Alternative Twinks


Hey fellow twinks :)

I love the 39 bracket and I want to twink an uncommon class/specc.

Atm I have 4 Options (yes, I know that other speccs would be alot better, but I like the idea of beeing diffrent and unique)

1 option:

Melee Hunter v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

with the "savage strikes" talent the melee special abilities have around 36% crit. I already tested it a bit and raptor strikes dealt 500-600 dmg:)

with glyph of raptor strike I take -20% dmg every 3 seconds. Traps cost less mana. And I would shoot too, but only when it's needed.

2 option:

Holy-Dmg-Priest v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

"Surge of Light" is a very cool talent :p glyph of smite is amazing too. I think I would deal alot of dmg and I could also heal very well.

(chardev can't show the 30 spelldmg on green lens and I would carry the boa mace with 30 spelldmg)

3 option:

Destro WL v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

33% crit on searing pain, 23% crit on all destro-spells, 43% crit with shadowburn when target is below 35% health +5% crit when shadowbolt crits. Sounds very funny.

(chardev can't show the 30 spelldmg on green lens)

4 option:

Ele-Shaman v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

22%(2% through glyph of flametongue) crit on LB and CL,with elemental focus and watershield no mana problems. A few stats are missing, I have boots with +20 nature dmg and +20 (or 24?) spelldmg with flametongue.

(chardev can't show the 30 spelldmg on green lens and I would carry the boa mace with 30 spelldmg)

Please note that I know that a normal hunter,a disc priest,an affli wl and maybe ele is not the best choice for shamans would be alot better. But my goal is to have a rare but viable class. I don't want to be the best :)

(a few chardev profiles might be out of date, it may be that I forgot some items)

I just can't decide what project I should start first, I hope you can comment on the options and tell me which one you would try out.
Theres a Destro Warlock in our BG that runs around with 3.7k HP and The shield from the Blueberry. He really is a terror I suggest you try that out :)
ele is really viable. fun+dmg+offheal. i personally would like to play one. and gets nice buff in 3.2

a smiter can do loads of dmg, but i think he lacks too much of what a disc got.

meleehunter...nah, try ele.
melee hunter is the only off beat spec up there imo. ele is good, destro can be squishy (not when you get 3.7k and a void bubble tho lol), and people have been playing holy for lolsmite and holy fire for years. i'd say have fun with what ever you pick
Falkor said:
melee hunter is the only off beat spec up there imo. ele is good, destro can be squishy (not when you get 3.7k and a void bubble tho lol), and people have been playing holy for lolsmite and holy fire for years. i'd say have fun with what ever you pick

ah thank you, I didn't know any lolsmite priest,neither a destro lock or a good ele shaman with crit stacking.

I just want to twink something that is diffrent from rogue,hunter,retpala,disc priest and afli wl because those classes are very common in my battlegroup.

thank you for all comments,but please more opinions :)
Castrophy said:
Theres a Destro Warlock in our BG that runs around with 3.7k HP and The shield from the Blueberry. He really is a terror I suggest you try that out :)

I would love a armory link to this one
I think he mean 49...maybe...

Anyways another alternative twink:

[char=eu-Silvermoon]Yrzi[/char](but his usally wearing the green tower, not dualwielding)
Orcishbrutality said:
I always wanted to make a melee hunter, it was gonna be my next project after my fury warrior.

I think melee hunters are not as viable as they once were. They used to be friggin OP.
Melee Hunter - Craiziedaizy and Fatapult were the earliest I know of.

Holy dps priest - Anyone remember Okton?
Bansil said:

guy by the name of kipe used 2 play on my server (Burning Legion US) was a hunter, great gear, infamous etc etc, he also happened 2 have a POD with savagery... he made me lol whenever he pulled it out haha

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