Lolkeybinds r for baddies


F = Serpent

Twinkzruz said:

F = Serpent


No concussive shot or arcane shot?

1 hamstring, 7 and 8 shouts, S defensive stance,

2 shield bash, 9 H. Strike, D Bloodrage,

3 overpower, 0 equip 1/shield macro, F2 WotF,

4 charge, - food (lal), F thrown weapon,

5 rend, = Bandies, F5 trink,

6 TC, A 2h macro, Y Battle stance,

J Speed potion, T Cannibalize,

In Defence stance 1 is shield block, 3 is revenge, 4 is sunder, 0 is disarm

Cba listing my other classes :p

Feel free to mock etc, gl&hf.
Not home atm, but I pretty much know my bindings inside out ^^

Mage(Used 'em at 2300-2440 rating)

1 - Frostbolt

2 - Deep Freeze

3 - Fire Blast

4 - Cone of cold

5 - Icy veins

6 - Arcane Explosion

Q - Ice Lance

E - Frost Nova

Shift+2 - WotF

Shift+3 - PVP trinket

Left side mouse button - Water elemental Nova macro

Shift+left side mouse button - Bandage

F1 - Ice Barrier

F2 - Silence (Counterspell)

F3 - Ice block macro(in/out quicker)

F4 - Polymorph

F5 - Blink (I'm used to F5 on my G15 since its a small space between F4 and F5 so I can fint it fast)

Shift+Q - Cannibalize

Shift+E - Invis

F - Cold Snap

G - Spell power trinket

Z - Fire Ward

X - Frost Ward

And I don't play with my bars visible, the only spells I see is the CD's, such as Ice Block, Silence and so on... (yeah I'm a heavy addon user:() Fire/frost/arcane specs is day and night for me when it comes to bindings, I'm most used to frost:)

Can post my 49, 39, 29 and 19 warlocks later aswell but I cba right now:eek:

Movie time inc! ((:)
To be honest, I am a bit surprise that Pereith is the only one talking about binding mouse buttons to character abilities. This is the right approach. For most people, that will look something like the following:

Left hand rooted to the w, a, s, d location for basic movement: forward, back, strafe left, strafe right and jump.

Right hand rooted to the mouse for target selection and turning and to click buttons that activate abilities (e.g. arcane shot, charge, fear, or whatever).

Left hand can also hit shift and alt keys, which triples the number of abilities you can bind to your mouse clicks. If you have clever agile fingers and need more keys to bind, your left hand can also reach nearby keys without leaving the rooted wasd location including q, e, r, f, and tab.

For those of you clicking keyboard buttons such as 1 - 0 and/or F1 - F12 to activate abilities, you have to give up your rooted position on either your right hand or your left hand, which takes time and increases errors.

On the other hand, if you are moving the cursor to click buttons on your onscreen toolbars, this also takes extra time and increases errors.

All else being equal, a mouse button clicker will consistently beat a keyboard key clicker or a toolbar button clicker.
Scrounger said:
To be honest, I am a bit surprise that Pereith is the only one talking about binding mouse buttons to character abilities. This is the right approach. For most people, that will look something like the following:

Left hand rooted to the w, a, s, d location for basic movement: forward, back, strafe left, strafe right and jump.

Right hand rooted to the mouse for target selection and turning and to click buttons that activate abilities (e.g. arcane shot, charge, fear, or whatever).

Left hand can also hit shift and alt keys, which triples the number of abilities you can bind to your mouse clicks. If you have clever agile fingers and need more keys to bind, your left hand can also reach nearby keys without leaving the rooted wasd location including q, e, r, f, and tab.

For those of you clicking keyboard buttons such as 1 - 0 and/or F1 - F12 to activate abilities, you have to give up your rooted position on either your right hand or your left hand, which takes time and increases errors.

On the other hand, if you are moving the cursor to click buttons on your onscreen toolbars, this also takes extra time and increases errors.

All else being equal, a mouse button clicker will consistently beat a keyboard key clicker or a toolbar button clicker.

Are you serious..?


My Shaman Binds:

1-Tremor Totem

2-Searing Totem

3-Stoneclaw Totem

4-Earthbind Totem

5-Runecloth Bandage

6-Flametounge Weapon

S2-Lightning Bolt

R-Flame Shock

E-Wind Shear

SE- Focus Wind Shear


G-Healing Wave

SG-Focus Healing Wave

S4- Lower Rank Healing Wave (I forget which one)


SW-Focus Purge

S3-Blood Fury

S5-Cure Toxins

S6-Anscestral Spirit

SV-Lightning Shield




Mousewheel Forward- Ghostwolf

T-Skeletal Club (30 SP)

ST-Evo Blade (22 int)

Y-Arctic Buckler (4mp5)

SY- Smites Reaver (22int)

Control F- Razor's Edge (20 Spirit)
Nostromo+5 button mouse = 18 buttons not including forward,backward, strafe left and right as well as a shift and ctrl button for a total of 54 available binds. So everything is bound, every consumable everything that I ever use lol. At least until the 29 bracket.

Is it so that I can be 'faster'? Well I suppose that's part of it, but the real reason is that I use all those abilities and consumables MORE than if they weren't.
Yes he is serious, my mouse and the WASD is by far the best way to go.

but it all depends on if you leave the screen from sight to look at your keyboard or not.

for my part i can go from WASD to 1-6 without checking, unfortunately it does make some vital mistakes.

seriously, those who say they put their bindings to the numbers above the 6 and bindings far away from the D like in G... how the hell is that better when you actually need to lose your movement from away ?

i actually have to set my middle mouse button to something...

i target nearest player (notice i say player, yes that way i dont get pets in the way of targetting) to my wheel down button, my wheel up needs to change it is set to nearest enemy which barely ever get used. my right mouse button serves my turning left and right and my left button switch my camera angle.

i'd probably need to switch my playstyle a bit to add room for the Q,E,F,Shift and C to my keys...

can we do shift+E or the likes of that ? it'd be great to add more keys near by like that !


mirage, you're a waste of time !
The tab key should be your primary method of picking targets, and although it does require a strong little finger, you can even target while using the movement keys. I use it to side strafe away from people chasing me, and target them at the same time, while the mouse is used to control direction, and camera. Doing this you can run away from a group at full speed, while putting stings into all of them, and concussives into the ones who are closest. You can also turn your front 180 to the attackers while fleeing in a slight zig-zag, to get the benefits of aspect of the monkey, something that doesn't work when they are in your rear 180, where dodge doesn't work. For that to be possible you need the mouse completely free for camera and direction control, as you strafe one way then the next, turning quickly so you're always heading in the same direction.

I only use the mouse to target enemies at range, while I'm not going to be using it for camera control, which I find to be absolutely vital for situational awareness. My camera angles too have been preset to better distance and pitch settings than the defaults, and are very quickly changed with the mouse wheel from an over the shoulder 3rd person FPS style, right out to a RTS top down view, that lets me see people from all directions, before they can get into range.

Using the tab key also lets me quickly cycle through targets, to pick ones that need stings re-applying, or to find the weakest who can be finished off with an arcane shot, or a quick pause of movement for an auto-shot.

Clicking on health bars over heads is too prone to mistakes when everyone is in a melee, and it clutters up the interface so you have a harder time seeing what is happening.

I even have alt-middle button for focus so I can quickly pick out a target I need to keep an eye on in the middle of a big group, in case tabbing isn't going to select them quick enough, then I will click, but on the focus pane.

The whole reason I use so many mouse buttons is so I can keep my fingers where they really need to be, right on top of the movement keys. If I have to take a finger off a movement key to make use of an ability, then I am compromising my mobility, which is absolutely key to a hunter's survival (especially so if you've seen Arizak's build).

The only abilities that are on the keyboard are those that need me to stand still to use, or are used out of combat, so they do not cause any interruption of movement. In fact there is only one that needs me to ever remove my finger from the home 'W' key, and that is '2', the one I use for buffs just after rezzing.

The 'W' key itself has a very small screw driven through the top of it so it can be found without ever looking at the keyboard, much like the bumps on the 'F' and 'J' keys used for touch typing.
I don't know how small your fingers are, but my hand stays "rooted" on wasd while being able to hit `-5, which are the numbers I use.

Also, there have been a few people who have mentioned mouse buttons that they use for binds, me being one of them
Unfortunatley tab selecting does not allow a pally or shamman to be in melee combat and quickly target someone for healing or in the pallies case Hand of Freedom or Hand of Protection. But yeah when you are a hunter or lock and standing at range tabbing people works the best.
ninedash said:
i don't know how small your fingers are, but my hand stays "rooted" on wasd while being able to hit `-5, which are the numbers i use.

Also, there have been a few people who have mentioned mouse buttons that they use for binds, me being one of them

wtf how do you get ur hand to readch teh 3 and a @ same tiems!?!?!?!
Twinkytoes said:

On my hunter (in the making) I WASD, keybind, click all at once... not to mention jumping... very very important!

It really isn't that hard, you just have to acclimate your fingers to fast switches lol

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