Need some lvl 10 hunter advice

I recently made this lvl 10 hunter twink; The World of Warcraft Armory - Trophy @ Bloodhoof - Profile (got my first HK only yesterday that how new it is)

I am doing just fine in the 10-19 twink bracket and my dps is good. But I am still looking to optimize a bit.

Some thing I was looking at:

Ranged weapon: I was looking at the BoA pvp gun. It has is 0.9 dps lower and a lower top damage but would give me a additional 1.86% crit. I did some quick calculations and it seems that the almost 2% higher crit won't be enough for the 0.9dps loss. If someone can prove this is not the case I might get the gun. (btw no higher dps bullets with the gun they require lvl 15)

A second thing I was looking at where the shoulders. I currently use the rogue shoulder and those give me 5.2% hit chance. The miss chance for a lvl 10 vs lvl 19 is 6.8% so it won't cap me. I was thinking that it might be better to get the Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle - Item - World of Warcraft that would give me another 3.71% crit and 1 stam at a loss of 8 AP and 5.2% hit. In order to counter the hit loss I could get the 5hit rating on boots that will give me 13% hit (was over the cap). But I would lose my movement speed increase.

Do you guys think it is worth losing the movement speed increase and 8AP for a total gain of 1 stam, 3.71% crit and 1.6% hit.

I know I still need to get another haste trinket I know that. It will give me another 7.8% haste for a total of 93.6% (and another 15% haste because I am a hunter that is multiplicative. And the final amount of haste would thus be 115%*193.6%=222.64% faster attack speed or 122.64% haste).

I am also still looking for a place to put that 1 talent point I have (been thinking about getting the 2yard extra range)

I will also be fishing for my head tomorrow for the first time and until that time I will use engi as a profession for the goggles.

Any advice on the subject above or any other suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Trespasser said:
Ranged weapon: I was looking at the BoA pvp gun. It has is 0.9 dps lower and a lower top damage but would give me a additional 1.86% crit. I did some quick calculations and it seems that the almost 2% higher crit won't be enough for the 0.9dps loss. If someone can prove this is not the case I might get the gun. (btw no higher dps bullets with the gun they require lvl 15)

To answer this question we'll first see which abilities you can use as a level 10 hunter. These are: Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot and Auto Shot. We assume Aspect of the Hawk and Hunter's Mark have a 100% up-time. The DPS formulae for the three abilities are:

Serpent Sting tick: ( RAP * 0.2 + 8 ) / 15

Arcane Shot: ( RAP * 0.15 + 15 ) / 6

Auto Shot: ( WDMG + ( AP / 14 * WS ) ) / WS

Now we put this all in two equations, the first for the bow you currently use, the latter for the gun.

( 92 * 0.2 + 8 ) / 15 + ( ( 92 * 0.15 + 15 ) / 6 + ( 29.5 + ( 92 / 14 * 1.26 ) ) / 1.26 ) * 1.3963 = 50.3290765 DPS

( 93 * 0.2 + 8 ) / 15 + ( ( 93 * 0.15 + 15 ) / 6 + ( 28.5 + ( 93 / 14 * 1.36 ) ) / 1.36 ) * 1.4149 = 47.6496823 DPS

So, assuming all abilities are used whenever they can be, the bow is your better choice.

I could go more accurate, but I'm 99% sure about the outcome.

Trespasser said:
A second thing I was looking at where the shoulders. I currently use the rogue shoulder and those give me 5.2% hit chance. The miss chance for a lvl 10 vs lvl 19 is 6.8% so it won't cap me. I was thinking that it might be better to get the Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle - Item - World of Warcraft that would give me another 3.71% crit and 1 stam at a loss of 8 AP and 5.2% hit. In order to counter the hit loss I could get the 5hit rating on boots that will give me 13% hit (was over the cap). But I would lose my movement speed increase.

Do you guys think it is worth losing the movement speed increase and 8AP for a total gain of 1 stam, 3.71% crit and 1.6% hit.

Important here is that hit rating is only valuable as a DPS stat for a level 10 hunter, because you don't really have any crucial abilities such as stuns or wing clips. Therefore, capping isn't that important for you. This allows us to look at both item slots individually. Since you aren't stacked for survivability, 10 health and 3.12% resilience are of little value. That leaves 2 hit rating and 8 AP vs. 2 critical strike rating. I say stick with the Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders.

Now for the boots enchants: movement speed increase is crucial to every class at every level. It's the best stat on the planet, no discussion. You will be kiting a lot of rogues and warriors, you don't want them closing up on you.

Trespasser said:
I am also still looking for a place to put that 1 talent point I have (been thinking about getting the 2yard extra range)

Improved Concussive Shot will be helpful when kiting warriors and rogues around WSG, from what I've heard it's the best option for a level 10 hunter. But of course this is a personal choice rather than a mathematical question.

Good luck with the hunter mate!
dont forget to get the 9dps arrows and bullets just incase they decide not to get rid of ammo. even if they do you still have a cool twink artifact.
1) Pick-Up 9 DPS Arrows!

2) Invest in a Max Crit Set, its actually quite worth it :3

3) Spec in the imp range to kite around people

4) Invest in a max stam setup for when you decide to go lolsilly with FCing

5) Switch that Bow with BoA bow.

6) Invest in the hit rating boa chest


Thats all I can think of :3
CIHC said:
1) Pick-Up 9 DPS Arrows!

2) Invest in a Max Crit Set, its actually quite worth it :3

3) Spec in the imp range to kite around people

4) Invest in a max stam setup for when you decide to go lolsilly with FCing

5) Switch that Bow with BoA bow.

6) Invest in the hit rating boa chest


Thats all I can think of :3

1) Already got them but I hate spending them because I only have 200 and that will only last for less then 250sec of shooting.

2) Not much extra crit available except those cloth shoulder for another 3.71% at a loss of 5.2% hit and 8AP

3) I was already thinking of that

4) Max stam available would stil only get me to about 900 unbuffed (without 2xAGM) so not really possible :p

5) The BoA bow sucks at lvl 10 only got 10dps and 2AP(gives 0.14dps) so it's 0.757 dps lower and got a lower top end damage

6) BoA hit chest will only give me 1.6% hit and 2 stam in exchange for 4agi (0.888% crit + 0.286 weapon dps) and 2 Int. (got them on my rogue if I ever decide to use them)

7) Trying to get the ring but it's pretty hard to get.

@Grunge: see point 1 :p

@Rayu: I used the same formula and also came to the conclusion that it seems that my current bow is better. Thou I have to say that you forgot to add AP for aspect of the Hawk and Hunter's mark so the RAP is actually 132. However the difference will stay about the same.

As for what you say about hit only being a dps stat for me if not entirely true. Missing a Concussive Shot can actually be very deadly for me because the moment a rogue or warrior get near me I die (if spider web or Ravager stun is on cd for some reason) because of my relative low hp and armor. I already found this out the hard way today a couple of times. I currently am 1.6% hit under cap which resulted in me missing some concussive shot's. Regarding this subject I have one more question thou. Does my pet profit from my hit chance or is this only effective at higher lvles, because missing a web of stun from my pet could also have a big impact?
Trespasser said:
@Rayu: I used the same formula and also came to the conclusion that it seems that my current bow is better. Thou I have to say that you forgot to add AP for aspect of the Hawk and Hunter's mark so the RAP is actually 132. However the difference will stay about the same.

As for what you say about hit only being a dps stat for me if not entirely true. Missing a Concussive Shot can actually be very deadly for me because the moment a rogue or warrior get near me I die (if spider web or Ravager stun is on cd for some reason) because of my relative low hp and armor. I already found this out the hard way today a couple of times. I currently am 1.6% hit under cap which resulted in me missing some concussive shot's. Regarding this subject I have one more question thou. Does my pet profit from my hit chance or is this only effective at higher lvles, because missing a web of stun from my pet could also have a big impact?

Sorry for being so inaccurate. =P

Yes your pet gains your hit chance.
character planner . hasty dps -

I would do it like that, and make sure you have Swiftness Potion - Item - World of Warcraft , they are insane :p

919 HP, 48.3% crit, enough hit rating (but ya, you lose the running speed) and 44.4 dps seems quite solid to me ;)

Of course it would be awesome to start as alliance, get the 4 crit rating ring, then faction change to troll and add the 2 crit rating ring. But yea this costs real money and i can imagine you dont want to do that. I dunno about the heirloom ring, but from what i heard its quite hard to get.

I miss my level ten hunter :(
Trespasser said:
I think some people will hate me for this but just got the fishing head on my first tournament within 20min.

So now I am going to drop Engineering for herbalism.

It took me 9 weeks. Not 9 consecutive weeks, 9 weeks of fishing. I had to skip every other weekend and then some. So maybe 20-22 full weeks.
Trespasser said:
I think some people will hate me for this but just got the fishing head on my first tournament within 20min.

So now I am going to drop Engineering for herbalism.

Us Dutchmen are lucky basterds. =3
That's also a pretty nice build hasty. Lets compare the dps between your and my build.

Going to steal your formula's a bit Rayu with a few modifications to get a more complete auto shot dps

Serpent Sting tick: ( RAP * 0.2 + 8 ) / 15

Arcane Shot: ( RAP * 0.15 + 15 ) / 6

Auto Shot: ( ( ( ( AWDMG + Scope ) / Weapon Speed ) + ( RAP / 14 ) + Ammo dps ) * Weapon Speed ) / Attack Speed

Attack Speed: Weapon Speed / ( ( 1 + 15 / 100 ) * ( 1 + haste rating / ( 10 / 26 * 100 ) ) )

Hasty your dps with aspect and hunter's mark would be:

( 109 * 0.2 + 8 ) / 15 + ( ( 109 * 0.15 + 15 ) / 6 + ( ( ( ( 29.5 + 2 ) / 2.7 ) + ( 109 / 14 ) + 3.5 ) * 2.7 ) / ( 2.7 / ( ( 1 + 15 / 100 ) * ( 1 + 33 / ( 10 / 26 * 100 ) ) ) ) ) * 1.4832 * 1 = 82.476

My build with Aspect and Hunter's mark would be:

( 132 * 0.2 + 8 ) / 15 + ( ( 132 * 0.15 + 15 ) / 6 + ( ( ( ( 29.5 + 2 ) / 2.7 ) + ( 132 / 14 ) + 3.5 ) * 2.7 ) / ( 2.7 / ( ( 1 + 15 / 100 ) * ( 1 + 33 / ( 10 / 26 * 100 ) ) ) ) ) * 1.3963 * 0.984 = 82.467

The dps difference is very very very very small :p.

My dps might be slightly lower and I might not be hit capped I do have the increased movement speed which you are lacking.

My dps from my serpent sting is higher because of my higher RAP since it can't crit and my dps from arcane shot is also higher with 7.9689 for me and 7.74972 dps for you. This will cause my dps to drop less when I have to move because my dps is less reliant on auto attacks. And in wsg the time where you can stand still is pretty limited.

As for the Swiftness Potions I am kind of against the use of these in pugs (and I only play pugs) so I won't be using those.

And yes the Heirloom ring is pretty hard to get but I will be trying to get it on my main whenever I have the time.

@Supadrood: just no
i feel ya on the arrows, all im saying is hang onto at least one arrow and one bullet incase they make it a slot item in cata.

How is that hunter handling? in terms of survivability, how well they can make a kill and how much of a difference they can make solo/grouped?
Grunge said:
i feel ya on the arrows, all im saying is hang onto at least one arrow and one bullet incase they make it a slot item in cata.

How is that hunter handling? in terms of survivability, how well they can make a kill and how much of a difference they can make solo/grouped?

Survivability is pretty low. Even when in a group the moment ppl see there is a lvl 10 among them they focus on me before looking at the rest of the group (or it's just because I am a hunter).

Also when a rogue of warrior is able to get to me and stun or web is on cd I am almost certain to die unless he makes a mistake and allows me to concussion even thou I am in melee range.

As for my job my dps is just high most of the times higher then a lot of lvl 19 (even hunters). And while on Offence I am in the top 4-5 damage done (1-3 horde only) and the extra slow and web on the efc is always welcome.
Ok. So when you say you're killed easily by warrs and rogs how big of a dent can you put in em before you drop? And would you reccomend a 10 hunter?
In my experience with a lvl 10 hunter I noticed that serpent sting and arcane shot damage was pretty pathetic compared to autoshot so I figured that if I were to roll another one (my gear choices were pretty retarded so i'd reroll instead of building on the one I have) that I'd go for max crit since that benefits auto shot the most. Anybody else notice shitty shot damage or was I just doing it wrong?
The World of Warcraft Armory - I now in AP set. Crit set is allso nice (main difference is +4 agil sword and crit chest) but I find full AP does most dps. Stamina set will get you just over 1 k hp but I don't see the point unless in a bad pug and nobody picks up flag.

The point of lvl 10 hunter imo is high dps and being able to kite for survival. My pet is usually a Wolf for the xtra AP but Spiders, Crabs or Bats certainly have their use (they miss more often than on a lvl 19 mind!). Shot damage per shot is not extremely high but the huge increase haste gives at this level makes up for that completely. It does mean however that while kiting you will do substantially less damage than kiting on a 19 hunter. The dps mainly comes from series of shooting while stading in 1 place. Kiting is important to gain distance of course, for this reason I choose Improved Concossive Shot over Hawk Eye (I used the latter for about 10k hk's, it is my second choice).

Some info that could be usefull when building or playing a lvl 10 (hunter).
Well I was talking about arcane shot and serpent sting doing pretty pathetic damage compared to auto shot which was why I assumed that a crit set would be more viable than an AP set, but my experience is pretty limited.

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