70 Warrior vs. 70 Ret Pally


Hey all, wanted to get some opinions on what you think is more viable at 70 for arena / raids / pvp in general, an Arms warrior

(or Fury) or a Ret pally? (in equal gear.)

Was thinking about twinking one at 70 and i wasn't sure which to pick, i know that both can reign destruction when played right.

They're both pretty OP at 80. So i was wondering how they were at 70.

They are both very popular, and are especially nasty when geared with full armor penetration. This may sound cliche, but it will come down to your personal play style. I would prefer a paladin for increased survivability in battlegrounds, since there often aren't any healers around. However a warrior can just unleash tremendous damage virtually indefinitely, and suits very aggressive players well who like to be the first to rush into battle. Both work well in 2's when paired with any healer, so it really is personal play style.
armor penetration on a ret pally = fail

- Splenda
Magnetic said:
armor penetration on a ret pally = fail

- Splenda


in a 1v1 with equal gear a ret pally should beat a fury warrior, and should prolly beat an arms warrior too. repent and hoj, but mainly bubble + all the burst. a warrior is good but with a bubble and heals a pally should win.

i do ret/rogue in arena and its pretty awesome. warrior/rogue warrior/healer would also be very good. all comes down to personal pref.

also if you join a 70 raiding guild pally is fun since you can tank, heal, or dps. warriors can only tank or dps...so if you feel you'd ever wanna a heal you'll wanna play a pally
Ret VS arms/furt

A level 70 paladin twink(ret) vs a level 70 warrior twink (furt or arms) with similar gear/knowledge/skill a paladin would win every single time Arms has good burst damage with rend/bladestorm but the pally can just bubble through bladestorm and if it gets close pally can run and hammer of wrath vs melee range execute
Dietz said:
They are both very popular, and are especially nasty when geared with full armor penetration. This may sound cliche, but it will come down to your personal play style. I would prefer a paladin for increased survivability in battlegrounds, since there often aren't any healers around. However a warrior can just unleash tremendous damage virtually indefinitely, and suits very aggressive players well who like to be the first to rush into battle. Both work well in 2's when paired with any healer, so it really is personal play style.
IF you are a ret stacking armor pen on purpose...rerollplox
prot warriors do real well against paladins, especially if they do the point dive to get blood craze in fury tree which works against the free critting blizz bestows paladins. they also have the stuns to match a ret's two stuns, along with stun from charge/intercept. way more slows than a ret-pal. prot warriors indirectly have a bubble too, along with silences and disarm that will affect any paladin.

prot-wars were buffed huge in wotlk, it took awhile for some to figure out viability in PVP and the insane survivability. once they started showing more in PVP, blizz rolled the nerf stick.
prot war is a diffrent story no one mentioned prot before..if they did i didnt notice plox..i had a lot of blues and kept my gear enchanted decently on my retadin at level 67 i came across a level 65 prot tauren war...he facerolled my ass and camped me for 2 hours lol

Supbrah said:
Go warrior, stack ArP get JC and engi. gg you just hit rank 1.

lol warriors failbrah, prot has its advantages but i can faceroll any fury/arms war on my pally bubblesoak ftw
For BGs and WarrvsPaladin duels: Paladin.

Why: Self-healing, bubble, a lot of upfront damage and escape mechanics (dispels and freedom)

For Prot Warr vs Paladin duels: Prot Warr.

Why: It's not even funny.

For 70 Arena: Warrior.

Warriors work better with more comps than a ret can. I will be upfront and tell you that there is no class that cannot heal through a ret's AW'd damage UNLESS the ret and his partner execute a complete lockdown on either of their opponents. This is considering equal gear levels and skill, and is largely owed to the lack of a MS ability and interrupts.

For 70 Arena, healing: Any class but holy paladin.

Don't try it. Relying almost purely on getting casts off won't take you far, even if you juke like a pro. Remember that you do not have Divine Plea or Sacred Shield at 70.
prot warrior vs ret pally? not that lop sided with bubble and heals still on our side, plus HoF removes a stun; you can get out of conc blow every time and revenge doesnt stun anymore. disarmed? HoJ or LoS until you have it back, plus you can still judge w/o the wep iirc

for arenas? pallys work welll with a lot of comps, one being ret rogue. tons of CC and burst, and you can get a ms effect with wound poison if needed. i also play ret warrior and its been going well so far, not the same CC but still great burst and some utility with fearbomb, s&b, real ms, etc. depends largely on opposing comp, but ret can old their own with a good number of partners.

for healing? holy is good and always has been. with FoL and holy shock its not all about dropping HL bombs. aura mastery, bubble, and smart LoS use can work out well. holy was fine in bc and in lk too. sure druids are beasts, but holy isnt awful; you can make it work
lol i have 3 seperate partners to choose from with my retadin i got a marks hunter, fury/arms warrior, and a rogue they all have thier own ms/as/poison
Primaeva said:
... Have you actually participated in duels/arenas against competent and geared players?

yea i play on vindication, supposedly the best 70 twink BG. 2s all day everyday pretty much instant que....
Vindication is preety dreadful accuatly got to 2k playing Mage/Priest with a Priest stacking resil in s1/s2 =[

edit: w/ no vent.

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