Rate my 19 twink please xD

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Well I was wondering if someone could rate my lv 19 twink and see how good she is.[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Click here for the armory link[/font]
Why cant you just link the real armory.

That site looks like dey be logging mah keys.

Looking at your sig you need pve mail shoulders.

Give me a real armory please.
Do you have professions? skinning and Herbalism at 225?

and go farm Agm and i think the best bow is "Bow of Ire"
Problem is The horde on my server like to make 10 mans to camp AGM. They dont even pick it up. They just make sure no one gets it.

I sure hope in 4.3 they will camp darkmoon fair AGM and leave gurubashi one alone.
blink is tewwibad
-Mail BoAs.

-Weapons and chant/scope on them.

-Resilience PvP trinket.

-AGM or haste trinket(s).

-40 armor to pants, assuming trade trick still works.


Other than that, done. I prefer haste over the reduced disengage CD, but that's just personal preference.
Looks pretty good. Get the BoA gun though (I think.)

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