Xmogging question


Mmkay, heregoes.

So, I'm planning to derp out an old raf-trash warlock to play in the 70's bracket for a change.

Alas, I have a rather severe (insert censorship here) for priest t6. Can I, say, acquire priest t6 pieces on my warlock and then xmog them? Or will this only work for BoA items?

I've got a sinking feeling I might have to ***** out on atlasloot looking for mirror sets.

Thnkouu <3

Almost positive you have to be able to put it on. Pretty sure there are some look-alike pieces that might work. Just go on wowhead.com, find the priest tier pieces, and look at the "Same Model As" tab.
Mmkay, heregoes.

So, I'm planning to derp out an old raf-trash warlock to play in the 70's bracket for a change.

Alas, I have a rather severe (insert censorship here) for priest t6. Can I, say, acquire priest t6 pieces on my warlock and then xmog them? Or will this only work for BoA items?

I've got a sinking feeling I might have to ***** out on atlasloot looking for mirror sets.

Thnkouu <3


If you get PRIEST t6 legs,I don't see how you'd be able to x-mog them on a warlock.. or am i not understanding your question?
Yeah, stupid of me.

I'm just going to be going for lookalikes; too bad for no dark set though >< The hood is what I was really after, and lucky me, the ONLY non priest hood with a similar model.. is light brown xD
Why is it called xmog now? Why not just transmog?

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