EverQuest Next - Anyone else looking forward to it?


Do we have any old timers that used to play EQ here?
What do you think of what's been shown so far?

I am headed back to Norrath!
I heard about it a few days ago.

Never really heard / played the previous ones but this one looks amazing. The videos were stunning. They showed clips of how spells and monsters destroyed the world. Even Landmark seemed interesting.

I like how they've set up polls to ask the players what they want. I always giggle about female dwarves having beards. Lewl

I signed for Beta straight away and gotta say I'm pretty excited about it. Looks like it could be really fun. =o
not a wow killer...but i think a lot of subs will start playing for nostalgia sake ... me being 1 of them!
not a wow killer...but i think a lot of subs will start playing for nostalgia sake ... me being 1 of them!

You are right, it's probably not a WOW killer, but I am fairly sure it will bring a lot of old heads like me back.
SoE has some great plans in the works for EverQuest Next. If you haven't read anything about EQNext yet, do it...

It's going to be F2P
It will have Multiclassing
A minecraft-like element where you can build and/or destroy the world

So many cool things. Check out their official website, search YouTube... I am super excited.
There's been a lot of news going about with EQ Next Landmark expected to come out in the Winter. But one article really caught my attention.


Learn and adapt

It's this emergent AI system that Sony Online Entertainment has been talking up for EverQuest Next -- the ability for the enemies to not just attack you in waves, but actually read how you play, and react in such a way that they have a better chance of survival.

Says Georgeson, "Let's say you're in combat, and you use a fireball followed by a cold spell, and it happens to kill the monsters really well. You think 'Well, that seems like a really good idea, I'm going to do that a lot!' Then you go in and start using it against different types of monsters, and you realize that they start reacting to you in different ways, depending upon how smart the monster is."

​Enemies have different levels of brain power, and the smarter they are, the less likely the same tactics can simply be used over and over again.

"They start using different dynamic situational modifiers," Georgeson adds. "It's not like an aggro bar, where you're basically just trying to keep a monster's attention by going 'nee-ner nee-ner' at him. They are assessing the threat constantly. So as you move around on the battlefield, your physical location in relation to all the other monsters is being assessed by all the monsters. The tactics you were, which defensive abilities you have up - all these things affect the monster's decision making."

The hope is that this will mean every combat situation is different, no matter where you are and who you are battling against. Of course, when you bring another of EverQuest Next's big selling points into the situation -- the voxel-based world destruction -- things can that little bit more interesting.

"When you start using destructability on top of that, to be able to use the environment around you in a tactical kind of situation so that you're blowing a tree down to block a doorway to keep monsters from coming in, or building a pit under some monsters so they fall in temporarily," says Georgeson. "All of these things are different ways to interact with the game."

If they can actually pull this through and not just throw some lame version at us, then we could see a form of PvE that's just as varying as PvP. Or at least move towards a direction where simply spamming your auto-attack at mobs won't get the job done.

Really excited now. =O
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I dumped years of my life into EQoA (a PS2 "dumbed-down" version of Everquest) and loved it. I've always been a huge fan of Everquest lore, probably the most of any game I've played to date. I also really liked the semi-realistic approach they took towards their graphics and I have to say I was a little disappointed when I saw that the Kerran kinda looked like Simba from the lion king.

That being said I just pre-ordered ESO, but I'm signed up for EQnext beta and can't see any way that I wont be playing, short of ESO being perfect. Judging by the last beta, that probably wont be the case.
Wooohoooooo. Finally got my Beta invite!!!

But it's only 7 days long... And I've got finals till Thursday. )))):

At least it's better than nothing, after waiting so long! Anybody else around here also on it?
I payed for landmark beta in hopes that I'd get an EQN beta invite. No luck yet...

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