
That fun holiday in which the dead walk the earth, spirits are unleashed, and ghoulish horrors run free.

Anyone have any fun plans centered around this holiday.

Decoration of your house?

Halloween partys!

Haunted houses o_O

For me, a bit of scary house decoration, head to my cousins 21 birthday (yes she was born on halloween) and perhaps headed to a haunted house with over 100 rooms of scary things. o_O
I don't currently have any plans, but I might dress up in a gorilla cosume and scare the sh!t out out little kids.

My husband and I are having our first ever Halloween party for the kids. Here are some of our decorations :)



1) 6-10pm = Throwing eggs out my window (i'm on a busy street)

2) 10pm - 3am = Party at my friends house

3) 3-am = Bedddd
I might just go bag snatching. Im sick of collecting candy after all the years.

but halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. That and christmas. idk why though
Quelfep said:
I might just go bag snatching. Im sick of collecting candy after all the years.

but halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. That and christmas. idk why though

Candy and presents?
Quelfep said:
I might just go bag snatching. Im sick of collecting candy after all the years.

but halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. That and christmas. idk why though

aww dude, dont do that. thats in such bad taste.

All my halloween memories were great, dont make some poor kid hate halloween by taking his candy :(
this one dude dug a hole in his front yard and put a zombie figure in the back of his trunk. and there was something hanging from the trees, whatever it was

it was epic

but he moved :(

still have one house around that has practically a corn maze in the front lol

despite all the decorative spirits though, the most scary way to go about halloween is to pretend you're a figurine and then suddenly go BOO ROFL
Party on the 30th at a buddies house, should be alright.

Heading to a friend of mine's University for a good res. party! Last year was good, this year should be fucking sick! I bought a hat with a propeller on it, that is all I am wearing for Hallowe'en!
Ima be raptor jesus if i can get my costume together on time. I'll upload pics if I manage it.

Have the robes and such but finding a non-latex (allergies) raptor head is a beach.
I'm going to scar small children for life (no, not scare, scar)... then maybe some vandalism, a little candy stealing from my brothers (I have 4 younger ones, so I haven't had to collect any of my own candy for a long time), and then I'll probably stay up all night watching scary movies alone in my garage, or maybe with a friend idk.

Going to be meh.
Grunge said:
aww dude, dont do that. thats in such bad taste.

All my halloween memories were great, dont make some poor kid hate halloween by taking his candy :(

lol i was joking xP but yea
dressing up as obama, and stealing stuff...like cars, bikes, candy, lawn gnomes...

well, ima dress up as Obama, but i probably won't steal stuff D:

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