70 twink with only vanilla and TBC registered!


I have a few questions, i have grown tired of engame raiding/pvp so i was thinking why not make a twink and focus my energy on something new!

so what im whondering is what twink bracket is the most active one in the rampage battlegroup?

and my second question is: if i make a new account to make a level 70 twink on and only register original WoW and TBC, then can i i que with people between level 61-70?

i know you could do that a while ago but is it still do able?

best regards Sneez!
I would reccomend "locking" Xp at 70 on your current Account. Rather than buying 2 new games. Anyhow. Bracket is 70-74 and XP off actually got some good games, and loads of unsocketed baddies. But is more "objective" focused than XP on PvP
okey, yeah i thought about locking the xp, but it seems way more fun to play with low level players and just crush their pvp spirit since id be unstoppable with example full brutal gear while playing with non twinks?

but it still works if i buy 2 new games?
sneez said:
okey, yeah i thought about locking the xp, but it seems way more fun to play with low level players and just crush their pvp spirit since id be unstoppable with example full brutal gear while playing with non twinks?

but it still works if i buy 2 new games?

get the fuck off this site. you aren't welcome
sneez said:
so im not welcome cuz i ask some questions?

Welcome to the site mate :)!, dont mind evade hes a dick overall, you are welcome to this site and you can ask all you want.
To answer your question, capped accounts now automatically play in XP-off battlegrounds, so you would see no difference between playing on a capped TBC account versus locking your XP at 70.

Evade tore into you because XP-off players get their reputation hurt by people who twink in XP-on battlegrounds. Griefing XP-on players spoils the fun for them, and sours player attitudes toward PvP in general. Certainly you can play any way you wish, but consider joining the fray in XP-off -- you'll get a higher caliber of play, and you rarely need to upgrade any gear once you're happy with your gearset.

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