Opinions on Best in Show? Positive / Negative feedback wanted?

Are you sure? :cool: I'm willing to scroll out on the SS more. Honestly I don't care. But you did quote me! ;)


Game, set, and match.

Also, this:

Because its funny? and it makes you rage.

Obviously worked if you felt the need to make this thread haha. Used to do it all the time in Cata with Epic.

Response to someones question in another thread. I always get a kick out of it when the person I assume is the guild leader (@Best in Show) is trying to come off as jovial, straightforward, decent, etc. and then someone else from the guild comes in swinging the derp hammer and ruins any positive ideas towards the guild I might have begun to harbour.
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Honestly, if you're camping their GY, they can't get off the spawn and grab your flag. Allows you to win games easily. Stop being bad and you wouldn't get camped.
Pinning them in their graveyard while you run flags is legit. Graveyard farming while your fc camps mid is scumbag.
I have not seen a single one of your members yet,(i only remember them if they actually stand out from the crowd of f2p shitheads) , soo i do not belive it has been anything impressive. Been playing the last 4days BGs in a row, soooooooooooo, if they did stand out, i think i'd seen them by now. But hells, i might just've been lucky/unlucky.
Looking forward to it tho.
I have not seen a single one of your members yet,(i only remember them if they actually stand out from the crowd of f2p shitheads) , soo i do not belive it has been anything impressive. Been playing the last 4days BGs in a row, soooooooooooo, if they did stand out, i think i'd seen them by now. But hells, i might just've been lucky/unlucky.
Looking forward to it tho.

hmm I don't quite know what to say to this...I hope its a joke, but its clearly not :/

you're from European servers, soooooooooo if they did stand out, I think you wouldn't have seen them by now. But hells, you might just've been lucky/unlucky
Whos on this list? And please don't tell me its your 4 healer 1 dps team because thats a joke if you are counting that as undefeated lol I know for a fact we have won games you were in when we werent even in a premade so lets see that 5 man roster haha
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Whos on this list?

Something along the lines of HPal, RDruid, Ele Sham, Spriest and *

Where * is a Hunter, Spriest, Ele Sham or Rogue.

But just a note about that undefeated premade streak...

You are playing against F2Ps, while in a premade, with classes that can either one shot or do excellent DPS @ 24.

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They wrecked the crap out of Ironman and his gang of gy farmers today, they came in half way and capped flags like champs. ironman and his buds /afked before it ended.

4 healers 1 dps 23-0....

also just qd with 2 guildies and myself and came across a 2-0 ironman premade and 3-2 Best in Show saved the day.
I don't really want to butt in here, but I am going to.

I remember you from back in the day and I really hope what I've seen from you and some of your guys in the last week isn't the norm. I didn't say anything in /bg because I try to stay low key and quiet in battlegrounds, aside from letting people know where the EFC is.

What I've seen in /bg is an unhealthy amount of arrogance in blowing up undergeared spanish players. I've seen you and members taking jabs at other 24s, which in some cases outperformed your 24s. I saw one of your members argue with a rogue that is Horde/Alliance BiS that he wasn't BiS. This really doesn't matter and the games would go much quicker and easier if people wouldn't waste time arguing during a game.

I realize you guys are new to this bracket (for the most part) as you actually made a post mention this here on TI not too long ago. When you take stabs at a guild that is well established, but just not as active, you are making yourself look like a dick in /bg. I was in a game where your members were arguing with a couple members of <Pony Slaystation>. The fact that you didn't even know who Pony was shows that you are new to the bracket.

TL;DR Version - Relax, enjoy the games, and stop trying to act like y'all are the end all be all. Some of your members are well geared and play well, but really... let me quote SallYG:

You are playing against F2Ps, while in a premade, with classes that can either one shot or do excellent DPS @ 24.

Rock on...

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