Search results

  1. handsomedgc

    What class is the best for boosting?

    I want to make a level 20 veteran twink and use it to boost in dungeons. 1. I know it will be slower as a level 10/11, but can anyone tell me how much slower? 2. Which class will be the best to do big pulls + big damage?
  2. handsomedgc

    Feeling stuck in my 20's

    Hi guys, This is thread to talk about feeling stuck in my 20's, I'm looking for people who feel they are in the same boat and advice from those who feel like it. I know this is a twinking forum, but most of you guys and girls are pretty look pretty resourcefull ingame and real life. My...
  3. handsomedgc

    Gearing guide for lvl 1's?

    Is their a general guide on what gear to get as a level one in SL?
  4. handsomedgc

    Why can't I have FCs like this? Smh

  5. handsomedgc

    Hot takes

    Post your hot takes on the twinking scene. Here are some of mine: People who have 'lil' 'qt' or 'god' in their should be reported instantly. AB and EOTS are shit unbalanced battlegrounds with the 40% mount speed. Arena hasn't be fun for two expansions.
  6. handsomedgc

    EU+US F2P/Veteran Demon Hunter GANG

    So who's joining the gang in shadowlands? Also, F2P cap is going to be 15. Based on nothing btw.
  7. handsomedgc

    PTR Incomplete classes @ level 10. Shadowlands

    How are you guys feeling about class design at level ten? Many classes seem to be very incomplete, even lacking talents. If the bracket is going to be 10-19, which I can't find a statement about, it will be very imba.
  8. handsomedgc

    CHAOS NOVA - A 6.2.4 Private server

    W.I.P.!! Introduction Nova Storm is a 39 twink server on the 6.2.4 patch. The server will have no custom content. It's main focus is going to be the Warsong Gulch battleground and arenas. We don't plan on adding any custom talents and gear. The only things that we will implement are going to...
  9. handsomedgc

    The burden of being tremendously good at videogames

    play this while reading Hello Xpoff. This isn't a troll thread, @ thread nor a 'look at how good I am' thread. this is a feels thread. During the lockdown I decided to spent an enormous amount of time playing videogames. In this time I pushed myself hard, becoming better at every game I played...
  10. handsomedgc

    F2P Can't spell affliction without action! - A F2P Affliction Warlock Guide

    There might be some weird typos in this guide. I use word to write the guides but because I use a bootleg version it sometimes switches words around. My excuse. Also if anyone wants to use my this lay-out for a guide feel free to do so!
  11. handsomedgc

    EU+US The basic tango - A F2P Discipline Priest guide

  12. handsomedgc

    [RP] [OoC] Create a backstory/lore for your character!

    I recently saw a post from @Light asking about a subforum for roleplaying. As a avid roleplayer myself I thought that it was a amazing idea. To get everyone in the mood for some roleplay I want to use this threat as a starting point. In this thread you can leave your characters backstory. This...
  13. handsomedgc

    Just some feels

    I somehow ended up watching old twink videos from the 2012 era and came across this one: At around 5:40 he starts talking about why he loves twinking/World of warcraft and it's very close to home. It's sad that modern twinks aren't more like this. I wouldn't put any legion/bfa twink on my resume.
  14. handsomedgc

    EU+US Starting a new series - A goblin without the cash

    I want to start a YouTube serie about my journey on a new fresh starter edition account. I created a new World of Warcraft account meaning I got no achievements, mounts and BoAs. I’m starting completely fresh. The first episode is talking about my why I picked a goblin, class choice, server and...
  15. handsomedgc

    Looking to improve my rogue gameplay

    This is my third game as a rogue in the 20-29 bracket and the teams we're pretty balanced. Was wondering if I have any major flaws in movement/overall gameplay. If you can chime in on what I could do better in some situations please say so. I know I lack addons, just did a fresh WoW install. I...
  16. handsomedgc

    Post de-levels confirmations

    Gm's being dicks, saying they can't delevel my rogue even tho it is their fault. 99% of the Gms say they can't and I was wondering if we can get proof of people getting deleveld. Would be awesome if we could get some cases of delevels with proof. My Ticket: Dear blizzard, Something horrible...
  17. handsomedgc

    The only tier list that matters

    Enjoy P.s. Rbg = Random Battlegrounds, not rated. P.p.s It might be unclear for some people but the classes aren't in any particular order in there respective tiers.
  18. handsomedgc

    Help new players decide! (Great iniative)

    Many new players are joining the twink community every other day. Most know what bracket they want to play, others have no clue where to start or how most brackets are at the moment. For those unknown to twinking I have decided to rate all twink brackets to maybe point them in the general right...
  19. handsomedgc

    Am I going insane or am I onto something? (Gear farming)

    Link to picture : I'm currently hunting ilvl 34 greens and found some intresting things. This might be usefull for those who are looking to farm specific gear but are currently stuck I'm currently going to SFK and uldaman to check what gear those chests drops. I'll...
  20. handsomedgc

    Farming 29 green BoE's?

    I'm in the mood to farm some for the GB and was wondering; Is there a definitieve answer for how to farm them effictively?