Video: Lincoln Log Crutch

If you're Horde don't use it on the Alliance.

If your Alliance make sure you know it well for pugs, cause some FCs such as Flox here is going to crutch on this exploit all day long. There is at least one other druid in Ruin that will use it as well any chance he gets, shameful.

Only other option is to have the FC fake drop and wait for EFC to get down to FR if he's dumb enough to fall for it, but then again we're talking about FCs that are willing to take advantage of exploits here.

[ame=]YouTube - Lincoln Log Crutch[/ame]

You can't attack him at range when he's on the logs at all, even as a hunter, etc. He comes back as out of range message when you try. He's basically immune up there from anyone on the roof, pets can't get up there either.

Check out the red text message at the top of the screen that come up at 6.06 when I try to heal the pally taking damage or dot/wand the hunter on the roof.

That's why he stays up there until the flag drops on the other side and tries to race everyone to the cap spot. In pugs this is useless if the other side decides to do a fake drop and if just one person knows how to get up there they can force him to be OOM pretty quickly so he has to jump off. In premades I don't think the teams would ever decide to make this a legal move.

Anyway wanted more people to now how to do this jump by making a video so that the Horde doesn't have an unfair advantage in pugs. Better that the Alliance know about it so they can be prepared to deal with it rather than be capped on by some cheap move that involves little to no skill and reduces the skill required to be an FC namely the ability to kite the opposing team.
Good deal.
Wow some of the things people find out, just so they wont loose is just sad.
Get over it lol. People are going to do it thats fact.
Ah! /angryface some bad 800 hp hunter twink managed to take our flag and sit there for about 30 minutes, we basically just had to sit in mid and kill all of the other team until he got bored and came down. Thanks for the vid though.

Keyboard turner lolol <3
Ego said:
Ah! /angryface some bad 800 hp hunter twink managed to take our flag and sit there for about 30 minutes, we basically just had to sit in mid and kill all of the other team until he got bored and came down. Thanks for the vid though.

Keyboard turner lolol <3

Just go up there and get him :D
I know how to now! ^_^. Sadly, I think more people are going to use this video for the wrong reasons more than right reasons, but on the other hand, if blizzard gets a lot of complaints about this, then it will hopefully be fixed sooner >:3.
Ego said:
Ah! /angryface some bad 800 hp hunter twink managed to take our flag and sit there for about 30 minutes, we basically just had to sit in mid and kill all of the other team until he got bored and came down. Thanks for the vid though.

Keyboard turner lolol <3

Damn, 30 minutes!? Thats like 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5! FIVE MINUTES LONGER THAN FUCKING POSSIBLE!
crusade said:

lol was that him up there? can't say im surprised but cmon...
Ramune said:
lol was that him up there? can't say im surprised but cmon...

Yea I know but literally 4 hours straight, he and another druid did this with different groups the other day. Most of the time I was on defense healing our FC and the offense would be like he's exploiting on roof logs again.

It got to the point that people were afking out.

I'm just hoping this helps alliance players understand how to get up there so it's less of an issue.
He did it to our group too. We managed to get the win though, It was myself, twinkheals, bobbo, flip, outlast and greenred. They had a good team though, what we did is just zerg and not let him get the flag back to base. He got it there after we already had 2 caps, then we just played D and won.
You can't attack him at range when he's on the logs at all, even as a hunter

Cut down on the hunter's (<5) and maybe we can have a real game. It's just a more difficult version of the other terrain strategy's that all fc's in twink games crutch on.
This isn't the first time this exploit has been used, in fact in the past Blizzard has hot fixed this particular area of the map and the ability to get on the logs. The problem is that now there is another way to get up there that is being used.

After having some discussions with members of the community, I've decided to take the next step and contact Blizzard using the video as an example of the exploit. With any luck they will view it and bring about a quick solution to the problem. I'm also going to call them later today and see if I can't get someone on the phone.

If you agree that this is a problem and are interested in helping please bump the following thread on the Blizzard CUSTOMER SERVICE FORUM as much as you can so we can get their attention on this.

World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Video: Warsong Gulch Exploit, Please FIX


p.s. <3 Snowboots
User said:
Cut down on the hunter's (<5) and maybe we can have a real game. It's just a more difficult version of the other terrain strategy's that all fc's in twink games crutch on.

i hate to put myself on the opposite "side" as the majority of you but this guy is right. it really is just a more difficult strategy then the rest and should not be considered a bug, if you could do crazy shit like get under the terrian and dot / heal people while being "untargetable" (yes i know tab target / /target exploiter) that would be an exploit, but to me this looks like a difficult-ish los hump.

now what i expect people to say is "ur jest a baddie hoo crutchs this" or "ur horde, its unfair what if ally had a exploit like this QQ"

well guess what, there was a time when WSG had pretty much equal "exploits"

unfortunately the majority of them were more bugs then they were things that could easily be learned and done by everyone.

(IE: where the root by ally base was placed in.. that was an easy one.. but it allowed you to get under the ground and heal people who were in ally base, with out being kick/sheild bashable...) the logs on the other hand are RIGHT there, this is not like a 2 minute walk just to get from where the player who is exploiting is located and then to where you start the exploit yourself.. its RIGHT THERE just jump up the logs.

only reason people are trying to call this an exploit is "OMFG THE HUNTARS ON OUR SIDE R TEW STEWPID TEW LERN IT"

idk, i may of just ranted but in my opinion that is no worse then climbing the logs in mid.

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