Level 10 twink weapon possibility


I've been reading up on level 10 twinks recently for some reason. Any way, I was just wondering if anyone has experimented with the Arcanite Fishing Pole.

It requires 300 fishing, which is attainable at level 10. It also has incredible dps for a level 10 weapon. The one problem I see with it, is that it doesn't count as a melee weapon. Therefore rogues would not be able to use any of their abilities with it (and warriors might not be able to either).

However, it could be an insane weapon for a pally. Or maybe it could make level 10 feral druids a viable twink option.

Post your thoughts.

Edit: Does anyone know if you can put weapon enchants (25 agi) on a fishing pole?
iirc: Fishing Poles can't be chanted unless its with a lure or the STV contest line.

Btw, I think this topic was posted in the WW BG forums quite sometime ago...

Even without an enchant wouldn't it still do more dps than any other 2h at level 10?
ok, now this may be a longshot, in theory you could use Bone Fishing Pole - Item - World of Warcraft from the bag of fishing treasures. IF and i mean IF that is the case, pre lvl 20 this thing would be sick. Crazy ass high DPS. However i may just be dreaming.
Twinkzruz said:
No because you cant cast your abilities with it, next thread!

First of all, no need to be rude here.

Secondly, that's not actually true. Pallies dont need melee weapons to use any of the abilities they have at level 10. Also, druids don't need a melee weapon to use abilities in bear form. Even if it isn't a great pvp weapon, it could be a useful pve weapon in the next patch.
This fishing pole thing is actually worth a try, I wouldn't say for its damage - but for the crit it gives. Take that fishing pole, or any fishing pole - and attach a +5 line to it, and a +100 lure, your melee crit with jump way up, so for a silly gimick level 10 feral druid twink - perhaps, but I don't see it being too too viable
@spooksters - please don't wake me up, i like the way the dream is heading. Me roflstomping 19's with my nifty fishing pole. kk. i will wake up now.

Alls i can say is........lame.

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