Why do people do this? please stop!

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Op is already paying..

I was talking about the general Twink info scrubby free to play
There is nothing wrong with someone who actually plays high level content and PAYS for their game. What I'm pissed off about is these free to plays going around going "I DONT PAY FOR ANYTHING YET I WANT THE GAME TO BE BALANCED!! I DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING ALL 24S ARE SCRUBS!!!!"
People like Jsu8 who always start arguments in threads accusing people of "FOTM" classes. All these free to plays are really so dumb.. i mean seriously..
You cant expect a game you're not paying for and other people are (that's where it happens) To be balanced and equal.
Of course free to plays can go "OMG 90 PVP ISN'T BALANCED EITHER!!!" And any normal person who plays high end 90 pvp me being a 2.2k+ RBG leader know 1st hand of this, would respond with "No the game isn't balanced, but there is always a way to beat a team." And it is true.
I also don't like free to plays going "OMG 24s ARE SCRUBS I BEAT LIKE 4 IN A ROW ON MY F2P!!!!"

The main question is:Why do Free to plays... play?
I was talking about the general Twink info scrubby free to play
There is nothing wrong with someone who actually plays high level content and PAYS for their game. What I'm pissed off about is these free to plays going around going "I DONT PAY FOR ANYTHING YET I WANT THE GAME TO BE BALANCED!! I DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING ALL 24S ARE SCRUBS!!!!"
People like Jsu8 who always start arguments in threads accusing people of "FOTM" classes. All these free to plays are really so dumb.. i mean seriously..
You cant expect a game you're not paying for and other people are (that's where it happens) To be balanced and equal.
Of course free to plays can go "OMG 90 PVP ISN'T BALANCED EITHER!!!" And any normal person who plays high end 90 pvp me being a 2.2k+ RBG leader know 1st hand of this, would respond with "No the game isn't balanced, but there is always a way to beat a team." And it is true.
I also don't like free to plays going "OMG 24s ARE SCRUBS I BEAT LIKE 4 IN A ROW ON MY F2P!!!!"

The main question is:Why do Free to plays... play?

You still don't get it do you? I'm not asking for F2P balance. I only care about making you admit that you like to faceroll.
wait, ppl care what trails think? next you'll be telling me they have jobs...
I was talking about the general Twink info scrubby free to play
There is nothing wrong with someone who actually plays high level content and PAYS for their game. What I'm pissed off about is these free to plays going around going "I DONT PAY FOR ANYTHING YET I WANT THE GAME TO BE BALANCED!! I DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING ALL 24S ARE SCRUBS!!!!"
People like Jsu8 who always start arguments in threads accusing people of "FOTM" classes. All these free to plays are really so dumb.. i mean seriously..
You cant expect a game you're not paying for and other people are (that's where it happens) To be balanced and equal.
Of course free to plays can go "OMG 90 PVP ISN'T BALANCED EITHER!!!" And any normal person who plays high end 90 pvp me being a 2.2k+ RBG leader know 1st hand of this, would respond with "No the game isn't balanced, but there is always a way to beat a team." And it is true.
I also don't like free to plays going "OMG 24s ARE SCRUBS I BEAT LIKE 4 IN A ROW ON MY F2P!!!!"

The main question is:Why do Free to plays... play?
I play because I think it's still fun, and I don't start threads on ti just to complain. The op complains about how much f2ps suck when he could just walk away. Why? That's a legit question as well.
What has trails got to do with WoW?

if you dont use em you'll encounter wondering monsters, silly. there's even a loading screen tip :p
i am not trolling. i made this thread after a horrible day of pvp'ing, every single game, alliance was dominating.

and this one AB where we had a slight chance of winning, we had only 14 people trying, while this paladin kept bitching about how horde sucked.

imagine, if he tried, horde would have won it EASILY.


Most people play because it provides a slimmed down version of the most fun part of WoW for free. It's a nice thing to have in between episodes of subscribing or busy life. And most F2P don't make threads or posts complaining about everything. Same as in any other bracket. Most realize that Twinkinfo is only a very small selection of the bracket population anyway.
you know, i could just queue up with 24's on my battletag and do what honeybadger/duo does, farm BG's with a 24 premade.

but no, i like challenges and solo queue 99% of the time.
you know, i could just queue up with 24's on my battletag and do what honeybadger/duo does, farm BG's with a 24 premade.

but no, i like challenges and solo queue 99% of the time.

So now you're going to go to the dark side and start premading and farming I'm guessing? Just something to tell you. Stop trying to change peoples mind on this forum. Like yde said this is a small section of the bracket (said to be the better side but ehh, questionable) and most people on here commenting won't have their mind changed. Trust me I would know lol.. Any kind of argument on this forum or debate is basically pointless as nothing will ever change.

24s do what you say as well as 20s. Normally the people doing this isn't on this forum so why post it starting a huge debate?
So now you're going to go to the dark side and start premading and farming I'm guessing?

nah, i consider faceroll games a waste of time.

but the going to the dark side thought starts to sound appealing when i lose those frustrating games. but i always end up solo queuing again.
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