Insignia of the Alliance

My shaman twinks friend says the vendor no longer sells this item. Where can he get it? I cant seem to find a reference to it anywhere.

Thanks in advance
Apparently its a glitch atm that the alliance vendor isnt currently selling the insignias.
My friend talked to a GM, unfortunately insignia and Battle standard were removed from the vendor. But the GM said that "development" is wanting to bring them back into the game for the lower lvls. Not 100%, but there is hope that they will come back.

Edit: Are the insigs gone from horde vendor also?
I saw this too when an applicant was asking where to get the Insignia.. I thought he was just retarded at first but realized they were actually gone.
Aukko said:
Both gone horde and alliance :p

That's not true, please don't post false information.

Horde Vendor still has Trinket and Battle Standard available.


As for whether or not Alliance will get it back, here are the facts.

Final PTR Build had both available for Alliance/Horde

Horde still has them available.

Blizzard hasn't made any comments about removing them (as of last time I checked, aka Monday).
That Gm must have been retarded. If they are not gone from horde and they were not in patchnotes, then why say they were removed on purpose? -.-
Yep, the Alliance Battle Standard and Insignia of the Alliance are gone at the moment. I'm kind of pissed because I dropped 180 shards to get enough BoA Honor Tokens for my warrior to get his Battle Stanard, and now I can't find it.

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