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  1. Official Selfie Thread

    Blizz and their stupid love for RNG... still haven't even gotten the first selfie camera... oh well guess ill just keep collecting more large crates form these exp missions that I don't need. ;D
  2. Rogue Stat Optimization Discussion!

    I have a post explaining just a bit up the page, but basically because I enjoy the added survivability and don't find that the extra AP makes a huge damage difference. I do have an AP set as well, though. I gain like 35 AP but lose around 600 or so hp.
  3. Rogue Stat Optimization Discussion!

    You don't get much advantage using these because so much of your damage is from ambush and you won't have a proc up at that point. Ele force usually makes up around 30% of my overall damage in battlegrounds and is definitely the way to go.
  4. Rogue Stat Optimization Discussion!

    I've played with a crit build, an AP build, and a stam build, and overall I feel that the stam build works best for me, at least. In WSG I have 2850 hp unbuffed and 170 AP. I recently changed to the PvP shoulders for the haste, which got my attack speed to 2.44. I think it's probably a slight...
  5. US Bracket Queue Thread

  6. 6.1 Changes I've Noticed

    My rogue feels pretty weak atm with this increase in hp all around, not sure what classes you guys are talking about having damage buffs but it definitely was not us. ;)
  7. Offering Premium Game Throwing Services

    I live in Alaska. We might be soul mates, but you would have to be the girl. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. US Bracket Queue Thread

    Graveyard farming won't help queues, let's try and keep teams from doing that, please!
  9. Most "hated" twonks in the bracket

    I think anyone that likes to gy farms pretty much makes my list of disliked people. It doesn't matter much overall though cause I am just here to have some fun. :)
  10. BoA Mount & Necks

    Blizz confirmed that this mount will not be usable in the 10-19 pvp bracket, in case anyone was still concerned. Updates from @WarcraftDevs - Forums - World of Warcraft
  11. X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    Hey guys if you want to get rated you should rate the people above you! @numb - 8/10 I dig it, everything matches well. Might be a belt that goes a bit better with it though, not sure. You have illusions to cover up those ele force enchants? Here's mine - Imgur
  12. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    I still think it would be a nice idea. I run a small guild and prefer to keep my twink in it, even though I am the only person twinking in the guild because I enjoy chatting with the few members we have while I wait for pops and whatnot.
  13. Twink News Thread

    Hey, just added everyone on the list. Just wanted to let you know that Twinkbeast has his forum name and btag switched around, and that kelza has not been subbed for about 2 years, and isn't interested in getting random friends requests. :) Edit - Khaos has also told me that he no longer twinks
  14. US Bracket Queue Thread

    Queued up, let's get some games going!
  15. US Bracket Queue Thread

    Been queued up for about an hour, keeps randomly pausing the queue though. Hope to get in soon!
  16. SFK Farming. Droprates.

    Just bad streak of RNG. I've gone like 50 runs with no BoE drops, and it took me almost 200 runs to get my first shadowfang. On the other hand, about a week ago I got 2 shadowfang in around 3 hours of farming.
  17. US Community Queue Thread

    Re: Official QUEUE Thread Anyone else have issues when queuing arenas by themselves? Twice in a row I got in a 2's match with no partner.
  18. US Community Queue Thread

    Re: Official QUEUE Thread Im all for sitting near the gy to block the other team from getting to the flag but camping and staying IN our gy is going to cause less people to queue back up, Just sayin'
  19. For the Sake of the Bracket

    Livingforce it sounds to me like you aren't really interested in trying to keep the 19 bracket alive. You say might as well go out with a blast, well that blast will come a lot sooner if there's only a few people to play with and nobody new making twinks, which is what I expect would happen if...
  20. Bracket Imbalance

    Hey, just wanted to pop in and mention that, in addition to stillwater's signet, there is also Ring of pardons - Ring of Pardons - Item - World of Warcraft Also it would be great if, at the very least, those of us who have rogues (me) or other overused classes try to roll an extra toon to run...