10 Twink Pally

The armory does not display all stats correctly and in the linked example is a bit off. The linked example has a haste libram applied to the fishing hat, which the character is ineligible for. So it displays the benefit on the armory, but not in the game.

At level 10, 1 haste rating converts to 2.6% haste. (1 Haste Rating = 2.6% Haste)

10 from gloves, 20 from the iron counter weight, 3 from each trinket, for a total of 36 Haste Rating.

36 Haste Rating converts to 93.6% Haste (36 * 2.6)

To figure out the cast speed for something like Holy Light, take the base cast speed of 2.5 sec and divide it by haste in a decimal form. Working with the 93.6% example, you add 100% to it because your normal speed is 100% and the 93.6% is bonus, which makes for 193.6%, move the . two places to the left and you have a decimal haste value of 1.936.

2.5 / 1.936 = 1.29 seconds to cast a Holy Light.
On my hunter, i hate lvl 10 pala twinks, but the rogues are mroe annoying because they dodge my pet most of the time
Level 10 twinks are definately ftw, but, I'm all outta char slots on coilfang (I have been for quite awhile).... but to make this post slightly relevant...

How would a level 10 twink druid, spec'd for shorter wraths, Pure sp/haste fair? I mean, it's already rediculously fast at level 10, and hits about 50 ish dmg in vendor gear and the boa staff with +30 sp....
: [ i miss my old lvl 10 pally twink .... >< dam defence nerf... i was sooo hard to kill and no other lvl 10 in my battle grp could kill me lol

:[ but that was long ago... then i made a lvl 10 hunter... eh was kinda fun but eh.... to bad i kinda quit last week would be nice to make a new one XD
Dont forget the change to resi, according to a chardev of a level 10 i may make 1 resi = 1% reduce on all damage and to the enemies crit chance.

Imagine, 18 resi = 18% less crit for your enemy, and having more armor mitigation than a fully geared 19warrior/palla.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Any gear that ive missed?
Yes, you forgot the The Blessed Hammer of Grace and the Inherited Insignia of the Alliance. The mace has 1 resilience at level 10, and the trinket has 4 at level 10.

Also, Yupp - I noticed you did that Chardev on a shaman instead of a pally - a mistake, or are you thinking outside the box? Just this morning I was wondering how a level 10 shaman would do...but as 1handed+shield, as 2handed enhancement wakwak, and as a healer...O.O

At level 10 a shaman gets Healing Wave (Rank 2) and according to Roguedubb's calculations (2.0/1.936) that would put it at a cast time of 1 second even, assuming you have 36 haste (20 from iron counterweight, 10 to gloves, and 3 from each haste trinket) They also get Earthbind Totem at level 6 which would help them with running away/kiting...Hmmmm...

*edit* You could also spec for 0.1 seconds off your cast time of healing wave, putting it at .9 second cast? Hmm....
Spooksters said:
Yes, you forgot the The Blessed Hammer of Grace and the Inherited Insignia of the Alliance. The mace has 1 resilience at level 10, and the trinket has 4 at level 10.

Also, Yupp - I noticed you did that Chardev on a shaman instead of a pally - a mistake, or are you thinking outside the box? Just this morning I was wondering how a level 10 shaman would do...but as 1handed+shield, as 2handed enhancement wakwak, and as a healer...O.O

At level 10 a shaman gets Healing Wave (Rank 2) and according to Roguedubb's calculations (2.0/1.936) that would put it at a cast time of 1 second even, assuming you have 36 haste (20 from iron counterweight, 10 to gloves, and 3 from each haste trinket) They also get Earthbind Totem at level 6 which would help them with running away/kiting...Hmmmm...

*edit* You could also spec for 0.1 seconds off your cast time of healing wave, putting it at .9 second cast? Hmm....

looks good on paper cept you're not counting in hunters nor mana pool issues since the regen nerf.
1 second cast time for healing?! that over powered! I LIKE IT :D

Imagine a level ten twink guild premade v.s 19 twinks, that would be so funny...
I was thinking shaman because of the kiting abilities + the option of a sheild.

Palladin would be more of an offensive choice imo.

Im trying to think of ways to incorperate the resilience change, worked out you could get 46% armor mitigation + 22% resi mitigation = 68%

This would obviously be reduced by crushing blows or something??
Not sure how it will work in 3.2 - I know its working on all damage, but I am not sure how it scales vs higher levels, I like the idea of a shaman however - due to the kiting of earthbind, the annoying-ness of earth shock, the damage and the heals, and a shield is nice - but remember if you run with a shield you lose 20 haste from iron counterweight
i have a lvl 8 shammy who has been hanging out, i think i may just have to run him as a 10. As for the iron counter weight issue, you would just have to swap weapons when it is time to heal, that way you could run 1h + shield, or 2h for healing.
i have one of those already. :p He is silly fun to play.
I loved my haste hunter at 10...sooo much fun kiting 19 rogues/warriors/pallys - shot timer of like 1.2 seconds with like 60% crit lols
back before the defense nerf i was planning on making a lvl 10 shaman to counter the all the lame dodge rogues id have alot of dodge and block with sheild spike and lightning sheild and totems and shocks :] ...... BUT :[ sadly the patch hit before i could :[

OH and i was thinking with the new changing race and fraction thing on the front page.... could u make a horde char get all the goodies we get then switch out and get all the ally ones too? same with other lvls and brackets?
You would think so Lythe - but they haven't released very much information about it, they might give you different gear, and not let you keep your faction quest gear - we'll just have to wait and see
XD i just re opened my account lol..... T_____________T 2 months gone.... gotta go get gear and mats now for twinks XD

soo what kinda specs are we looking at for pallys? jsut pure haste ... healing or melee? and is there anyway a sheild spike tip set up would work? and what about shaman for melee? with some SP boost?
Well ive decided on a prot palla, with 47% armor mitigation and 19% damage and crit mitigation, using unholy. Main way of damage is critting, with only a 41% crit chance though :( .

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