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  1. Survivability Trinkets/Consumables

    Still waiting for a non-retarded post.
  2. Survivability Trinkets/Consumables

    As a hunter, I am lacking in methods with which to save myself from death. At the moment I am stacking attack power and stamina, but I'm looking for ways to restore health or remove debuffs. There are the obvious items (Health Potions, Battlemaster Trinket), but what about others?
  3. 70 Holy Pally Arena Question

    Don't buy merciless gear. Iin fact, it takes more effort to get those tier tokens than T6 because those raids aren't zergable by pugs. (for the most part) A lot of people get engineering, and those trinkets are definitely extraordinarily powerful, but as a resto druid I find the battlemaster...
  4. 70 Warrior vs. 70 Ret Pally

    They are both very popular, and are especially nasty when geared with full armor penetration. This may sound cliche, but it will come down to your personal play style. I would prefer a paladin for increased survivability in battlegrounds, since there often aren't any healers around. However a...
  5. My 70 twink hunter.

    I would definitely consider running Mount Hyjal until you are exalted, for the ring. The Band of the Eternal Champion is an ilvl 152 ring with a proc, and can be obtained fairly reliably since it takes just around 6 clears of Mount Hyjal to achieve exalted status.
  6. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    For all any of us know, you may very well be as good as you claim you are. As long as every claim is a logical conclusion with factual evidence, all of the 'he said she said' opinions on skill won't get in the way of bettering one's self.
  7. Sunex: 70 rogue twink.

    I find it interesting these are the same people who condemn me for "owning against levelers." I would take everything they say with a grain of salt, it's the "internet guru" syndrome.
  8. What happens at lvl 70?

    I second what Falkor said. Lately, I have seen a lot of 70 twinks in the battlegrounds, so it does have some growing popularity. Even with just moderate level 70 gear, the PvP is fairly balanced with the diminishing difference between player's level and gear quality. What this means is that a...
  9. I apped for epoch

    Sorry to break it to you guys, but all of Glance's posts were made simply to get a funny reaction. None of us are like that at all, which is why we don't want Serenialol on our team.
  10. Thinking about making a rogue to help Glance

    Where would a druid be in the grand scheme of things? I have no arena experience, so I'm not surprised that I don't stand out to you. However, I am confident that I possess the capabilities of becoming a top PvPer. We can talk about hotkeys/addons more specifically the next time we meet...
  11. glance

  12. 70 Twink Warrior lf Guild /Arena team

    There are just a small handful of 70s content guilds that are regularly active; a couple have recruitment threads in this very forum. If you would like to do battlegrounds, you won't be able to catch any games in the xp-off bracket, regardless of battlegroup. For this reason, myself and others...
  13. Battlegroup Question.

    I don't want to discourage you, but I don't think there are any battlegroups that regularly have enough players for Twink Bracket games at level 70. Ruin is the best battlegroup for twinking in general, however no 'official' realm has been made widely known for 70's. For these reasons, players...
  14. Cataclysm... 80 Twinks?

    I see it largely depending on how they decide to organize the brackets. If the battlegrounds fall under a 71-80 bracket, or 75-80, it's unlikely there will be enough players for Wintergrasp, Isle of Conquest, or Strand of the Ancients. I'm not sure of how the Wintergrasp mechanics would work...
  15. "of the alliance"!!!

    Congrats on your amazing title! You are now one among the few, which I plan to join soon as well! To all the forum visitors who don't post, you can't win at World of Warcraft. There is ALWAYS something to blame or write-off for the sake of preserving one's own ego. If you lose, it's...
  16. Removing WOTLK and making a Paladin

    Don't pay any attention to Falkor whatsoever, or any others for that matter who post the same. For the record I will call his bluff by revealing that Sunwell/Brutal gear from BC is only moderately better than entry-level WotLK gear. All dungeon gear in Northrend starts at ilevel 155 and up...
  17. Downgrading Account to BC

    Okay, I received a response from the supervisor from my reply to that automated e-mail. It states as follows: ------- "Hello, Thank you for taking the time to email me directly. I apologize for the delay in response, you caught me on my weekend and I'm just going through and...
  18. Downgrading Account to BC

    I am really at my whit's end here. I feel like I am hitting my head against a brick wall, over and over again. But hopefully with the Twinkinfo forum's help/support, I can get Blizzard to downgrade my account. If successful, I hope for this thread to serve as a guide for other players. I...
  19. 2100+ MMR team, LF arena player for new season!

    I am definitely interested in transferring and playing with you guys. I'm only moderately geared in comparison, but I have 30 something thousand honorable kills as a PvP resto druid in the leveling brackets. I'd like to downgrade my account to BC though, and need someone to give me some...
  20. Full 70 Sunwell Clears <Epoch> Recruiting

    I posted on the battlegroup forums thread on the main wow website, but you can answer my questions here as well. :) Oh, and how exactly do I go about downgrading my account?