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  1. WTT TCG Loot for Shadowfang

    Sounds good, brother. I have about 2 hours I'll be home, otherwise I'll be back around 11:00 EST.
  2. WTT TCG Loot for Shadowfang

    I have a SF on Elune horde and I am looking for the Epic Purple Shirt and Tabard of the Arcane - if possible.. I know neither of them are an item you listed - but both the ogre suit and flag of ownership cost more than the Epic Purple Shirt, not to mention I already have the flag.. Would I...
  3. 19s Whats your biggest crit(current patch)

    230 Lightning bolt - no buffs or debuffs.
  4. HK's and skill positive correlation?

    Yes to all if you look at me Purgelawl is my third twink - and fourth character to cross the 10k mark. My (60-70) mage had around 15k kills at the time. my 59 druid had 10k and my (19-29-39) hunter has around 17k. I've been playing since Open Beta, being experienced just happens when you play...
  5. The absolute maximum AP at level 19

    +16 AP Leggings Foreman's Gloves +25 Agi to weapon Shadow Goggles
  6. Currently listening to...

    Colder Than My Heart, If You Can Imagine - A Day To Remember
  7. Whos your favorite TwinkInfo Staff Member?

    Bragh has always been there to give some nice information, everybody else I couldn't care for.
  8. Review on Patch 3.2: 19 Twinking

    I actually like pugging again, and I find myself playing a little more often. This means the patch is good. Let the bitches keep not playing, 3.2 really showed who the 12 year old complainers where.
  9. Names

    Purgelawl Dodged Stamina Huntardlawl Leveljuan Just some of my names you may hate.
  10. Insignia vs. Inherited Insignia

    You aren't perfect without it.
  11. 19 shaman help

    Earthshock still does damage, and nature shield, and earthbind is still effective. +15 nature > +15 fire
  12. New Bullets / Arrows

    Have had them on my hunter forever.
  13. Video: Lincoln Log Crutch

    Damn, 30 minutes!? Thats like 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5! FIVE MINUTES LONGER THAN FUCKING POSSIBLE!
  14. question about rep grinds

    It took me two weeks of VERY casual farming for sporeggar rep (like 1-2 hours a day) that was back at 70.
  15. 19 Shaman

    Completed my sets, including my 178 spell power goal (most possible spell) and my stam set is now at 1611 unbuffed and around 1500 mana.
  16. Worgen IMO will be OP

    They are giving ALL races new racials, the new races were the only ones released so far, making them look the most overpowered. /thread - stop crying.
  17. Insignia of the Alliance

    I saw this too when an applicant was asking where to get the Insignia.. I thought he was just retarded at first but realized they were actually gone.
  18. shaman twink

    I do believe 2k unbuffed is impossible for a shaman.
  19. WTS shadowfang

    Wrong section, there's an Auction House section for this stuff.
  20. CC mage: worth it post 3.2?

    Yeeep, mages are a life saver on defense. You'll be loved if you can help an FC, rather than try to slow one (thats what hunters and warriors are for)!