Search results

  1. BiS 64 feral

    Ye they hating buy ye people dont like 64 twinks so i'd say go 60 or 70 :> BUT WELCOME TO THE SITE DONT MIND ALL THE DICKS
  2. Any Level 16 Twink viable in your opinion?

    Do you have FoL as 16?
  3. Help with my 39 mage

    Why did you level your 29 twink :<
  4. Juusoörkki Lvl 10 twink. Check it out. warrior

    Keep your 15 resil chest when u fight ppl that isnt 10 twinks :)
  5. ßose - 19 Rogue

    Quinpi ite
  6. Harpy Hide Quiver

    Lol hunter cus hunters at 19 is retarded :<
  7. 70 twink with only vanilla and TBC registered!

    Welcome to the site mate :)!, dont mind evade hes a dick overall, you are welcome to this site and you can ask all you want.
  8. Considering level 85, Resto Druid.

    Retard blizz delayed them again :(!
  9. Considering level 85, Resto Druid.

    t2 weps inc 3<<33<3<33
  10. Considering level 85, Resto Druid.

    HI, im playing 85 srsrslrslrsysrsrly and im at 2419 as meleecleave, Druids is really boss if you can play them, like every team we meet has a druid and damn are they hard to get down some times :<(WHEN THEY AINT SHIT) EDIT: 85 is the most balanced expansion so far IMO dks are abit op and...
  11. ßose - 19 Rogue

    Soo just a question what do you do when your parents wont let you play wow? heh btw ur not n1 rogue ur trash.
  12. 19 ab! - EU

    What do we care about us?
  13. First BG in 6 months! :O

    THIS THIS THIS, Grody1 you are sad.
  14. hunter pet

    Fuck off why are you allowed to paly a hunter when hes not?
  15. Waw Tawent?

    Your a retarded fuck nobody likes you or sees you as a hunter god now gtfo.
  16. Waw Tawent?

    i agree .
  17. Waw Tawent?

    the famous pizza is gy farming? hahahahahah
  18. Best thing to have as a 85 right now?

    No hunters is not trash anymore, MM is really nice!
  19. IRL Photos. (Part 3)

    You'r gf is very cheap.
  20. Level one pally

    umad cus u have no heirlooms?