Ordo Disilluminati explores yet another Battlesystem

So, a major part of Ordo is transfering to Zenedar (Blackout).

The plan is simple, domination.

Conviction fell into the annihlation of Ordo and so did Rampage. It's time for new servers to bite the dust.

Just wanted to let you know :)
Warbay you are soo cocky, you know that right?

BUT I havent talked to you or meet you soo cant tell if you have the rights to be cocky anyways...
elocon said:
Warbay you are soo cocky, you know that right?

BUT I havent talked to you or meet you soo cant tell if you have the rights to be cocky anyways..

you're the one with your lifetime HKs in your sig, in giant red letters. honestly, to me, that seems hypocritical.
As long as i'm still playing, you shalt not dominate arenaaaaaaa!


Instagibb, 19 Orc Sham Draenor

Weedbeard, 19 Gnome Lock in the making! Sunstrider

Seriously though, me and date (shaman/warrior) remain undefeated in 2s!

Welcome to Blackout :)
Hey guys :rolleyes:

Can't wait to meet you again, and we'll win this time :) Actually I /afked when my gear started to turn red and lost 700 hp which wasn't that fun.

Thank you for such a nice welcome, I hope to talk to each and every one of you someday. Feel free to logon Zenedar and whisper me. All those welcome level 1's made me all warm and cozy inside. :eek:

By the way, when we get our new website up together with a forum would any of the alliance guilds like a corner for themselfs? I could 'fix subforums for all the guilds making it easy to keep contact and plan fixed arenas and premades!

Feel free to message me on any of these chars, I tend to be online on atleast 2 of them at the same time.


If anyone like to chat 'bout anything of what so ever, you can find my hotmail in my profile.

Thanks yet again for such a warm welcome, means much to me.

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