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  1. Need some lvl 10 hunter advice

    character planner . hasty dps - I would do it like that, and make sure you have Swiftness Potion - Item - World of Warcraft , they are insane :P 919 HP, 48.3% crit, enough hit rating (but ya, you lose the running speed) and 44.4 dps seems quite solid to me ;) Of course it...
  2. Resilience-Rating on level 10?

    hm sad to hear...but thank you :)
  3. Resilience-Rating on level 10?

    hey guys, I don't have acces to a wow-account, but I really want to know how RS scales at level ten says 15 rs on chest would mean -15% dmg is this the truth? (for those who don't know what I'm talking about: resilience was changed to also reduce all dmg taken)...
  4. level 10 twinks post 3.2 v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner something like that for the drood.
  5. Level 10s Rejoice!

    really good news :) thank you :>
  6. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    throw a look on I listed there some profiles and possible classes, what I think is: Priest would be a solid healer,mage would cc alot and very nice, warlock is only good for fear. Priest,Mage and Warlock...
  7. level ten premade setup and profiles

    I think it would be very cool to do a level ten vs level nineteen wsg or so. I think many people underestimate the power of level ten twinks :) they have a great potentiality. I'll update the proflies if I change anything, I've got further ideas and maybe I will add other classes to that list (...
  8. level ten premade setup and profiles

    ah sorry, the gear for the paladin and the warrior is very similar, I just copied it and I forgot to delete the ranged weapon :P
  9. level ten premade setup and profiles

    Yeah, I know that atm everybody starts a level ten thread, don't flame me because of that please. I was just bored to hell,so I thought about level ten...and I opened to create some profiles. Level Ten Heal-Priest v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner -Shield ...
  10. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    oh,thank you for that information. so it seems like blizz is learning from mistakes...anyone remember the "def rating"-nerf for level tens? Oh damn, I was thinking that level ten becomes alot cooler with the new rs effect :/ downloading ptr now,maybe it's just a bug and will be...
  11. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    I'm too lazy to read the whole thread,but I want to add something to the general level ten topic: rs with the next patch reduce dmg taken by 1% every 1 rs point at level ten,so +15 rs on simple black dress means -15% dmg and of course -35% crit dmg,but the -15% dmg infect the general crit...
  12. Alternative Twinks

    what would be better for a melee hunter, dual wield or two-handed-weapon?
  13. 10 Huntard balance set v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner would be my new setup :) maybe +15 res on simple black dress,since it would mean -15% dmg and alot less crit dmg.
  14. Alternative Twinks

    why not? what's diffrent now?
  15. Alternative Twinks

    ah thank you, I didn't know any lolsmite priest,neither a destro lock or a good ele shaman with crit stacking. I just want to twink something that is diffrent from rogue,hunter,retpala,disc priest and afli wl because those classes are very common in my battlegroup. thank you for all...
  16. Alternative Twinks

    Hey fellow twinks :) I love the 39 bracket and I want to twink an uncommon class/specc. Atm I have 4 Options (yes, I know that other speccs would be alot better, but I like the idea of beeing diffrent and unique) 1 option: Melee Hunter v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character...
  17. 10 Twink Pally

    make a haste hunter imho :P v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
  18. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    oh thank you, I didn't know that
  19. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    get hit rating on your boots, and maybe the darkmoon robe is better (3 crit rating) and I would take savannah bracers :) but guys,what do you think about that level ten warrior? I think -73% dmg is pretty amazing,and -40~% crit dmg too. Keep in mind,that if the normal dmg is lowered by...
  20. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    I bieleve when 3.2 hits live,level ten warrior will be great flagrunners you can reach 1200 armor (as horde) that means -50% dmg -5% dmg because of def-stance and -18% dmg because of rs. makes -73% dmg in total and 58% blockchance with a value of 32. with 1017 hp, sounds pretty nice or?