Xio and Myrmidon strike again

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Xio said:
If you read the other pages.. This is about my 4th or 5th post.

Nice try though =)

You answered him 1min after he posted about you "camping the forums". gg
Xio said:
You could have not made 4 well geared level 19 twinks..

Must have taken you months of playing time.. This only took me 6 hours.. Your call on who is wasting their summer.

I think it is the other peoples summers that should concern you. Not everyone can spend 6 hours being uberleet and pwningface on nubs to earn an achievement that no one outside of WoW even give a rats arse about.
TheUD said:
I think it is the other peoples summers that should concern you. Not everyone can spend 6 hours being uberleet and pwningface on nubs to earn an achievement that no one outside of WoW even give a rats arse about.

Im gonna help xio and myrm out here. yeah alot of people cant waste 6 hours to wsg and get this achivement so why is it your concern if they can? and anyone outside of WoW doesnt even care about WoW so that is a pointless thing to bring up..
I do realize what you are saying and i agree, i worded it poorly, i mean the folks who were in the bg with them that were unable to attain a victory because the game ran so long. If they have the time to play 9000hrs in a row all i can say is i am jealous. You are also correct that my second point is worthless......as is this whole silly thread.
Secretsauce said:
Im gonna help xio and myrm out here. yeah alot of people cant waste 6 hours to wsg and get this achivement so why is it your concern if they can? and anyone outside of WoW doesnt even care about WoW so that is a pointless thing to bring up..

You're horrible at arguing.

Secretsauce said:
Im gonna help xio and myrm out here. yeah alot of people cant waste 6 hours to wsg and get this achivement so why is it your concern if they can? and anyone outside of WoW doesnt even care about WoW so that is a pointless thing to bring up..



i think i can speak for most when i say our concern is that people like that give twinks a bad name. Most of us aren't gy camping lowbie farming scrubs.
by the power of greyskull, i end this stupid thread
Evocate said:
Drayner called you a tool. Plus he kinda owns this website..not a good way to go insulting the person who owns this website lol.

Him being the owner doesn't mean anything when it comes down to arguing against him about something unrelated to this website, this is not relevant.


I told you all this would hit 20 or get close. =/
Actually it is. He told Drayner he was terrible. Thats like telling Blizzard they are a terrible company on their forums. Thats a fast track to getting banned.
Evocate said:
Actually it is. He told Drayner he was terrible. Thats like telling Blizzard they are a terrible company on their forums. Thats a fast track to getting banned.

Please prove that Blizzard has ever banned anyone for calling them a terrible company on their forums.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Please prove that Blizzard has ever banned anyone for calling them a terrible company on their forums.

i think you can get his point. What he's trying to say is: if you come on someone's website, you damn well better respect them. Insulting them is not a smart thing, no matter where and what company it is.
wait.. I could swear Mopchild (or something like that) had posted a post after Omgimarogue :S
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