Best FC Class?

Best FC Class

  • Paladin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Priest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hunter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shaman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Here is a list of classes with a few advantages one can argue as to why they would pick them over another.

  • Hunter - Concussive Shot, Wingclip, Pet CC's, Glyph of the Monkey and ability to track enemy and where they are coming from.

  • Druid - High HP, shapeshift out of snares, HoT's, Ability to Snare as well.

  • Paladin - Decent HP, Blessing of Freedom, Lay on Hands, Hammer of Justice

  • Mage - Frost Nova, Sheep, Frost Armor (causing slows)

  • Priest - HoT's, Power Word: Shield, Dispells

  • Shaman - Earthbind Totem, Stoneclaw Totem (if you're smart), Purge

  • Rogue - Sprint, High Dodge rating w/ Evasion, Gouge, Sap (if timed right)

I can honestly say that no other class(rogue, warlock, warrior) at 19 can carry the flag as efficiently as these 6 classes with little to no help.
I choose rogue. Because I know I can cap a flag in nearly every situation. Though sometimes it's near impossible :p

Druid//Pala I would choose as best FC because of armour & heals etc.
I chose Druid even though I know I do a hell of a job with my rogue when I FC and probably a better choice than most Druids, but overall if used correctly, Druids just have an advantage.
I'd say druid as well, but whats the average druid FC got nowadays for health (well definitely above avg).. like everything except a Naxx enchant maybe?
druid by far
Tetox said:
priest /cast dispel /cast dispel /rofl

well I didn't post it but i saw a video of a guy who used /cast Scroll of Agility /cast Scroll of Strength (etc etc) and then did BoF and Swiftness pot somewheres in the middle of em , said was so if a priest dispell'd had a chance to dispell a scroll rather then the BoF or swiftness pot...good idea, no bagspace tho lol
If I verse a priest who is aware of that he actually can dispell my bof / swift pot I usually just HoJ him as soon as the global cd from bof is done and when I'm out of range, I pop a swift pot
Warbay said:
If I verse a priest who is aware of that he actually can dispell my bof / swift pot I usually just HoJ him as soon as the global cd from bof is done and when I'm out of range, I pop a swift pot

when i face a pally i spam dispel unless heals are i might get u during global cd on HoJ and if i dont...i can always trinket and swiftness :p

If a priest gets a ap hunter on their ass they're screwed ;p

pfft if only blizz didnt blow hunter
I dont really know but would guess paladin because of BoF :p tbh i just purge it but druids are even easier to kill.
never used a swift potion in any of my twink's career =]

class's without sprint where not meant to sprint, and subsequently have slowing device's etc, then give them sprint and i Q_Q
for pugs, i'd say hunters. a hunter can have high health due to gear/mining, and still fight well against the opposition. also, they have traps to decently detect rogues and can observe where everyone else is via track humans/beasts. concuss from 41 yards is a very useful CC as well as pet CCs. wingclip allows a hunter to CC melee well. 41 yard range shooting allows for pissing off those warriors that want to charge it. to avoid other hunters, just run away or kill them (pug game :p)

paladins are also good for pugs, but they just don't have the CC. freedom is very useful though. against dispellers/purgers (mainly in premades) freedom is not much help.

for premades, druid or warrior.

warrior has lots of armor and can reach high health while having slows and being able to build lots of rage (converted to damage) by taking lots of damage and getting lots of heals. the more armor/resistance a toon has the better it is with heals, so a paladin could be good but warriors have (undispellable) rage which makes it better.

druids of course have shifting, great armor and roots, and they have the highest potential health so they are typically the best choice for a premade FC. their bearform rage isn't as converted as well as warriors though, and i believe warriors can get more armor than druids.

wall of text crits you for over 9k
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