flag, stealth, cleanse poison, and buff.

They're all pretty good really.
druids have very high amounts of heals, as well as bear form and cat+dash. roots and fairy fire are nice but otherwise there isn't too much utility.

priests have utility with many ranged instant casts, including dispel magic.

shamans have utility with totems, decent melee abilities, ghost wolf, and shocks. heals are decent at best, though.

paladins can sit and heal for several minutes. not much utility though.
Think ill make a druid - anyone got a armorylink for any resto druid ?


Nah, but druids are fun at the 29 bracket too. Just not quite as fun/good as a priest imo. :)
Ikeelyoo said:

Nah, but druids are fun at the 29 bracket too. Just not quite as fun/good as a priest imo. :)

Dont say that :D My druid is lvl 15 atm!
Argh said:
Dont say that :D My druid is lvl 15 atm!

Er... I meant, druids are the best healers in the 29 bracket. They can single-handedly win ABs and WSGs and never die and they are lots of fun! :D

Ikeelyoo said:
Er... I meant, druids are the best healers in the 29 bracket. They can single-handedly win ABs and WSGs and never die and they are lots of fun! :D


ahhh that sounds better :D Well i just like the idea that i can CC attackers and keep them away in a safe distance.


+Catform (dash)


=win for me :D
Argh said:
ahhh that sounds better :D Well i just like the idea that i can CC attackers and keep them away in a safe distance.


+Catform (dash)


=win for me :D

CC attackers? Roots? Meh, priests can dispel. And priests have CC too: Psychic Scream. :) But yeah, in all honesty, druids really are fun at 29 too. Just a different playstyle.
Naturaltalnt said:
Biased a bit there Ikeelyoo? lol

Druids and Priests, cant compare the two. Both fun and good healers in the 29 bracket.

Hey!! Read my last line: But yeah, in all honesty, druids really are fun at 29 too. Just a different playstyle. ^^

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