Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

I wonder why people post why?

The same could be said for anything. Why do we twink? Because we enjoy it. Why do people play there 80s? Because they enjoy it. I don't see the point in asking somone why they do somthing when they are asking for advice.
I've done it on my level ten rogue and I'm still trying to get clips for a video ;)

@ Noo

Thanks for the comment, means a lot to me when you post :p
Hehe, I've been working on my level 10 CC mage for a while now (Jut got her AGM the other day). I've only played a few battlegrounds as she's not finished yet.


That's what I have right now. I went troll for the racial, and with 1 talent point I have invested into Imp. Frostbolt she's got a 1.11 casting speed without using her racial, and a 1.01 casting speed with only the +10% haste from the racial. I went skinning and herbalism for professions as I'm planning on making this more of an arena character than a battlegrounds one, and the herbalism gives me a lot more survivability while the skinning gives an insane amount of crit. Looking for the +30 SP to weapon right now (I can cast ~24 rank one frostbolts (Only way to go if you want speed) on my current mana).

As far as BG's go this char's good until you start pissing off the ranged characters or warriors who are smart enough to hamstring you. I managed to kite one twink rogue around in a 5v5 battle while still frostbolting/frost nova-ing and sheeping the healers (1.19 cast speed allows you to basically use it as an interupt). When there's a lot of hunters around you get taken down fast and there's not much you can do about it (Unless there's just one and you sheep the hunter and run away).

The +5 hit to boots is non-negotiable with a 10 CC mage, with just 5 hit you gain 16.??% hit which allows you to hit the majority of the time (I have yet to miss when I needed to hit). Personally I'm going to go with the haste trinket instead of a second AGM since I plan on running this character in BG's with a dedicated healer.

Sorry if the post is a little jumbled, but if anybody has any questions about numbers or some more reports from the trenches I'll be happy to reply ^^.
JOIN US! we needs moar twinkies D:

So about +5 hit rating

You think that my current character build for my mage would be pretty good?
Hehe, I might join you sometime, but I've got a good group where I play right now, and 10's is just a fun gimmick for me right now as finding the gear on the AH is taking a lot of time(Damn you willow bracers of the eagle, you will be mine!).

I think your current build would work, of course the +5 hit to boots would drop your hp down by 70, but maybe drop the recombobulator for a AGM to pick it back up and put you up 50 HP (Not to mention the shield is amazing for those tough battles). Insignia would be nice for hamstrings (Which I find to be the main problem), go inherited if you want to put the icing (No pun intended) on the cake. If you go with the haste BoA trinket you should gain ~7-8% more haste I believe (If you're stuck on the insignia you could switch it on CD's). I'd definitely change to troll. The voodoo shuffle will help keep you alive against those pesky warriors or rogues is you get slowed, the haste racial when put on a macro with lifeblood can really toss on some speed, other than that it's really quite nice. I'll definitely be getting ahold of those ghastly trousers sometime. If you want to stick with purely CC then go mining instead of skinning, it'll give you an extra push in survival.

If you don't have people out there helping you with your furbolg pouch I'd highly suggest cresent staff, but for your purposes your current build shoul work out quite well! Good luck and let me know how it goes!
I think it is funny to make lvl 10's becuase they do to 19 twinks what 19's do to everyone else, basically just piss them off. LVL10FTW.
I put together a profile for a level 10 alliance mage, for those interested.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Here are some of the changes/upgrades I found...






I was able to get to 1207 hp / 1041 mp / 31.56% spell crit / +26% haste / +16.25% chance to hit / and 3 resilience, with mining, skinning, and good old rumsey rum.



Also, I noticed that [ITEM]5356[/ITEM] (Horde only) has a pretty high dps for a level 10 wand. Does haste rating effect wand speed too? If so, it might be worth to sacrifice stam/int and get a 2H with an Iron Counterweight to stack haste. Not sure though.
This looks awesome!! Only bad thing is mages can't use any weapons that you can put a Counterweight on.
The only rogues that you'll be able to kill are ones that are worse than yourself which, judging on your posts, would be very few.
Negativity is fuel.

If it doesn't work that is ok. Sticking to conformity is just another way of staying "safe". BTW it is just a game. Nothing lost.

Constructive feedback is a much better solution, if all you can post is "blah blah blah" why waste our and your time.
Mindgrind said:
Hehe, I've been working on my level 10 CC mage for a while now (Jut got her AGM the other day). I've only played a few battlegrounds as she's not finished yet.


That's what I have right now. I went troll for the racial, and with 1 talent point I have invested into Imp. Frostbolt she's got a 1.11 casting speed without using her racial, and a 1.01 casting speed with only the +10% haste from the racial. I went skinning and herbalism for professions as I'm planning on making this more of an arena character than a battlegrounds one, and the herbalism gives me a lot more survivability while the skinning gives an insane amount of crit. Looking for the +30 SP to weapon right now (I can cast ~24 rank one frostbolts (Only way to go if you want speed) on my current mana).

As far as BG's go this char's good until you start pissing off the ranged characters or warriors who are smart enough to hamstring you. I managed to kite one twink rogue around in a 5v5 battle while still frostbolting/frost nova-ing and sheeping the healers (1.19 cast speed allows you to basically use it as an interupt). When there's a lot of hunters around you get taken down fast and there's not much you can do about it (Unless there's just one and you sheep the hunter and run away).

The +5 hit to boots is non-negotiable with a 10 CC mage, with just 5 hit you gain 16.??% hit which allows you to hit the majority of the time (I have yet to miss when I needed to hit). Personally I'm going to go with the haste trinket instead of a second AGM since I plan on running this character in BG's with a dedicated healer.

Sorry if the post is a little jumbled, but if anybody has any questions about numbers or some more reports from the trenches I'll be happy to reply ^^.

I saw you tonight on the toon I'm pvp leveling to 60 once 3.2 hits. Boatmurdered. I basically stand around and throw heals. But with smorcs, and when i put on my +healing gear it's pretty decent heals getting tossed out. But I do remember you so I thought I'd say hi.
Zoomacroom said:
I saw you tonight on the toon I'm pvp leveling to 60 once 3.2 hits. Boatmurdered. I basically stand around and throw heals. But with smorcs, and when i put on my +healing gear it's pretty decent heals getting tossed out. But I do remember you so I thought I'd say hi.

Hehe, hello there, and I hope all those polymorph's weren't too bad to you ^^. Though I spent a decent amount of time just slowing down FC's tonight and letting my hunter friend kill them.

@Negative comments - Having actually played this set up, and a non-finished version at that, I can attest to it being a very fun build that can survive quite well with a decent team. I ended up pissing off a lot of 19 twinks, and my total deaths tonight out of three BG's was five. Yes my team won all of them. If you're looking for damage this is not what you want to go for, but if you want to do what it's made for (Crowd control) it works quite well. Here's some examples of situations I survived:

1: Running through enemy GY while chasing the EFC and having ~6 people rezzing on top of me. (Only horde around was a twink priest who was chasing the EFC with me)

2: Running away from a group of 2 twink hunters, a druid, and a twink rogue (Alone).

3: Running into a renew hut filled with enemies (I couldn't count) to bail out a friend with a frost nova.

I can't think of any others right now (It's 3 AM). Before you say "That's a lot of just running away" this character has no way of doing enough damage to even take down one twink so running was the best option for survival. I did have a healer on my team in all three games, but he wasn't with me 100% of the time.

Again, this is just a support character, slowing down the hunters so the rogues can get at them, polymorphing the healers in the middle of their spellcasting to interupt and CC them, Nova-ing/frostbolting the rogues, warriors, and shamans to keep them away from our hunters and healers. I plan on adding in some SP and extra crit so I can assist with damage, but after tonight I'll be making an HP set for the side since frostbolting and sheeping kept me busy.

@Those interested in more playtesting information - As stated before, low deaths. Having a healer who respects the idea of a level 10 twink and is willing to heal you does wonders. Stick to the group, if you get away from them either just run from melee back to the group, or if you've got a hunter on you sheep the hunter run from the pet back to the group. I never ran out of mana, never drank, and never took the renew buff from either hut. Mana regen was solid (If you're thinking not running out of mana came from rezzing, maybe, but I did have a 23 minute streak of no deaths that I measured and I didn't run out of mana then) for me, though YMMV. Frost armor will save your life alot, watch for it and make sure it's not dispelled.

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