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  1. Ally AFKers

    I have a bad felling this was pointed to the last 4 BGS i had with you. I stayed thoughout the whole thing for honor Honor: honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.
  2. the attitude of a 24

    How about we just stop fighting. Were all adults...
  3. Looking for a New Guild

    Wrong section. sorry =[
  4. F2P Addon

    WTB sticky
  5. Post Your Ingame UI

    My smexy ui
  6. Boomkin

    If no good players played alliance. Then horde will have no ques because all the baddies follow all the good players.
  7. hunter pets, why all the cats?

    My White cat does that. aswell mostly pets can jump off thunderbluff and like slide down a 90 degree wall.
  8. How to Play Your Hunter at 19 Effectively!

    I have a little Sugestion for The focus macros. Is quite a good macro. When you press shift it attacks focus and when you dont it attacks your primary target. Switch out the "modifer:shift" to Modifier:Alt, and/or Modifier:controll For ajusting. You can also swap out the "Scatter Shot...
  9. Rate my 19 twink please xD

    How do you do that bug?
  10. damage control achieve

    u mad?
  11. 19 Frost Mage Questions

    Dude your sig is so orginal and well made with paint OMG I WISH IW AS AS GOOD PAINT AS YOU!
  12. Good 19 twink servers?

    Waw Tawent Is one of the well known ones. That has a recurting page They are the most populat horde twinking guild with over 500 19 twinks and around 10+ are online all the time. <Use Splash Attack> Is an other one. They are prehaps one of the best alliance twinking guilds. Not as active as Waw...
  13. <Use Splash Attack> is Ready for Premades!

    It may be dead but everytime I get home from work In the premades there are always someone from <USA> or more
  14. The god is Queing

    ______________________________________________________________ Everyone above this line is mad
  15. Biggest crit ever

    Why dont you like swifty? As my main warrior he taught me how to make macros. Fight classes and play that class vs warriors. He is mostly a guide then anything. I know he is not good. But I remember in wow classic when skill didnt matter. It was about enjoying the game and either trolling...
  16. Rate my 19 twink please xD

    Problem is The horde on my server like to make 10 mans to camp AGM. They dont even pick it up. They just make sure no one gets it. I sure hope in 4.3 they will camp darkmoon fair AGM and leave gurubashi one alone.
  17. Codeing changed in posts

    Im finding out that in some important threads that existed before the revamp. The codeing for the HTML is a little off. In some fourms that discribe an item. It just sayd [Item] bow [Item] That was an example. Just wondering if that bug can be fixed. Or if it is a bug at all
  18. 10-19 Fresa's guide on Picnics

    It is quite entertaining, We (me and my guildie) were fighting pizzas team. We were unforintate and found out that we have a full team of hunters and rogues. So we said why not? It will be a slaughter. So we ended up laying down the pinic table and campfire. And guess what?........ We died =[ I...
  19. Rate my 19 twink please xD

    Well I was wondering if someone could rate my lv 19 twink and see how good she is. Click here for the armory link