Downgrading Account to BC


I am really at my whit's end here. I feel like I am hitting my head against a brick wall, over and over again. But hopefully with the Twinkinfo forum's help/support, I can get Blizzard to downgrade my account. If successful, I hope for this thread to serve as a guide for other players.

I will start from the beginning:

1. I called Blizzard Support, and after waiting on hold for an hour and a half, got an answer. I asked about downgrading my account from WotLK status to the BC. The response I got was that such an action is not possible, nor has it ever been done. (especially on just a request) I was politely 'shoved out the door' and directed to a supervisor's email address.

2. A few days later, I called Blizzard Support again, and was answered by a different technician. After hearing the same response, the technician revealed that account downgrading could be possible, but his only his supervisor would have the authority on anything pertaining to the matter. I was told that this response would not change with additional calls.

3. A short time after the call ended, I was called back by the same technician. He stated that he had discussed the matter with his supervisor, and they have agreed to downgrade my account, although it is a request they have never before encountered.

I was asked to send an e-mail to the technician as written consent. I was asked to state that I am aware that my account will lose access to ALL WotLK content, and to regain that access, I would have to repurchase an expansion cd code. I sent an email with all of the requested information.

4. About an hour later, I get a response to my email as follows (with unimportant stuff edited out)

"Re: accountname Downgrading Account to BC


Due to the nature of the expansion, it is not possible to access a World of Warcraft account which has been upgraded with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion set from a game client which has not been similarly upgraded. At this time, it is not possible to "downgrade" an account which has been upgraded.

If you have experienced difficulty installing the expansion. . . etc."

you can't transfer a character from wotlk to BC account.

but don't be disheartened, keep trying, it is possible and people have done it.

keep calling them every single day, they will cave.
This is what I found at the guild IDDQD's website a while ago, but the site itself is not online anymore.
HOW TO: Downgrade your TBC / WOTLK account!

Send an e-mail through filling in "Other" and then specify it as "Account Downgrade". In the e-mail type this:

I agree on all terms of account downgrade, i wish to downgrade from wrath of the lich king to a classic account, thus removing the burning crusade and the wrath of the lichking expansions.

- Your full real name

- Your full address including postal or zip code

- Your full email address (currently registered on the account)

- Your secret question and answer (if possible)

- Your account name

- The authentication key used to create the account (not the Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King key)

- Your payment information (either the last four digits of your Credit Card/Bank Account Number, or a full Prepaid Gamecard code)

That's what I wrote. Then, when you have gotten the confirmation e-mail from, you call them via a telephone found @ World of Warcraft Europe -> Support -> Billing Support , telling them that you wish to downgrade and that you have sent them an e-mail concerning the matter.

After the downgrade is complete ( takes about 5hrs up to 3days ), you are then able to migrate to another Classic account or you can stay @ that account without leveling.


Removal of Burning Crusade expansion:

- Any character that you have leveled beyond level 60 will be locked and inaccessible

- Any characters that you have created from either of the new races (Draenei or Blood Elf) will be inaccessible

- The Burning Crusade content will no longer be accessible to you

Removal of Wrath of the Lich King expansion:

- Any character that you have levelled beyond level 70 will be locked and inaccessible

- Any Death Knight Characters you created will no longer be accessible.

- The Wrath of the Lich King content will no longer be accessible to you

Those restrictions will of course be lifted if you choose to re-upgrade your account again, which you can do at any time.

Im not 100% sure it works (cuase I havent tryed it, yet)
Okay, I received a response from the supervisor from my reply to that automated e-mail. It states as follows:



Thank you for taking the time to email me directly. I apologize for the delay in response, you caught me on my weekend and I'm just going through and getting caught up now. While the service you are requesting is not one that we normally provide, I've made the single exception to downgrade your account from Wrath of the Lich King to The Burning Crusade, per your request. Please keep in mind that the stipulations you agreed to have not been changed and that in order to use Lich King content again, you will need to purchase a new authentication key. Additionally, this exception will not be replicated in the future.

If you have any other questions, feel free to let any of us know. Thanks and have a great day. "


My account is now set to BC status. I have kept all of my items and skills (450 enchanting/first aid), as well as the BoAs.

I sent a follow-up thank you in response. :)
Congrats! :)

I'm highly considering this for my 70 mage, but I'm not 100% sure if that's something I really want to do to my other account yet since it still has 3 80s on it :p.
see i told ya:)

the customer service people are easy to figure out, they don't really care about anything regarding wow, they just don't want to get in any trouble:)

so take advantage of that and you can pretty much get whatever you want done.
once again if you play on EU WOW......they seem to get things done that US WOW claim that can't be done.

this same type crap happens in lower twink brackets....extreme stuff too. like leveling a player to get 450 engineering done, or to obtain certain quest rewards that a 19 could not get, deleting them, then getting a EU GM to restore them to level-19. good luck pulling stuff like that on US WOW GM's

70's having 450 skills are easily done on WOTLK trials
im a bit confused on why people would want to downgrade their account. Couldn't you just lock your exp at 70 for the same effect or am i missing something?
Twinkurface said:
im a bit confused on why people would want to downgrade their account. Couldn't you just lock your exp at 70 for the same effect or am i missing something?

if you lock xp at any bracket you can only play with other people who have CHOSEN and PAID to turn their xp off. 60s and 70s on vanilla and bc accounts respectively, are locked but its because of the game; they didnt pay to turn xp off. so those people are still grouped with normal levelers when they que up for a bg. this allows them to play av with levelers and other maps too (altho a 60 will play 69s and 70 will play 79s in any other bg but av). so if you dont like LK content - aka sucky toon and cant pvp at 80 - and want to downgrade to pvp and own levelers you now can!
Is it possible to lock your XP at level 70, get some WOTLK rewards, achivements, professions - and then get WOTLK removed?

EDIT: Typo

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