Mists of Pandaria and 70 Twinks


What are your thoughts on the expansion and how it will change this bracket?

What sounds good? What sounds bad? Do blizzard really care? Anyone done a bit of research on it?

From what I can see at the moment (obviously subject to change during development):

Talent trees - some classes missing vital endgame abilities but possibly get some others from multiple specs. The 60 bracket decreased in activity considerably when the talents were restructured.

Low level "PvP balancing" - does this mean damage nerfs? Or resilience buffs?

Possible classes coming back - possible specs coming back, stat restructures (again) resilience becoming viable for DPS classes? Warlocks, Warriors

Tanks viable? - I'm not an avid PvE player but could missing vital tanking abilities mess things up, same for healers?

Looking at my 70 rogue.....

Not going to lie, I am going to miss Shadow Dance a lot, not only for the mad DPS and lethal ambushes but also the survivability and crowd control. But then without Shadow Dance, is Muti more viable, or even Combat?

On the other hand this means I might have to spec/gear my rogue with more survivability in mind, which interests me. Looking at the Talent Calc on blizzard's site for MoP, I can get things like Combat Readiness at 70, as well as Fan of Knives. Whilst there's some cool new passive talents like delayed stealth breakage and abilities not costing any energy during stealth you have to make some trade offs like Shadowstep or Preparation (!!!)

I'd like to see some interesting items becoming a little bit OP again due to mechanics instead of statics stats, like the haste proc from Warglaives or the healing mechanic from the Karabor Mace from illidan.

I hope warriors make a come back in some form. The latests news of vengeance being removed from PvP has pretty much extinguished any prot hope. I've seen many great players reroll or level up which is a shame.

If anything I think most classes should be nerfed down instead of poor classes being buffed. The damage in this bracket is ridiculous. I think less damage will see a bigger range of skill cap.

What I hope doesn't change:

No reforge for this level as it prevents further stat stacking and improves the value of a single item drop.

Don't recycle any of the raids. It's bad enough ZA was lost, all the TBC raids need to stay! Still the best looking loot in my opinion.

This bracket survived the last talent rejumble, lets hope it does the next!

(put original ZA back in CoT?!?)

P.S. Anyone planning a monk? (They better not be bummed by blizz like DKs were)

(Apologies for the ramble, just random thoughts on what could possibly be pretty cool)
Really it's too early to tell anything.

Agree, its so much info and pretty much everything is going to be changed over and over so there isnt a lot of use in theorycrafting now.

Probably roll a monk after realm first races are done, I bet it is going to be OP at launch, or a couple of weeks after launch ^^
Shadowdance nerf for rogues, umad? It's like warrior without heroic leap? or colossus smash np.
Small overview from a DK point of view

well, for me and 70 Deathknights MoP isnt something that we waiting.

The most useful passive, Runic Empowerment, will be level 75+ , also i will lose blood tap, also Dancing rune weapon in lvl 74+.

Death siphon looks fun, probably will scale with Str. AMZ and outbreak on 70. well, 1st is very useful vs all those damn casters. for the 2nd- it will give a small damage bonus.

Other classes:

Druids- still countless shapeshifts, thank god Heart of the Wild is lvl 90. Tranquility is lvl 74 now.

Hunter- never played, but seems the same on this bracket, means free honor.

Mages- uhh.. cant really tell anything, i see alot of cool spells that arent bound to their speccs, but the good thing it that they wont wave two shields at once.

Paladins- cant tell much, but i done see any major changes except repentance avaiable for all speccs.

Priests - barrier at 70 in DC spec..

Rogues- prep or shadow step, also Killing Spree, Shadow Dance, Vendetta on lvl 90. KEK

Shamans- Elemental Mastery/Nature's Swiftness on 75+ . KEK also.

Warlocks- still free honor

Warriors- Bladestorm at lvl90. still free honor.
Shamans- Elemental Mastery/Nature's Swiftness on 75+ . KEK also.

Warriors- Bladestorm at lvl90. still free honor.

I don't get it. Who is this ex-Warhammer Online designer that's not recycled in the Blizzard Class Balancing department?

E: i know they don't balance for 70's, but still WTF.
Sooo, I get a 15% damage reduction. Woo!

I lose readiness.

Master's Call - Still level 74

Deterrence - Still level 78

Hunters are so viable in MoP.

Arms is looking to be amazing in mop so far the loss of storm/avatar/shockwave hurts but warriors are looking to be in pretty good shape but they still might be one of the more limited classes at 70

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