Search results

  1. 60 Twink Armories

    Moedare Full t1, t2, t2.5 and all various weapons including Thunderfury. :eek:
  2. Halloween

    ...I'm going to wheel down the streets in my wheelchair and spread candy around me....
  3. I thought 100k lifetime was alot.

    Same here.
  4. [EU] Battlegroup: Blackout is the choice!!!

    My advice is to not transfer to Zenedar. It's just a tip, and I don't have the time to go in on that right now:mad:
  5. Lolkeybinds r for baddies

    Not home atm, but I pretty much know my bindings inside out ^^ Mage(Used 'em at 2300-2440 rating) 1 - Frostbolt 2 - Deep Freeze 3 - Fire Blast 4 - Cone of cold 5 - Icy veins 6 - Arcane Explosion Q - Ice Lance E - Frost Nova Shift+2 - WotF Shift+3 - PVP trinket Left side mouse...
  6. Your top five movies.

    Sorry, when you guys mentioned Movies, first thing that popped in my head was Laintime Drakedog Vurtne and Hycer, which is world of warcraft players that released pvp movies pre bc. Oh, and I added Hitman at the end since people that missed the real wow before bc and don't have a clue of...
  7. Useful macro site

    Arena Junkies - World of Warcraft PvP Strategy and Discussion :cool:
  8. Your top five movies.

    Laintime Drakedog Vurtne Hycer Hitman These can give me multiple orgasm atleast two times a day. :eek:
  9. How to Spell Your Own Name

    asdf /wave, Ham.
  10. mechano hogs/tundra mammoth @ 40 no more?

    Bought my hog for 15,5k and I would be very disappointed if this screws up :(
  11. [Video] Nautilus - 19 Shaman

    3/10 :o
  12. Xfire Thread
  13. Music There's my current playlist.
  14. Ordo Disilluminati explores yet another Battlesystem

    Hey guys :rolleyes: Can't wait to meet you again, and we'll win this time :) Actually I /afked when my gear started to turn red and lost 700 hp which wasn't that fun. Thank you for such a nice welcome, I hope to talk to each and every one of you someday. Feel free to logon Zenedar and...
  15. FC guide?

    *Evil laugh*
  16. which class!

    No warlocks? Höhööööö...
  17. Best FC Class?

    <-- ;)
  18. Mutual Ventrilo

    Hey :) The 3.0.3 version might be tricky to find, so just wanted you all to know that the new 3.0.4 version works like a charm. You can download it Here - Moe:eek:
  19. Post a picture of your character!

    Moedare:) Seen you around quite a few times actually Nòó, heard you're transfering Sylvanas? Can't wait to play with you then;)
  20. Show your UI!

    Are you using any different type of Interface? Or do you use the Blizzard standard? Personally I can't play without it, or don't get me wrong.. I rather play with my own UI than the standard one as I want everything small, clean and smart. Also alot of bindings are important for me...