Juusoörkki Lvl 10 twink. Check it out. warrior


Hello guys. Im new in twinkinfo, but it seems a perfect site for stuff like this :) .

I have this lvl 10 warrior twink at Chromaggus. Some upgrading still, its almost finished tough.

Armory link: Juusoörkki @ Chromaggus - Game - World of Warcraft

Tell me what you think and if you have some ideas for this lvl 10 twink please post it here.
Valor chest +4stats. Resil = No.

Get gemmed copper gloves +10haste
So, I have seen you guys dont use resilience on lvl 10 bracket. Why is that? and secondly tried to get those gloves but no blacksmither has em so i keep on searching. Tyvm
resilience takes out the fun when fighting other lvl 10s, when fighting 19s it was useful but looked down upon. So now in the lvl 10-14 bracket resilience is both looked down on and "banned" because two resilience stacked pallys (for instance) would never kill eachother.
Well, I have ganked lvl 29 rogue non twink etc.... and usual 15 to 30 lvls. i have also valor chest with 100hp though so ima change that. but its true that resilience takes out all the fun when fighting against your lvl bracket.
You should atleast get 40% ish damage reduce from armor. Also, if you're gonna use resil enchant, atleast use Haliscan (More armor) OR Formal Dangui (Greater Warding Rune)
my damage reduce from armor is 44.52% = 1003 armor. and as you can read from this thread ive done searching for replacement mail pieces. :)
Well currently with no cloth item, and only 3 leather items (Gloves of the moon, Bounty Hunter bracer and Beastmaster girdle) + my survival gear, I have 1504 Armor. With a 2hand I'm at 775. I don't have LFH, using WBFH, with LFH that be almost 50 additional armor. Here's the difference. It's important to use mail item for that reason. I'd be running with over 1550 Armor with LFH and you, 1000. So basically I'd be taking 10% less damage from all your attack, that can't be just little thing.

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