LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

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Greetings fellow twinks, the time has come for me to seek a new server I was wondering if anyone out there is recruiting. I have played a 70 twinked pally since 09(Season 6) and recently made a new one to cheat with and level to 72. I am going to play prot on him, he is equipped with taziks and niffle and upon transferring/leveling wings. Right now I play prot pally disc priest 2350+ without wings, niffle, or taziks(or even springs); playing with all of these is going to be unfair!! I have been doing arena 2200+ since 09 so I have been around the block a few times running multiple different comps. The priest (Lousoph – no taziks leveling engi atm) who I twos with will also be transferring with me along with a rogue (taziks) friend, both of which are accustomed to high rated arena play. We are looking to transfer somewhere with many twinks to converse, duel, and team up with… ext. But the two things we mainly care about is an active battlegroup with 2s teams queuing that are 2300+ (given I don’t know if this actually exists or not please let me know, I know that vengeance is no good, queues take forever and only occasionally get a challenge) and an active rated battleground team. Looking to transfer soon so please let me know if we could make a good addition to your squad. [U.S. only =[, and we prefer to stay alliance but I am open to you're ideas.] I also have a Mage with taziks who I am not as occupied with atm but I may transfer eventually(I have obtained gladiator on a mage before). If you have any questions or offers ask away. Thanks for reading.

http://us.battle.net...kanarous/simple - this is my veteran pally (priest on 2s obvi, and rogue one 3s are my pals)

http://us.battle.net...n/Saiber/simple - The pally to be (still needs a few pieces of gear but essentially ready for level/play)

P.S. about vengeance being removed I could care less, I am about to start having some real fun =P
I am 114-14 2380 atm without wings, goggles, niffle, taziks. I beat people all the time who have these luxuries. But anyways do any of you have active battlegroups with teams that play 2300+ thats really what I am looking for, some competition...
I am 114-14 2380 atm without wings, goggles, niffle, taziks. I beat people all the time who have these luxuries. But anyways do any of you have active battlegroups with teams that play 2300+ thats really what I am looking for, some competition...

Its the start of the season, it will take some time before all the playurs get at 2.2kish, so I doubt there is a bg with a lot of 2.3k teams atm. Also bg groups are merged, so ull queue into every team in europe atm.

Also I dont understand what u understand under wanting competition? Why did u roll prot in the first place then?
Its the start of the season, it will take some time before all the playurs get at 2.2kish, so I doubt there is a bg with a lot of 2.3k teams atm. Also bg groups are merged, so ull queue into every team in europe atm.

Also I dont understand what u understand under wanting competition? Why did u roll prot in the first place then?

Are you sure that I will queue into euro teams if I am on US servers? Also yes bgs are merged if I have a queue over 8 min or whatever it is but if there is a battle group that has frequent enough queues that they don't go over 8 min and queue within their battle group I would never play them. I am not sure what you mean about, "under wanting competition" that sentence is a bit wordy, but I have played pally as a 70 twink since 09, I started out as ret and I adapt to whatever spec I need to be in order to succeed.
I'm not trying to recruit you lol, I see no skills in a 70+ twink in the 70-74 brackets.

Well I never said YOU were trying to recruit me did I. If you want a screen shot just ask, thanks for butting in Zay. And for you seeing no skills in 70+ players cool, I guess now I know more about your personal views. For vengeance being removed, like I previously stated I could care less; for the time being I plan to continue to play prot post 4.3.2.
Well I never said YOU were trying to recruit me did I. If you want a screen shot just ask, thanks for butting in Zay. And for you seeing no skills in 70+ players cool, I guess now I know more about your personal views. For vengeance being removed, like I previously stated I could care less; for the time being I plan to continue to play prot post 4.3.2.

I sent you advertisement. Which clearly stated only 70s. The head is bigger than the mind.

Have a nice day.
I sent you advertisement. Which clearly stated only 70s. The head is bigger than the mind.

Have a nice day.

Hey Twobuttons, Thanks for the inbox message inwhich you said, "Would like to offer you a chance to come play with us." I am sorry to inform you I am not interested. I don't know why you wasted your time in the first place if I clearly stated I would be leveling.

You too have a nice day.
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