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  1. Why do people do this? please stop!

    lol u idiot if ud look to the right youd see his objectives
  2. Why do people do this? please stop!

    I was talking about the general Twink info scrubby free to play There is nothing wrong with someone who actually plays high level content and PAYS for their game. What I'm pissed off about is these free to plays going around going "I DONT PAY FOR ANYTHING YET I WANT THE GAME TO BE BALANCED!! I...
  3. Why do people do this? please stop!

    Because they're too poor/lazy to buy the game
  4. Why do you play this bracket or roll a 24?

    why play in this bracket? So we can kill people like Jsu8
  5. tRain cOw open for premades!

    Quick!! Hide before Jsu8 comes!!
  6. Hello

    Awe inspireing
  7. WSG Wall glitch

    Jsu8 is a person. He has 2 arms 2 legs and a head and a body and a mouth. Yes. Maybe even if his sandwich isn't tasty he will become a pinecone one day. Or even if I am a kilt you will fry like an egg.
  8. Why do people do this? please stop!

    Jsu8 is so negative! I bet hes some guy who is frustrated with his life or something. Lighten up champo!
  9. BiS spriest gear?

    How about your face?
  10. BiS spriest gear?

    Awkward because holy is the most UP healing spec
  11. Getting back into F2P.

    Close this thread
  12. BiS spriest gear?

    People from Waw Tawent arnt that bad really I was bging with them earlier they only have like 5 24s in the whole guild so stop going ZOMG GY FARMERS ZOMG AHHHHHHHHHHH FLAME HATE BURN THE NEWCOMMERS!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  13. Why do you play this bracket or roll a 24?

    OMG why don't we all just calm the hue down!
  14. Myaahhs Rape Pnad bgs

    Sup kents. Myaahh here and I'd like to make a post here on the interwebs notifying all the BK Randies and sluppas that I'm gonna be starting some arenas and BGs for al the kiddies that are big fans of mine! When completing objective during my battlegrounds, participants must always remember...
  15. what is the most OP 24 currently?

    ahh excuse me that is a language violation.. gonna have to report that
  16. what is the most OP 24 currently?

    Now now ladies, I'm pretty sure this thread has gone OFF DA RAILZ. So let me explain which classes are the most OP to the least 1 is the most OP and 10 is the least. 1. Fire Mage 2. Warrior 3. Roooje 4. Monk 5. Hunter 6. Disc Priest 7. Holy Paladin 8. Feral Druid 9. Resto Druid 10. Shadow Priest...
  17. Classes that YOU hate and love to face the most.

    not sarcasm and btw I don't play an spriest. Just because I play a priest doesn't mean I play the under powered spec. i'd say your jimmies are rustled
  18. Classes that YOU hate and love to face the most.

    When I play on my f2p I dont fight any classes. I just leave the BG as soon as it looks like we are going to loose, come on TI, and complain about how OP 24s are :)
  19. Rogues

    This f2pf is quite wrong. Rogues have lost alot of mobility and with all the new abilities of other classes and the buffing of healers "one- shotting" as it puts it is almost impossibru.
  20. Please remove twinks with blacksmith from the 24 list sticky.

    calm down champo no need to be mean to the swaglord