Search results

  1. WOD Healers

    Outside of glory making no sense now, I haven't noticed a difference at all in healing. Why glory is still an instant for ret and not holy, who knows, but overall, I'm almost always top three in heals in AV, same with my r.druid, r.sham, and priest.
  2. New BIS weapon

    It's hard to see what is going on without a log but it seems like 12% additional strikes from multi strike & thrash. That's consistent with the logs from cer. I suspect an offhand thrash proc is doesn't suffer 50% damage reduction off-hand attacks are subject to. That's much easier for blizz to...
  3. [Feral Druid] Rake stun Thread

    I've not experienced this. A white hit reports before rake and you can see the damage on screen and on-log, but the system seems to resolve this attack after the stun. Just adding a data point.
  4. F2P Frost Mage CC Guide. Updated for WoD.

    In the old days, we used to have to wait in line in snow up to your elbows, for a scant six hours just to buy one roll of toilet paper. Some times it was so cold that you wondered if maybe it was your time to go. But we all knew that not all the nunshkas would make it home. It was a dangerous...
  5. New BIS weapon

    It would be interesting to see how multi-strike impacts proc generation and strength. Ppm are unlikely to have changed but if a multi-strike generates a thrash proc is it at full damage or ms damage?
  6. An Open Letter to Blizzard: The State of Affliction Lock

    Affliction sucks now but demo and destro are in the best place they've been since the advent of ftp, generally speaking. I suspect blizz may address this in the future as the spec doesn't offer any distinction (aside from a huge dps deficiency) until mid to late 20's. It's the only spec in the...
  7. F2P Frost Mage CC Guide. Updated for WoD.

    No Bro. The electric blue is retina searing. Go for washed out shades for eyeball friendliness.
  8. Questions & Answers

    Inscription provides more agility until you drop the rare alch recipe. The str from Giant Growth recipe provides almost as much ap. Without rare recipes no profession is "final". For now, I would go inscription.
  9. Farming for Recipe: Swiftness Potion

    RC drop rate 0.13 Hue's mobs <0.01 Ps enjoyed your affliction videos!
  10. Farming for Recipe: Swiftness Potion

    Keep in mind even in the most likely places you have a 99.9% of not getting it. I've had it drop in RFC, WC and very recently from a lvl 15 rare mob in the forsaken zone.
  11. State of the Bracket?

    Every time I see a post from the saint I make a bet with myself that it's going to be negative. So far I'm 100% spot on.
  12. Andorhal Arenas Horde (Korgath Revamp)

    I have a mage in the works.
  13. Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

    Kindly get back to f2p bracket. No one gives a mango about 90.
  14. State of the Bracket?

    Saw you last night in wsg. I was the crazy druid that tried to show you guys where to run to to avoid duopaladin and his merry band of foamy-mouthed gy camping 24's…also tried to get some /dance time in but our huntards were not cooperating. Anyway, gg and a noble attempt.
  15. State of the Bracket?

    Things can vary wildly depending on when you play it's really difficult to make broad generalizations as a result. I play est and find in the evening AB usually has 9 hunts, 6 pals, 5 rogues, 5 druids. I don't often track for wsg because 24 premades throw class ratios out the window. Last...
  16. Questions & Answers

    Someone polled the forum and found (I think) 80% of f2p's here have paid at some point for a retail account. I could search for it but…xxxx
  17. F2P Salfir's Warlock Guide

    This is a great guide but I wonder if it accurately reflects what's going on in 5.4. A buddy recently rolled a lock and reminded me I haven't played mine in a long time. Went through all three specs and found all three weak as kittens comparatively. With heals I was able to do top tier damage...
  18. Farewell to my Home

    "You yadda yaddaed over the best part" Thank you Seinfeld.
  19. Andorhal Arenas (Korgath Revamp)

    Great idea. I have a bwl toon and will very likely roll something on andorhal too when I have some time
  20. F2P Warrior Gear Guide

    Cool. Thanks for clarifying.