Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

Yeah some people need to see you don't have to be way over powered in order to have fun. Some of us enjoy the challenge of taking down a twink that is 9 levels higher then us. While we may die a lot of the time when we do get a kill or return or cap a flag it's a lot better feeling.
I'm too lazy to read the whole thread,but I want to add something to the general level ten topic:

rs with the next patch reduce dmg taken by 1% every 1 rs point at level ten,so +15 rs on simple black dress means -15% dmg and of course -35% crit dmg,but the -15% dmg infect the general crit dmg too.

I think RS on level tens is now extreamly good,and it does not work the same way as armor.

maybe level ten warriors,with block and dmg migration could work quite good :) I'm looking forward to try it, but firstly I'll update my hasty to something like that chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner but with simple black dress and 15 rs :)
Hasty, thats what I was thinking...but when I logged on the PTR - it seems resilience works a hell of a lot different, I attached the heirloom trinket to a level 10 shaman, and the 4 resilience on the trinket only gave 0.32% reduced damage. So if this change goes through on the ptr (maybe its a bug, I HOPE its a bug) it will make 1 resilience = 0.08% instead of 1% D*=
Making it no fun against other level 10's - but lololololol at 19 hunters who do like 30% less damage and never crit? xD lols
well, I don't think it'll be that big of a deal for 19's because it scales crazy right now for 1-10 ONLY, level 19's its not very much per resilience
oh,thank you for that information.

so it seems like blizz is learning from mistakes...anyone remember the "def rating"-nerf for level tens?

Oh damn, I was thinking that level ten becomes alot cooler with the new rs effect :/

downloading ptr now,maybe it's just a bug and will be fixed (but I don't think so :/ )
Well I am hoping it's a bug, because it gives the same amount of % at level 10 as it does at level 19, at level 10 1resilience was giving me 0.08% and at level 19 1 resilience was giving me 0.08% aswell...but we shall see
Hasty said:
oh,thank you for that information.

so it seems like blizz is learning from mistakes...anyone remember the "def rating"-nerf for level tens?

Oh damn, I was thinking that level ten becomes alot cooler with the new rs effect :/

downloading ptr now,maybe it's just a bug and will be fixed (but I don't think so :/ )

T_________________________________________T i remember
As a level ten mage, you get the following

1) Your sheep with haste to gloves and counterweight if you go that far, becomes an ability similar to kick, it interrupts the enemies spell casting

2) With +5 hit rating, your garrenteed all of your abilities to HIT, they shouldnt be resisted to much, as long as the enemy doesn't have +5 resists to cloak ;)

That's all I've found so far :p, shall I go into rogues n hunters?

edit -- ah yes, the good old nerf of defense rating... I had a rogue with 96% even without those enchants... but alas, this was long before WOTLK came out... The patch release of WOTLK ruined my opinion on level ten twinking until now of course ^_^
sorry Cookies - no iron counterweight for mages ^^ its only appliable to 2-handed axes, swords, maces and polearms (not staffs)
Not for a mage he couldn't...can't wear the weapons that can use the Iron counterweight, hunters can though if thats what he meant (im tired -.-)
I don't see the point in having a level 10 mage CC. You will have very low health and mana. A 19 CC mage does the job just fine.
Cptheals said:
I don't see the point in having a level 10 mage CC. You will have very low health and mana. A 19 CC mage does the job just fine.

This has been stated many times. Good luck convincing them.

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