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  1. Beserk or Mongoose

    Berserk one hand, mongoose other one. /thread
  2. Lol at zayiah?

    wait what?
  3. Mists of Pandaria and 70 Twinks

    I don't get it. Who is this ex-Warhammer Online designer that's not recycled in the Blizzard Class Balancing department? E: i know they don't balance for 70's, but still WTF.
  4. Xmogging question

    They talking of this new foldable Mug.
  5. LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

    He forgot to mention he's Prot till 4.3.2
  6. Sooo..Warriors? Arms exists too.
  7. Xmogging question

    Atlasloot time.
  8. Fire might actually beat frost? Nerf it.

    It's like Pokemon. Fire > Ice.
  9. Have fun while you can

    Still got Arms lol.
  10. Have fun while you can

    Bye Prot Warriors.
  11. How do people judge how much an account is worth ££??

    Accounts are valued with prestigious titles and mounts. Scarab Lord? **** ton of value. TBC Gladiator titles (when they were hard to get)? Realm First Raid kills titles? Realm first Level XX class? Legendary Black Qiraji? You get the point.
  12. How do people judge how much an account is worth ££??

    thanks for making my day LOL
  13. bring back difficulty

  14. <Cthun is harder then LK> New 60 Twink Guild.

    what i am going to say is probably totally irrelevant but my guild is a 70 raiding guild with zero WOTLK enchants and gems, and we literally 5 man'd karazhan and 8-man'd magtheridon. they shouldn't have much problems even with the gear... BTW we didn't outgear the content at all... with the...
  15. Fury vs Arms.

    not planning on using it in arenas at all lol. also I have found that the rage starving is much worse with SMF, rage is decent with TG... anyhow thanks for answers.
  16. dk

    yup, for arena too blood is just better for anything overall however nothing forces you to use it, you can use other specs and be unique as 99.99999% of DKs are blood, lol
  17. dk

    Check out the BiS PVP thread. Has all you need. Just stack Resilience like your life depended on it; like I said, Vengeance is what gives you the AP. Also carry a few nerds to pocketheal you, and faceroll BGs.
  18. dk

    99.9999% of BG/Arena DKs go Blood. Not saying you can't use Unholy or Frost in BGs, but Blood has a pretty nice survivability, and Vengeance gives you all the attack power you need.
  19. Fury vs Arms.

    Pure burst, is Fury really worth anything? Doesn't matter SMF or TG. I just want to be unique as every warrior rolls prot or arms and I don't want to be ultra gimped. I have two Apolyons, I also have Hand of the Deceiver and hoping to get the mounting vengeance soon. Edit: this is no way...
  20. Dare to admit you're addicted?

    Playing since Beta. Before the cap was 60... I've tried EVERY MMO since then. Even was in a top world Rift(lol) guild. Doesn't work. Everque... I mean World of Warcraft (sorry got confused!) has its charm.