bring back difficulty


as wow has progressed classses hav been ultimately buffed in damage sure u may think your the worst class now but if u go back one xpax back someone at ur level would be doing much less damage. so doing 60 raids with 40 people is as easy a getting 5 60s in an instance like sunken temple and with new chant, glyphs, and countless class buffs make it sumply unfair. thhere are multiple ways to proceed if you are looking for a real challenge like in classic, well for one NO CHANTS none not classic ones none at all classes have been buffed enough there not needed. NO glyphs not big difference but every little bit helps to even it out. NO gearing with 85s or any higher levels and stay with classic gear only getting an 85 to run you through a raid everyweek and getting maxed out gear then doing the raid is not fair at all. now is were the options come you have two options here unless blizzard wants to revamp old raids and buff them up ALOT, you can go with 1/3 of normal raid size or for some bosses this will be nessisary, go with half the people and dont use specs at all or post classic abilities. id perfer to go specless because itd bring back the old mechanics much more like the tanks wont be able to keep aggro from 10-15 people going 100% dps so will reuire cordination and healers will oom much faster so you will have to take breaks which really was what vanilla raiding was, it wasnt the most running around and stuff but required the most management and cordination on the management.
I think I may have become just slightly dumber from reading that.

Also, even if you ran a raid with no talents, tanks would continue to dominate on threat since their threat buffs don't lie with their talents, but rather their individual tanking stance (Defensive Stance, Bear Form etc.). Defensive Stance granted 45% increased threat in 1.12 for example, but is now an additional 400% threat. Also, the number of people DPS'ing has no bearing on how well the tank holds aggro, it's the highest threat generated by an individual person that determines who the boss attacks. I should mention that

Oh **** it, I don't have the energy.
as wow has progressed classses hav been ultimately buffed in damage sure u may think your the worst class now but if u go back one xpax back someone at ur level would be doing much less damage. so doing 60 raids with 40 people is as easy a getting 5 60s in an instance like sunken temple and with new chant, glyphs, and countless class buffs make it sumply unfair. thhere are multiple ways to proceed if you are looking for a real challenge like in classic, well for one NO CHANTS none not classic ones none at all classes have been buffed enough there not needed. NO glyphs not big difference but every little bit helps to even it out. NO gearing with 85s or any higher levels and stay with classic gear only getting an 85 to run you through a raid everyweek and getting maxed out gear then doing the raid is not fair at all. now is were the options come you have two options here unless blizzard wants to revamp old raids and buff them up ALOT, you can go with 1/3 of normal raid size or for some bosses this will be nessisary, go with half the people and dont use specs at all or post classic abilities. id perfer to go specless because itd bring back the old mechanics much more like the tanks wont be able to keep aggro from 10-15 people going 100% dps so will reuire cordination and healers will oom much faster so you will have to take breaks which really was what vanilla raiding was, it wasnt the most running around and stuff but required the most management and cordination on the management.

I appreciate not everyone is a literary genius, but for the love of god please use spaces/some punctuation. That wall is practically unreadable.

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