Search results

  1. Hammertime

    20/22/24 Shaman - When should I stop?

    A week or so ago I was doing a bg on my Ele and ran into a 20 horde ele p2p twink. It was kind of hard to judge his performance because the match turned into a GY farm in their favor, But as far as the charts went, the 20 Ele absolutely destroyed everyone for damage, and that included a 24...
  2. Hammertime

    Alliance Rogue: When to stop, 22 or 24?

    There's several thread's on this question already. Its purely a play style choice since all 3 first tier talents are viable for rogues at this level. You get kind of a 2 for 1 deal with nightstalker, but double ambush is always sexy, and for sub having extra energy for those hemorrhages after...
  3. Hammertime

    What really grinds my gears?

    Alright. I give in. I've been playing in this bracket since early cata, long before a lot of people. In cata a played a ret pally/enhance shammy. I no longer premade, because I really dont find much personal satisfaction in facerolling some 1300hp jaja's for 25 minutes. I solo que and enjoy...
  4. Hammertime

    Can anyone help point me to Holy Paladin

    I'd suggest you narrow down your question. Look at some of the Holy pallies on the list thread and then if you have questions about gear discrepancies, go from there.
  5. Hammertime

    20/22/24 Shaman - When should I stop?

    Sigh..... Making a spriest has been on my mind lately, I just dont want to be a cloth wearing homo. Maybe I'll dust off my shaman, stopped gearing him at about 75% and ele seems pretty fun right now.
  6. Hammertime

    What really grinds my gears?

    Pretty pathetic. I almost never premade anymore, I just don't find having absolutely 0 competition fun and there's nothing more satisfying then solo que'in with a group of F2P's that know how to play their class, and beating a premade of trash 24s, who are so concerned with farming in mid they...
  7. Hammertime

    Rate my stam whore

    I would like to see a screenshot of that, I'm not calling you a liar, would just be crazy to see. But on topic, I'm rolling boars speed on boots and still don't have battleforge gloves with a kit (don't have a 60 on my server, haven't been able to afford a pair yet) and I'm sitting at 4238 hp...
  8. Hammertime

    Show your Transmogs!

    Hey, I've just been casually playing here and there waiting for ESO to drop, but I managed to snag the last piece of the FC mog today and I've made a few tweaks to my Champion of the Alliance since I posted it.
  9. Hammertime

    ESO Beta!

    Really? I just figured it was well known in these parts lol. My mistake. Elder Scrolls Online.
  10. Hammertime

    ESO Beta!

    Anyone else going to be participating in the Elder Scrolls Online beta this weekend? Starts Friday, Feb 7 at 12 Noon EST and ends Monday Feb 10 at 11:59. Pretty sure the application process is still open, so if your interested throw in an app and maybe youll get on this weekend!
  11. Hammertime

    EverQuest Next - Anyone else looking forward to it?

    I dumped years of my life into EQoA (a PS2 "dumbed-down" version of Everquest) and loved it. I've always been a huge fan of Everquest lore, probably the most of any game I've played to date. I also really liked the semi-realistic approach they took towards their graphics and I have to say I was...
  12. Hammertime

    Rift Lowbie Assassin PvP Vid.

    Just ignore the level 48s I guess. Everyone Dies.
  13. Hammertime

    Rift Lowbie Assassin PvP Vid.

    Hey guys, I played Rift quite a lot when it launched and it recently went "full" (for the most part) free to play. So I decided to hop on and level up an assassin for some pvp fun. Only a few days experience with the class but I'm enjoying it well enough. Plus its a nice artwork change from...
  14. Hammertime


    For my fc set I honestly found I could push about 200 more hp. My dps set I had a bit more str, nothing really game changing tbh. I think the scaling will effect rogues a lot more than others.
  15. Hammertime

    /Spit emotes , lvl 1 whispers, Raging in Bgs

    I've had plenty of level 1's message me, I've even had several level ones come to my server to spam trade chat about me lol. But I'm guilty of the 'ol /spit from time to time lol. When I fight other 24s (especially other pallies) I want that dominating 1v1 victory to really sting.
  16. Hammertime

    Are Shammys really that bad?

    I recently geared up a Resto/Ele sha. From what I've gathered so far is that Resto shams are very viable, they offer excellent heals and have good survivability. As far as Ele goes, the spec is a blast to play and can pump out some pretty good dps, it also has excellent utility both of offence...
  17. Hammertime

    Charged Gear of / Emissary Cuffs of ???

    I've got a Charged Gear of Shadow Resistance (9 shadow resist). Really comes in handy when I duel Spriests.
  18. Hammertime

    Best In Flag Room

    Oh, well then. Hmm... seems no amount of clever word play can get me out of this one haha. I stand corrected.
  19. Hammertime

    Best In Flag Room

    I was there on my Ele Sha. The fact that it left enough of an impression on you, that you felt it necessary to come hear and make a thread about it, was just enough cause for myself. But yes, I believe some guildies needed an Ach.