Why do you play this bracket or roll a 24?

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I'm tired of this thread. I have to explain myself just because I'm speaking up saying something everyone already knows.

24s play to faceroll and have easy mode. Debate all you want about why I played a hunt or why I'm here but just stop trying to debate why 24s play.

omg saint linked a 20 what'i do? /disengage /conc shot /ssssssssssss, ahhh, thats better :p
I'm tired of this thread. I have to explain myself just because I'm speaking up saying something everyone already knows.

24s play to faceroll and have easy mode. Debate all you want about why I played a hunt or why I'm here but just stop trying to debate why 24s play.

Back in Cata:

Theres was alot of good lvl24s that couldnt beat trials(not only hunters). so... was it more faceroll/easy mode to play trial hunter or lvl24mage, warlock?

So my opnion is... play whatever u like, its blizzard probelm to balance it... if blizzard made this bracket 20-24 is cuz they dont care much about trials, now trials will have to learn to share.
Back in Cata:

Theres was alot of good lvl24s that couldnt beat trials(not only hunters). so... was it more faceroll/easy mode to play trial hunter or lvl24mage, warlock?

So my opnion is... play whatever u like, its blizzard probelm to balance it... if blizzard made this bracket 20-24 is cuz they dont care much about trials, now trials will have to learn to share.

It shows you as a bad PvPer who wants to faceroll.
It shows you as a bad PvPer who wants to faceroll.

Ive been trial for very long and i had same opinion as many scrubs in this forum... but i guess u will only understand when u see the 2sides.

sorry but they always lost 1vs1 agaisnt my hunter...

and in MoP some trials are more faceroll then lvl24s...
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sure... thats why they always lost agaisnt good hunters,palas,druids... etc.
I think you may not have met any good mages and locks.
Dang I thought I was done in this thread but i just couldn't resist this comment..

Ive been trial for very long and i had same opinion as many scrubs in this forum... but i guess u will only understand when u see the 2sides.
sorry but they always lost 1vs1 agaisnt my hunter...
and in MoP some trials are more faceroll then lvl24s...

Lets begin the breakdown

1) You mained a hunt and now a 24 Prot pal. Please don't call anyone else scrubs
2) I have seen both sides. I play(ed) probably the easiest F2P class (hunt) and the easiest P2P class (rogue). Idk what point you were trying to make with saying both sides but just pointing it out that I've seen both sides and I still think how I do.
3) If a lv 24 "twink" loses to a F2P hunt they are bad. There wasn't/isnt ANY excuse for a 24 to lose to a 20 hunt*
4) Only real F2P class that can out faceroll a 24 is a Rdruid F2P compared to a 24 lock or something like that. Don't let 1 class make it seem like the majority of trials are when that is a downright lie.

*warriors not included
Dang I thought I was done in this thread but i just couldn't resist this comment..

Lets begin the breakdown

1) You mained a hunt and now a 24 Prot pal. Please don't call anyone else scrubs
2) I have seen both sides. I play(ed) probably the easiest F2P class (hunt) and the easiest P2P class (rogue). Idk what point you were trying to make with saying both sides but just pointing it out that I've seen both sides and I still think how I do.
3) If a lv 24 "twink" loses to a F2P hunt they are bad. There wasn't/isnt ANY excuse for a 24 to lose to a 20 hunt*
4) Only real F2P class that can out faceroll a 24 is a Rdruid F2P compared to a 24 lock or something like that. Don't let 1 class make it seem like the majority of trials are when that is a downright lie.

*warriors not included

i globaled 24 mages, locks, and warrs on my f2p hunter if you couldn't then then you couldnt play a CATA hunter :p i could also kite a ret tell he oomed then blow him up, if i found a 24 rogue out of stealth it lasted 10secs. the only reason all f2p hunters couldn't is cuz they didn't have a clue.

you're obviously butt hurt you got abused by some 24s at some point. but i promise you the reason i made my 1st 24 was because of one eyed alliance nelf hunters...
i globaled 24 mages, locks, and warrs on my f2p hunter if you couldn't then then you couldnt play a CATA hunter :p i could also kite a ret tell he oomed then blow him up, if i found a 24 rogue out of stealth it lasted 10secs. the only reason all f2p hunters couldn't is cuz they didn't have a clue.

you're obviously butt hurt you got abused by some 24s at some point. but i promise you the reason i made my 1st 24 was because of one eyed alliance nelf hunters...

I've seen a lvl 17 hunter blow up a level 23 lock. Both were loomed.
Dang I thought I was done in this thread but i just couldn't resist this comment..

Lets begin the breakdown

1) You mained a hunt and now a 24 Prot pal. Please don't call anyone else scrubs
2) I have seen both sides. I play(ed) probably the easiest F2P class (hunt) and the easiest P2P class (rogue). Idk what point you were trying to make with saying both sides but just pointing it out that I've seen both sides and I still think how I do.
3) If a lv 24 "twink" loses to a F2P hunt they are bad. There wasn't/isnt ANY excuse for a 24 to lose to a 20 hunt*
4) Only real F2P class that can out faceroll a 24 is a Rdruid F2P compared to a 24 lock or something like that. Don't let 1 class make it seem like the majority of trials are when that is a downright lie.

*warriors not included

u think that i was talking about MoP in that post? i was talking about Cata were hunters beat Mage,Warlocks,Warriors and sometimes even Rogues.

20 side: "i only want a fair bg with only trials, why are they paying to beat us? :(" 20s team still arent balanced... 3 out of 10 bgs with only trials are balanced.

24side: "this bracket is for 24s too, just cuz it haves big population of f2p´s doesnt means 24s shouldnt be here" Some bgs are balanced others are just 5min long.

U have the same chance of getting balanced bg with 24s or with 20s.
yes 24s have big advantage but even lvl20s have advantage from which class u choose.

All dps´s could be lvl24 with enchants and healers lvl20 with f2p restrictions.... now healing and dps is balanced :)
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I play this bracket to make my EPEEN big.... make me feel better about other things that have emotionally down in my life. /wrists.

/tickle honeybadger (sorry about the blood)
Is "I play the 24 bracket because I'm mad about losing self proclaimed #1 guild title so I play here to farm some trials every bg to feel better about how good I think I am" a good answer? :rolleyes:

Me too i love to kill us much as i can i love killing trials too, but especially most know i love to kill other shadow priests, and see them qq and say to themselves omg i thought i was op
Anyhow has anyone seen somfas or brainwash or rezerection? Seems i make them cry to much and they stopped playing
I already know were duofail is he in trouble again with his mum as usuall something about finding gay magazines under his pillow or something like that
anyhow yeh i love this bracket and ill be always on just look out for the anus macro and you know its me
Me too i love to kill us much as i can i love killing trials too, but especially most know i love to kill other shadow priests, and see them qq and say to themselves omg i thought i was op
Anyhow has anyone seen somfas or brainwash or rezerection? Seems i make them cry to much and they stopped playing
I already know were duofail is he in trouble again with his mum as usuall something about finding gay magazines under his pillow or something like that
anyhow yeh i love this bracket and ill be always on just look out for the anus macro and you know its me

Sup pass remember me?
I started playing this bracket as a little crappy hunter back in cata, in early February, named Gat. After xferring around to find my home. I thought No was a perfect name, however Gottno was my preferred name because I like making females and Got no Balls won't fit in the allotted space. No ended up being perfect because people was always ask for random thing and I would always say, 'NO.' Then I made another hunt for horde side, being that I was rolling in the other faction I went with the name Si, however I still say 'NO.' (to random people) Then I went to 90s for a bit with the release of MOP, only to come back and update my hunt while making new toons that are now in Sanctuary (noqt and nofu). I have been wanting to return to the bracket, but I was just bored because everyone else was rolling Spriest and druids. So now that I offically found my new home with a supportive GM. I have moved some BOA's around and created toons in Sanctuary. I would like to add, Ludacrit (luda,hypocrit) and I have been rolling together for over 8 months now. That was a main pull for me to come back.

What twinking means to NO- have the best or close to BiS and you camp people in world in PVP. However I frown against any farming GY's in BGs. I'm old school back before 19s got confined to experience off. 19s used to roll people worse than F2Ps get rolled by 24s. Oh and I would like to add there was no time limit so we used to farm damage control on the under-powered toons and they couldn't do anything to defend themselves because there were no stack either back then, thus you should be thankful that blizzard has made games that have a time cap/stacks for increased damage/and the opposing team can only be four levels higher than the lowest person that could be in the battleground.
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