Review on Patch 3.2: 19 Twinking

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2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ
Alright I want to really break down the negatives and positives about all the major changes that have been implemented in this patch for 19 twinks. I am making this review to give players another look on patch 3.2 and see if I can change anyone's opinions on it.

Well the first and widely proclaimed change is the 25 minute timer added into WSG. Let's list some of the positives and negatives with this change.


- Pug games that seem to just be drawn out by a turtle and/or you just wish the game would end as you have managed to capture once and can't seem to return it again. The timer allows the game to end early so you don't have to go through that turtle for hours just to gain the victory.

- Queue times have been greatly effected by the WSG timer. If games are drawn out for hours or are just being stalled it lengthens queue times for everyone else. Games only being able to last a maximum of 25 minutes allows quicker queues and more games for everyone.

- Guilds can choose to do a first to 3 flag caps and play as many games as it takes to get to that point. With the time limit it allows guilds to filter out players and change up their strategy each game they go into. Almost like how sports teams change up their line-up and players going into the next game in the series.


- Great games that can be won by either team are forced to end due to the time limit.

- First capture usually decides the win in a pug.

In my opinion the positives out weigh the negatives but it really is a personal choice.

Another major change to 19 twinking is the ability to take off your experience bar so you can obtain anything you have missed and basically allow easier and less complicated twinking.


- Old school players can make sure they never ding out of the bracket by accident.

- Old school players can get any items that are added in and require experience or that they have missed earlier in their twinking years.

- New twinks can level to 19 turn experience off and then get everything they need without any worries.


- Some people believe twinking is becoming too easy.

There really are no strong negatives to this change only positives.

The last and in my opinion the most important change in this patch is the twink only battlegrounds.


- Allows you to get quicker queues when looking to start a scheduled premade.

- The chances of finding another premade that is queued up in pugs is a lot greater.

- No longer have to worry about being held down by low level pugs.

- Games are more competitive due to the smaller gear and level gap.

- Players get to know their fellow faction players and opponents better and quicker.


- You can no longer pick on lower levels. (This really is only for people who make twinks to just beat on people who are under their level and gear.)

- Longer Queues.

The positives hugely out weigh the negatives with this change.

Overall I think this patch really is a huge plus to the 19 bracket. It opens a window to highly competitive and fun games even with the time limit. Also this patch has lead twinks to all migrate to the same battegroup which will give everyone the chance to play guilds they have always wanted to.

Just my 2c.
i definitely agree with most of what you said, but it deserves saying again, if you arent on ruin or cyclone, queues went through the roof, as most other battlegroups relying on levelers to fill out games.

the one thing that i wish blizzard will change is the 'first cap wins' thing. First cap gives the other team a 2-cap advanatge, because even if the team 1, caps once they will have to cap again to get a win over team 2, who capped first. If they changed it to make 1-1 2-2 games the same outcome as 0-0 games, that would prevent turtling from first cap, at leas i'd think
Wow Pizza, I am impressed. Nice work. 104 posts and finally one that is constructive.
I actually like pugging again, and I find myself playing a little more often.

This means the patch is good.

Let the bitches keep not playing, 3.2 really showed who the 12 year old complainers where.
I dunno... I'm on Ruin and its not that great...for the last four nights during CST primetime there's only one WSG available, Horde usually has 2-3 players over Alliance and its the same ppl playing... I keep hearing ppl r playing AB and 10v10 premades but I haven't seen it and no one I'm with has seen it either.
Haggisdog said:
I dunno... I'm on Ruin and its not that great...for the last four nights during CST primetime there's only one WSG available, Horde usually has 2-3 players over Alliance and its the same ppl playing... I keep hearing ppl r playing AB and 10v10 premades but I haven't seen it and no one I'm with has seen it either.

bad troll is bad
Haggisdog said:
I dunno... I'm on Ruin and its not that great...for the last four nights during CST primetime there's only one WSG available, Horde usually has 2-3 players over Alliance and its the same ppl playing... I keep hearing ppl r playing AB and 10v10 premades but I haven't seen it and no one I'm with has seen it either.

Fail troll is fail.
Haggisdog said:
I dunno... I'm on Ruin and its not that great...for the last four nights during CST primetime there's only one WSG available, Horde usually has 2-3 players over Alliance and its the same ppl playing... I keep hearing ppl r playing AB and 10v10 premades but I haven't seen it and no one I'm with has seen it either.

well i'd like to know how you queue for ruin from Emerald Dream.

maybe they'll let me do it from Gurubashi!!
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