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  1. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    ^ this. lol10chars
  2. Skirmisher Hunter Guide

    I thought you could have 5 pets, it just costs alot of gold. Maybe i am confused.
  3. Xio and Myrmidon strike again

    I do realize what you are saying and i agree, i worded it poorly, i mean the folks who were in the bg with them that were unable to attain a victory because the game ran so long. If they have the time to play 9000hrs in a row all i can say is i am jealous. You are also correct that my second...
  4. Xio and Myrmidon strike again

    I think it is the other peoples summers that should concern you. Not everyone can spend 6 hours being uberleet and pwningface on nubs to earn an achievement that no one outside of WoW even give a rats arse about.
  5. What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

    I one bought both the Staff of the Friar and Blessed Seer from the same person on the AH, 50S each. It was really neato.
  6. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    I am willing to stay. I would hate to have to work for all that damned goldz again.
  7. joining the lvl 10 bandwagon...

    I think it would be a viable option, lots of stam and armor. Stack that stuff and off you go.
  8. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    @Spooksters Well said my friend. @Germs You realize all you are doing is just fueling the lvl10 fire. :) I am sorry you are so scared to veer from the pack.
  9. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    yeah, exactly what Pen said, exactly.
  10. Best 19 Hunter Pet

    You can get him in Howling Fjord, he is part of a chain you do for a magic talking worg.
  11. Level 10 twink weapon possibility

    @spooksters - please don't wake me up, i like the way the dream is heading. Me roflstomping 19's with my nifty fishing pole. kk. i will wake up now. Alls i can say is........lame.
  12. Level 10 twink weapon possibility

    ok, now this may be a longshot, in theory you could use Bone Fishing Pole - Item - World of Warcraft from the bag of fishing treasures. IF and i mean IF that is the case, pre lvl 20 this thing would be sick. Crazy ass high DPS. However i may just be dreaming.
  13. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    kk. I will be more frugal in the future.
  14. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    @twinkytoes /thank
  15. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    WTB - copy of twinking rulebook.
  16. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    No point, just for fun. Just like everything else in a game. I guess i could retaliate with "what is the point of a twink at all?"
  17. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    Negativity is fuel. If it doesn't work that is ok. Sticking to conformity is just another way of staying "safe". BTW it is just a game. Nothing lost. Constructive feedback is a much better solution, if all you can post is "blah blah blah" why waste our and your time.
  18. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    This looks awesome!! Only bad thing is mages can't use any weapons that you can put a Counterweight on.
  19. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    I think it is funny to make lvl 10's becuase they do to 19 twinks what 19's do to everyone else, basically just piss them off. LVL10FTW.
  20. WTB 10 Rogue Help

    i will link my good friend canihascookie's rogue, i think he is pretty solid so far. The World of Warcraft Armory