Search results

  1. Shadowfang US 9k

    hey yu are funny
  2. 70 twink rogue chardev (AP)

    i herd shadow rogues r good - Splenda
  3. WTB t3 Warrior

    WTS t3 Warrior 9/9 2.000USD you give $$$$$ first, k?
  4. Fraps and Hard Drive Questions

    ^ warez you know - Splenda
  5. Omgmom/Zynkla at sick party with fellow bandmates!

    AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ps. that guy on the left is me - Splenda
  6. Goodbye 70-79

    +1 you suck glance, face it enjoy 1000rating
  7. 70 Warrior vs. 70 Ret Pally

    armor penetration on a ret pally = fail - Splenda
  8. Kopnuss /out

    Gl in future - Splenda
  9. PC on Grunt's Shield of Stam?

    Its not worth anything at all. It gives 5stam, and nothing else. Which is pretty bad.
  10. Best healer class?

    Shaman > All. Shaman's is sooooooooooo awesome!
  11. Paladin FC gear help.

    Thanks, bro.
  12. Paladin FC gear help.

    Ive seen a dude have them on Darkweave, how do i do that?
  13. Paladin FC gear help.

    How do you cheat? :D
  14. BiS blocking shield?

    Nah. Sword and Board with spellchants is nice for a pally.
  15. Offering Funding - Alliance EU

    Are you funding Paladins? I have a level 47 i could transfer over. :-D
  16. Offering Funding - Alliance EU

    I have a 46 Paladin i could transfer over, if u need one.
  17. BiS blocking shield?

    No. There is a 4STR version too. Atleast wowhead says so.
  18. CC Human Mage

    Dont forget the -20% healing that also comes with permafrost. EDIT: Fail.
  19. 70 Armor > 12 dodge? || CLOAK

    +5 Resist, or +10 Shadow Resist imo.
  20. CC Human Mage

    I guess it depends on, if you want to rely on your frostbolt freezing them in place, or having a faster nova.