joining the lvl 10 bandwagon...


please share your thoughts on the idea of a 10 fc druid. /discuss
I think it would be a viable option, lots of stam and armor. Stack that stuff and off you go.
Loss of stam = worse fc

Not taking skill into account but just saying.

Most of the time the people hitting you will be behind you so dodge isnt entirely a factor unless you backstrafe like a pro
kgo gear suggestions... im new to this stuff... no boas included pls and thxs.
Grizzlybear said:
kgo gear suggestions... im new to this stuff... no boas included pls and thxs.

Xposure said:
so I'm not the only one who thinks it looks like the moonwalk? :D

Since the very first day I did it I thought it was the moonwalk:). Should be renamed officially as a tribute to MJ now:p

Btw this thread is kinda creepy. Was just thinking about a lvl 10 druid FC before I saw this thread, would make an chardev but its down atm.
Well in 3.2 i'd probably suggest Camouflage Tunic (6 stam 2 agi) But an item level 35+ might be good too, for 150 HP on it. In 3.2 should probably also nab a Beastmaster Girdle, and probably Gloves of the Moon - and then you'll want a furbolg pouch (Duh) and a 1hander - with 22 int im sure. For cloak I'd suggest one with 2 stamins (I would link all this gear - but im tired and lazy atm >< just woke up) and then in 3.2 I would upgrade to Acidproof Cloak (3 stamina) and Savannah bracers (3 stamina too?) Lucky fishing hat would be good as well, for rings you are probably best off with Slayer's Band and The 1 Ring again haha
May I ask where the point in a lvl 10 FC is? I can see why people make level 10 DPSers, taking into account they run around with 50% Crit or Haste. But why would you want to gimp yourself as a lvl 10 FC? No offense, just being curious.
Neratho said:
May I ask where the point in a lvl 10 FC is? I can see why people make level 10 DPSers, taking into account they run around with 50% Crit or Haste. But why would you want to gimp yourself as a lvl 10 FC? No offense, just being curious.

It would increase their Dodge percent as well as making your mana pool quite a bit larger (relative to the cost of the spells, that is, because the cost scales with level.) The idea is that since FCs don't focus on doing damage or healing, they're not as reliant on the better spells / ratings that come with being 19. I think this could be a great idea.

By the way, go with the +6 stamina chest with +4 stats over +150 hp. Every point of int goes a much further way for a level 10, and in bear form 10 stamina will be almost as good anyway.
This whole idea gets a lot better now that they're changing Resilience! Does the percent reduced stay constant no matter what level your attacker is? That might be GG.

Head: Lucky Fishing Hat (+15 Stam)

Neck: Voice Amplification Module (10% less silence/interrupt)

Shoulders: Aged Pauldrons of the Five Thunders (+3 Stam/+2 Int/+3 Resil (3.12%)/+3 Spell)

Back: Acidproof Cloak, +70 Armor (+3 Stam)

Chest: Haliscan Jacket, +15 Resilience Rating -or- +15 Defense Rating?

Bracer: Savannah Bracers, +9 Stam (+12 Stam)

Gloves: Hunting Gloves, +15 Agi (+17 Agi/+1 Stam)

Pants: Embossed Leather Pants, +40 Armor (+2 Stam/+3 Agi)

Belt: Bard's Belt of Defense? (+3 Defense)

Boots: Rambling Boots, +Minor Speed (+3 Agi/+1 Stam)

Ring #1: The 1 Ring (+1 Stat)

Ring #2: I guess...The 1 Ring (+1 Stat)

Trinket #1: Inherited Insignia of the Horde (+4 Resil (4.16%))

Trinket #2: Arena Grand Master (+12 Stam)

Weapon: Sharpened Scarlet Kris, +22 Int (+22 Int/+2 Stam/+1 Resil (1.04%)/+3 AP)

Off-Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch (+10 Stam)

Or you could go Grand Staff of Jordan for an extra 3 resil at the cost of 6 stam :/ Not worth it imo.

This adds up to: +63 Stamina, +26 Intellect, +25 Agility, +23 Resilience Rating (23.5% Reduction/crit), and some +defense.

Thoughts? I'm sure that's not perfect, but it's a start
A year ago 15 defense rating would be awesome, same with the resilience..But I think you should stick with 150hp/6stats. Gloves of the moon in stead of the hunting ones as stated above, also beastmasters girdle as stated.

I don't think defense rating is the way to go anymore, sadly.

Reffering to Quarra
thxs for the help guys. anyway i could possibly push out more int for shifts?

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